IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

P.S. Jo check your stats! lost 50% of your body weight. fantastic!
haaaa! Doesn't seem quite so fantastic when I was on the way back up!! But I do forget the past easily, I s'pose!
LOL well you shouldnt. thats another Jo you have lost LOL
and you have changed your goal again
Goal should be removed. I put it at 68K a while back (and didn't work out the pounds equivalent, but if you look at my signature, it's unlikely things are suddenly going to move in that direction in 3 weeks)...

It's just numbers :d
ahh. yes they are just numbers Jo.
you looking forward to coming to the UK?
I am looking forward to it... and dreading it... I'm making some plans but am avoiding fixing meals with people for the most part (yet) which is normal to most people anyway one month in advance! Except for my birthday lunch which is booked already.

oooh I'm trying to figure out whether 24 hr Tesco's stores will be open the night of Good Friday (ie between Good Friday and Easter Saturday...). We usually stop at one on our way past at about 2am Saturday am but I've realised that, because of Good Friday, it mightn't be open (Wikipedia says not, but Tesco say nothing on their website) - and I really couldn't face a manic Saturday morning with the two trolley each brigade after a four hour night! Any ideas anyone?
oh no i dont think tescos will be open though Jo. We must chat on the phone this time you are home x
Can you get your dad to get the basics in for you and get up and do the saturday shop?
Yeah that's my fear re Tescos. My sister's gonna ring them up since internet is proving so unhelpful. Yes Dad would shop for me but I dread to think what I'll end up with. (He helpfully bought me some decaffeinated diet coke the last time I asked him to get me some diet coke in. Decaffeinated??? what's the point of that?!! It's WRONG!!)

It's the HORDES who'd be there on that Saturday morning which puts me off. Up here at 5am UK time on Good Friday to do a full day's work (no Bank Holiday in this Catholic country DUH!), then to Calais for 11pm boat, then to my Dad's by about 3am is a long day for me and, while I'm happy going for a meander around the town centre for coffee and bits in the morning, supermarket hell would be beyond me in "jetlag" mode. Then I'm sure supermarkets are closed Easter Sunday, I'm out all day Easter Monday, and I refuse to shop on my birthday (Tuesday!)... aaaah that's one way of keeping the weight in control while in England? STARVE???!!

This morning, up with the lark, I got the ironing board out and ironed a couple of pairs of summer calf length trousers size 8s from the U.S. which fit (just). Very pleased am I too :D

It's so summery here at the moment in the afternoons, just a bit nippy in the mornings, so I'm in sleeveless top again. Scrumps and kids must carry their morning extra layers around with them in the afternoons...

I'll figure out the food thing... the current plan is to hang onto ketosis until Easter Monday (out with kids at beach that afternoon so they usually choose where we eat, so not easy)... so I'll be arriving with cooked chicken, muffins, boiled eggs you name it... (oh and ear plugs because I'll get the inevitable comments...)
Jo thats fab re the trousers! brilliant.
Weather is dull and dingy here and its just rained - on my new car - how dare it! Just get to Tesco early - im sure it closes at 8 on the friday though.
8pm on the Friday? I can't get there until 3am the Saturday. My sister's gonna go ask them. You're probably right. I'll have to write him an elaborate list - or bring everything over with me in the car and hope it doesn't get confiscated at customs!!

It's clouded over here now too...
Yes im sure it wont be 24 hours.
OOh fab idea. do the shopping online yourself to get it delivered to your dads the day you get there or for the sat am :)
easy peasy!
that's not a bad idea... except we'll be out on the Saturday and no one will want to stay home for it. And I want fresh food which I hear they're not the best at choosing for you... I trust him with long life stuff... just the 0% etc that I need to get the microscope out to choose. Given the issues some posters here have to find the fat free stuff!

I'm waiting for my sister to offer to go for me :D

We have a "no Easter Egg" policy established since this morning at least!
Jo, how about getting your 0% stuff in Lidl? You wouldn't get everything but maybe enough to tide you over until after Easter. I have never seen a crowd in Lidl (the staff are very efficient), it's my shop of choice when I need just a few things.

I seem to remember (from being back in the UK and shopping there with my Mum - she liked it because it was small, so just about walkable for her on a good day) that the fruit/veg section in Lidl there isn't too bad (better than here, anyway).
You're all being so helpful and I'm being so awkward but, in my town, Lidl is in an awkward place with very little parking and they don't sell fresh salmon or prawns (and their frozen stuff looks rather hmm...). As I'm shopping for the Dukan bit of my holiday then... I'll need this stuff.

I'm currently considering importing chicken and salmon illegally with me! hihi!

<I've always got SUCH a guilty look when I go through customs with a car full of "contraband" in both directions! Not for resale, I hasten to add, but they've rules about meat etc and we often travel with OH's sausages for my family... and bring back all sorts from OH's butcher friend>
Ha ha Jo.
When you do your online tesco shop you can put notes next to each item for the picker. Im always quite happy with the standard from Tesco.
You ARE just making it awkward for yourself arent you LOL
I've never done an online shop in my life! haaaa!
well there you go. Give it a whirl. :D
I've plenty to think about after my routine annual gynae exam last night. While I would have happily ruminated longer on my favourite subject - my weight and diet (particularly as that's where we started), she had another subject in mind - genetic testing for increased likelihood of certain cancers prevalent in my family. She'd suggested this some ten years ago, but accepted my fear and let it go. Now however, advising me to consider ovarian removal in a few years' time, she explained that it would only be an option for me IF I were found to have a genetic issue "officially". On paper, it's clear now but I'd wrongly presumed from her previous suggestion that if I said 'let's go for it', once in menopause, that she would/could. But no. Not if no high family risk factor established by a genetician. So she's going to do her research as to where best to send me, and I'm to work on a (depleted) family tree and consider my options.

Weight she was pleased with (despite evening weigh in - totally starkers as is so typical, and scarey for us Brits). My last year's blood results were reexamined and she deemed my cholesterol levels fine ("total" is high; HDL (good cholesterol) high. LDL (bad cholesterol) ok.) so she refused my suggestion of a retest this year.

(So I'll keep eating the eggs! just not the Easter ones.)

Speaking of which, two days running I've seen **strange** numbers on the scales in the morning... I'll let you know on Friday if they stay with me.
It all sounds so much more thorough over there!