I'm just posting this post I made to someone else on the "Low Carb" board, which reveals a little of how I'm thinking ref the future.
Anja, Robin and DD have the best route mapped out...
Some of the new posters, who don't know me yet, might be surprised...
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Ref your longer post up top. I could have written it. (See my signature). Like Vicky, I've been dieting since I was a child and although I did lose 11 stone 7 years ago, it's a constant battle because, fundamentally, nothing has changed for me and I still like nothing better than battening down the hatches and binge eating secretly.
I often say I'm two distinct people and personalities - she who avidly frequents diet forums, loves Dukan diet but tries to eat healthily with it... and she who could happily never eat another proper meal in her life, just cr*p...
I'm now only a stone from target, but it could be 10 as it's that far away always... and I'm honest enough to know that, if and when I get there, nothing will have changed (except that the 80% of my wardrobe which no longer fits will again!).
I'm acceptant of it now. I can't live with being fat again - I really hated myself when I got to 12 st 7lbs after Christmas, and can't resign myself to that weight. I can however accept, albeit reluctantly, to diet most of my life (cos I always have, no change there), fully aware that my slip ups on holidays/special weekends, will always keep me at arm's distance from the elusive target weight... but still enable me to partake occasionally in my favourite past time still - EATING (intentional capitals).
I hope this isn't depressing to read. I'd hoped for a better outcome when I had the "click" to lose weight healthily 8 years ago. But I'm quite acceptant now...
<Back to the Dukan board!>