Yeah that's my fear re Tescos. My sister's gonna ring them up since internet is proving so unhelpful. Yes Dad would shop for me but I dread to think what I'll end up with. (He helpfully bought me some decaffeinated diet coke the last time I asked him to get me some diet coke in. Decaffeinated??? what's the point of that?!! It's WRONG!!)
It's the HORDES who'd be there on that Saturday morning which puts me off. Up here at 5am UK time on Good Friday to do a full day's work (no Bank Holiday in this Catholic country DUH!), then to Calais for 11pm boat, then to my Dad's by about 3am is a long day for me and, while I'm happy going for a meander around the town centre for coffee and bits in the morning, supermarket hell would be beyond me in "jetlag" mode. Then I'm sure supermarkets are closed Easter Sunday, I'm out all day Easter Monday, and I refuse to shop on my birthday (Tuesday!)... aaaah that's one way of keeping the weight in control while in England? STARVE???!!
This morning, up with the lark, I got the ironing board out and ironed a couple of pairs of summer calf length trousers size 8s from the U.S. which fit (just). Very pleased am I too
It's so summery here at the moment in the afternoons, just a bit nippy in the mornings, so I'm in sleeveless top again. Scrumps and kids must carry their morning extra layers around with them in the afternoons...
I'll figure out the food thing... the current plan is to hang onto ketosis until Easter Monday (out with kids at beach that afternoon so they usually choose where we eat, so not easy)... so I'll be arriving with cooked chicken, muffins, boiled eggs you name it... (oh and ear plugs because I'll get the inevitable comments...)