It's still absolutely stupendous weather here... but your chillier air is heading our way so I'm in a skirt (please excuse the lily white legs) because I'll be back in woollies soon, I'm sure!! haaaa! (We've 22°C today and sun, and 13° is forecast tomorrow.)
I had a good check up at the GP's Friday evening - he even said my BP was worthy of an athelete's (but he then spoiled it by asking if I was tired, or unwell, cos it's a bit low!). I told him I was ketogenically euphoric and he just said that he wasn't the anti Dukan diet, just that he wanted me to add fruit in. (Yeah yeah one day I will, it's a promise).
So I gave blood and widdled in a pot this morning, and there's another battery of tests being run for tomorrow night. Including a cholesterol recheck (he doesn't like my last year's figures; my gynae says they're fine. Go figure!).
Saturday, I walked an hour fast alone to where I met OH... we meandered around for 2 hours, before meeting a friend, and walking a further hour with her. (My little legs are shorter now that when I woke up Saturday!). Hot hot though so I must have dehydrated (and had gained 700g Saturday morning!).
Sunday, the vide grenier was awful. The first thing I saw when entering was a woman in a burkha (a sign?), and thirty seconds later, in a crowd were I didn't feel threatened just totally claustrophobic, we turned tail and left without ever having been able to approach the stalls to see what people were buying! Ugh!
So "just" a 2H walk on Sunday