IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Ok. you must be in a quandry thinking what to do?
No not really but I do feel a bit of a "fraud" on here with my current ideas which go against everything most are striving for here, but were really mapped out over Christmas before I restarted Dukan in January.

I do still believe in the system, for most people, but I fear that those who've been as big as I have for as long have a more complicated relationship with food than just one of "greed".

I'm at ease with me. Both of me. And this current atmosphere in my head might well help avoid some of the problems of the past, who knows...

It's 19°C here today... hope it stays fine for Scrumps... <is she still around?>
im here been running about getting bits and bobs sort out an itinery as his lordship keeps changing routes !!!!
kid getting over excited i expect tears before bedtime
Theirs not yours I hope ;)
Jo its great that you have realised your battle with food x
Im just so determined myself not to put this weight back on...but been here before... x
You do look great in the pic.

If you can get your head round this being your true weight that would be terrific.

Are you at a good place clothes size wise( not almost at the size above/below?).

So cruise until Easter?
Theirs not yours I hope ;)

mine at this rate !¬!!! :p
i think some people have more issues with food than alkys ect ....I gave up smoking , still think about it but can cope ....we cant give up food all together so have to learn to live with it ......
as for weight i would of been happy this size 20 yrs ago now i just feel fat
First things first - just checked week ahead's forecast for Scrumps. Cooling down alas from Saturday, but morning temps between 2°C and 10°C to Thurs, afternoon 15-17°C. Light rain showers Wed + Thurs.

-200g today and still smiled so I guess yes I am ok at this weight. Jacq - a very pertinent question and alas the response isn't yes. I've still 2K I'd guess to go before squeezing into some office trousers (I bought two years ago and never have worn) and some new from U.S. jeans too. So I will still try for 68K, yes Cruise until Easter. After? Doubtlessly some correction required in May and first half of June on Dukan then two lots of guests here so will aim for more calorie controlled efforts, perhaps some Judddding (higher calorie days alternated with low calorie days to allow me to eat out with them and not be a diet bore, but compensate behind their backs!).

Vicky asked me yesterday if I thought I could live "the low carb way" and I have been thinking about that. On the whole, the answer would be yes but I do have issues about not eating fruit (having lost 70K eating loads of it in the past), so I guess I'd have to qualify my "yes" with "plus fruit"... which of course eliminates ketosis but surely no one could countenance "ketosis for life"?

I've tried Dukan plus fruit in the past and struggled tremendously with cravings because of not being in ketosis, and often fell off the wagon, whereas the 100% method works so well...

As you say, Vicky, we have been here before - both of us - several times. And most who have fallen off the wagon or taken breaks have seen how much weight piles on quickly as we do unfortunately tend to fall straight back into bad habits we wrongly thought "corrected" because they hadn't plagued us in ketosis.

In reality, in ketosis, that's when we ought to be looking at the whys and wherefores of our food behaviour, and the psychological stuff, cos it's a scarey place out there, out of ketosis, for those of us who wobble without the crutch.

Like you, Tan, I would love to be able to give up food - yes as we did cigarettes - cold turkey for me. Painfully. Miss them still. Would be an addict again if I had a puff. But at least they're 4 years + behind me :D
morning Jo - lovely long post x well done on your loss.
Re the fruit and low carb...there is a lady on here who has done her own low carb diet (i think ive told you about her before) called Lynn and she eats plenty of fruit. I wonder if it is worth pming her and asking her bout what she eats??? low carb can still be under 100g carbs. I dont think im in ketosis anymore Jo and i really truly just dont want loads of carbs...(am i sick LOL and love sick) as in going to place where the pizzas are divine tonight (vodka bar ;)) and i really want to have the goats cheese salad lol. will see what everyone else eats dont want to be awkward if we just sharing.

The problem with us Jo is we live to eat, not eat to live (my Dad is a prime example of eating to love) and I think our obsessions with food, even good food will always be with us!
Jo - Perhaps you could incorporate fruit (but ration the amount) and just cut out (or at least down on) other carbs, such as pasta, rice, potatoes, etc?

Although I'm enjoying my noodles and pasta on Conso, I'm now finding that I'm not craving them the way I used to. It doesn't bother me at all to have meals without them.

So I'm thinking that it might be a good balance to indulge your fruit craving to a limited extent, but keep a tight rein on starchy carbs to give you a sense of safety and control.
First things first - just checked week ahead's forecast for Scrumps. Cooling down alas from Saturday, but morning temps between 2°C and 10°C to Thurs, afternoon 15-17°C. Light rain showers Wed + Thurs.

-200g today and still smiled so I guess yes I am ok at this weight. Jacq - a very pertinent question and alas the response isn't yes. I've still 2K I'd guess to go before squeezing into some office trousers (I bought two years ago and never have worn) and some new from U.S. jeans too. So I will still try for 68K, yes Cruise until Easter. After? Doubtlessly some correction required in May and first half of June on Dukan then two lots of guests here so will aim for more calorie controlled efforts, perhaps some Judddding (higher calorie days alternated with low calorie days to allow me to eat out with them and not be a diet bore, but compensate behind their backs!).

