IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I love foie gras, too, but stopped eating it years ago when I found out about the force-feeding. Although I'm sure there's somewhere now that produces a much more goose-friendly version, which would really tempt me. It tastes like gorgeous buttery clouds.
Morning ladies...
crazy morning at work - working for all and sundry today again! pfft!
Thanks for the travel news - here's hoping I can get there without too much trouble...
Vicky- back here on 2nd. T'would be great to have a chat!
Mouse- looking forward to MEETING you...

To all... A very Merry Christmas to all my friends here... (the merrier the better cos, come January, some of us ATTACK!)
yey hope you have a safe trip hun xxxx
Morning ladies...
crazy morning at work - working for all and sundry today again! pfft!
Thanks for the travel news - here's hoping I can get there without too much trouble...
Vicky- back here on 2nd. T'would be great to have a chat!
Mouse- looking forward to MEETING you...

To all... A very Merry Christmas to all my friends here... (the merrier the better cos, come January, some of us ATTACK!)


Have a safe journey!
Oh yes January Attack (i'll be quite pleased when its here). Its gonna get competetive ;)

The roads here are super quiet its great, able to get the late bus, buy coffee and still be at my desk before 9.
Have a safe journey back and Jo ill text you xxxx Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jo, what's happened to your stats?

Eagle eyed Manda! (I thought it would be Vicky who'd notice first... she spotted it when I raised my target by 1lb!!).

I thought, since one of my NY's resolutions is not to weigh myself manically any longer, it was futile to keep my old stats alive on here as they'll be very wrong by the time I get back in the saddle...

So I blew them out into the sky! wooooom! 299lbs then even I'll be pleased with my weight when I finally get on the scales, huh?! <Actually I've just taken current weight out...>
Jo hope Xmas was lovely and your journey was safe and sound, although cold I imagine!

Roll on 4th for Attack for me.

Bren xx
Missing you Jo. When are you back?

BACK!! In more ways than one!

Despite what I said before my departure about restarting without a weigh in, of course I had to put a figure on my restart weight and it is a humungous 79.5K (175lbs). A stone gain ish. Oh well. I deserve it. Enjoyed it. (Ironically, I've been ill for past 8 days and still have a raw throat and bunged up dose since eating poorly and forgetting multivitamins!)...

So rererere(re?) start of Dukan PROPERLY this time. Back to basics. No weekend treats. No NUTTING... Sticking to French book rules (except for cottage cheese this week on attack cos I brought some back with me...) cos I'm more used to it and can't get some of your products anyway. Plus I baked some muffins in advance so used French quantities of bran...

Meeting Manda was lovely... hope I didn't pass any bugs onto you Mouse...

Will catch up (hopefully!) on all everyone else's news when I get my act together by lunchtime at work.

Ps - and if anyone can tell me how to change the title of this thread, I'd be much obliged! (I tried editing first post)
Have a dose of the sniffles myself, Jo, along with the rest of the family. It's the crazy weather - warm one day, -10° the next.

I haven't weighed since New Year's Eve (gained). I expect I'd have seen a further gain after my weekend naughtiness but am chickening out and not weighing in until Friday. Ditto to the total enjoyment of eating it all though:D.

As an aside, I still can't find my book. Do you think it's worth buying another one (almost at stab) or will I just muddle along without it easily enough?
You need to do full edit of first post not quick edit, or something.

Welcome back.

Glad you're focused and ready to do things properly. The more of us on the straight and narrow the easier it will be to stay there.
Robin- there is very little info on Stabilisation in the book. So it's a case really of trial and error perhaps... seeing how many carbs and how much sugar and fat you can reintroduce without regaining.

Jacq- thanks! I managed to change the heading!
Did you weigh in? Must go to your diary to see how you got on!
Looks like you've done it Jo. But on a PC you can right click on the title from memory?!

When is day 1 for you? Im looking forward to muffins after attack. Im still undecided if I should push for 4 days on attack. How many are u doing Jo?
Today is day 1. I posted my menu on the menu thread (would be good if more people did... we could inspire each other!).

Because I've not been on the diet properly for months, I'm going for five days. For those who took a day or so off, say, two or three would suffice.

As a veggie, Bren, you're allowed more bran aren't you? So you can have muffins now no?