IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

yeah two cheesey things was unfortunate. The CB pie was planned, but the cauliflower was on offer and I shouldn't have bought it!
Note to self (ref fish + veg dinner last night): when you overcater the veg, Jo, there is NO NEED to pile up your plate with it, then eat the lot. DUH!
Jo, I quite often overdid the veg (and will again today) and although I lost quite slowly, I did lose. Slow off, slow on. I've managed to maintain what I lost (apart from my Christmas/New Year feasting/holiday) so it's only water weight.

Better to eat too much veg that not and then turn to chocolate, etc because you're still hungry/wanting something.
Good point Laura.!

How's today going for u Jo?

Hello ladies... like you, I have problems conceiving that veg will ever be my real downfall. Unfortunately though, the three veg I abused last night are the "worst" kind and I am REALLY REALLY bloated! (white cabbage, brussel sprouts AND cauliflower!!). Even the cat left the bedroom last night :D

But I hear ya... slowly slowly healthily catchee monkey...
Morning Jo - where is everyone today?
Yup here too - blooming nightmare here at the moment... back 10 mins early from lunch so having a quick browse but won't be talking much!

Went out for steak and green beans (liberally doused with butter - so I told myself "an Atkins meal"...). Just had a yoghurt, cos no dessert appropriate - didn't think a lemon meringue pie would quite cut it! I even brought away with me the biscuit given with coffee...
mmm thats what im having for tea Jo :D
well done on the yog for afters though its all to easy to think 'sod it'
I don't think I'll say 'sod it' and eat the contents of the fridge (or similar) ever again. It takes too long to get the weight off again!

Boo hiss to busy work days but I suppose it's better than a day of paper shuffling and the time dragging.
I'm now fiddling with papers cos I don't want anyone else to give me anything else! ;)
woooohooooooooooooooo home to the roost !!! see the darkside aint all that !!! muhawhawha
Well, 4 weeks and bugger all that has stuck :) don't know why but it just aint shifting. I was stalling with Dukan anyway, but then that was over Xmas. I am fed up with counting carbs - and not being able to have a plate of cabbage for example if I want it without feeling I have to weigh it. Also hungry today, after eating my digestives earlier in the week!!
Glad to have you back Mousey...

Ref stall - it does happen with Dukan, particularly after a lengthy period on it, but he does say after 10 days one needs to act. There are a few remedies. We'll talk if you have the problem again.

Next time you stall (cos attack will give you a loss, I'm sure), when you post your menus, try to be as accurate as possible for a while (quantities and all)... it helps gauge them better.