Vicky asked me yesterday if I thought I could live "the low carb way" and I have been thinking about that. On the whole, the answer would be yes but I do have issues about not eating fruit (having lost 70K eating loads of it in the past), so I guess I'd have to qualify my "yes" with "plus fruit"... which of course eliminates ketosis but surely no one could countenance "ketosis for life"?

I've tried Dukan plus fruit in the past and struggled tremendously with cravings because of not being in ketosis, and often fell off the wagon, whereas the 100% method works so well...

As you say, Vicky, we have been here before - both of us - several times. And most who have fallen off the wagon or taken breaks have seen how much weight piles on quickly as we do unfortunately tend to fall straight back into bad habits we wrongly thought "corrected" because they hadn't plagued us in ketosis.

In reality, in ketosis, that's when we ought to be looking at the whys and wherefores of our food behaviour, and the psychological stuff, cos it's a scarey place out there, out of ketosis, for those of us who wobble without the crutch.

Like you, Tan, I would love to be able to give up food - yes as we did cigarettes - cold turkey for me. Painfully. Miss them still. Would be an addict again if I had a puff. But at least they're 4 years + behind me :D
the difference with fags and food is that we have to eat some food cigs we can not go near the kiosk to buy them we have to eat and there in lies my problem!!!!

weather will be fine , we will cope we live in the UK lol

will have phone but dont know if it will work
if not will see you Friday :p
On the fruit front do you want to be able to have all fruits or could you stick to the lower carb ones (berries, some melon)?
Which would give less of a sugarspike, potentially less issue with cravings.

Though I know you mention missing the crunch of apples.
As you say, not the fruit I miss at all. No the fruit + Dukan thing just doesn't work because of the sugar cravings.

When I lost my weight initially, I ate plenty of fruit and lost weight with it without problem, but that was before I discovered low carb dieting / quit smoking and messed up my metabolism I guess...

I shall probably have another round of Dukan May/half June as I said, and then calorie count my way round it. Eating chickens by the plenty if I get in trouble!

I could quite happily Dukan 47 weeks a year, and "not" (and what that entails!) the other 5. We'll see!
You'll work it out.

I'll just hijack to update on me before swaning off.
Planning to be low carb whilst away(still have atkins bars to use up - saves cost of breakfast), minus cocktail night, so will still need a few pp days when I return.
Have a meal out with the parents coming up and another few days away after easter. And easter itself I expect I'll head to the parents so April will be tough.
Oh and aiming to get myself in the gym this weekend, last weekend it went fine but I'm just too tired after work to go in the week.
Have a great weekend Jacq... enjoy the shows!
Afternoon Jo. How was your weekend?
Hey there Vicky... hadn't realised you had Monday morning off so was getting worried you'd been kidnapped ;) LOVELY photo!

My weekend was loverly loverly... typical escape to the country type. Cooking, walking, visiting elderly neighbours (with home baked REAL fat and sugar cake!)... oooh and I got lost in the pathways around the village for tractors to avoid driving through and ended up pretty muddy! (My man sorted my shoes for me! I'd have thrown them out! ugh! dirty!!)...

Then, on arrival back in the city late last night, had just unpacked and sat down at 11pm to watch the news and weather when BOOM! Powercut! Never ever ever in 16 years in this flat, and it was the whole street. Candle? couldn't find one in pitch black for love nor money and even if I had, no matches! Yet in the country we're SOOO prepared as it happens often!!

So we brushed teeth in the dark and retired(after finishing my yoghurt ;))! I banged into things too! Dunno what time it came back on but freezer was ok in the morning!

It's a beautiful summery day... Scrumps is so lucky being outside in it...
My man sorted my shoes for me! I'd have thrown them out! ugh! dirty!!)...
ha me too! mud - yak!

Oh weekend sounds brilliant Jo was the weather gorgeous aswell?

Powercuts are a nightmare - we keep having power surges here. You will have bruises from banging into things!

Aww yes nice photo, we havent stopped laughing all weekend.
Are you meeting scrumps?
The weather was gorgeous both mornings at the weekend, hence I walked in the morning :) (clever girl had checked the advance forecast, saw "rain", woke saw blue skies and sun but wasn't fooled! Knew she had to get her walk in before the heavens opened, and sure enough! They did! Shortly after OH had finished cleaning our black car, hihi!

You look so very happy - it's fabulous!! And look at your weight!

As for Scrumps, well we're all arranged for a meet on April 1 but I'll understand if she arrives with kids and husband in tow in which case it'll be a quick hello. If she's managed to lose them en route <evil cackle>, then we can lunch somewhere Dukan friendly round here quickly. I gave her some suggestions where she might be able to lose them near here!!

If she's too busy, ends up somewhere else, phone doesn't work over here, whatever, then the B plan is that I don't hang around in the street waiting. Just 10 mins and I'm back to my tupperware lunch so no worries either way... (but I'll be sorry not to see her!).

So where is everyone? Jac is on hols, Scrumps too... but does anyone else have permission for absence?
So the car got 2 washes!
Aww will be nice to meet her.
Yes its very quiet - manda will be at work probably and sarah has gone AWOL!!!!!!

and thankyou yes im very happy!