IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Ha me neither Laura. Yes im the same re respecting religions etc, and I really feel (as bad as it sounds) that I should agree with them banning the veil, BUT i cant.......
Its an odd one ...I feel sorry for the women who wont go out at all now .....
If so, I'm torn on the subject. On the one hand, when going into shops, banks, etc bikers have to remove their helmets, I do think for security purposes we should be able to see peoples' faces. On the other, I can't help feeling that not all burkha'd women chose to wear them:( so they may have less opportunity to go outside.

That's exactly how I feel about the subject, Laura. Agree with the security issue. Also, I'm not against women wearing burkhas when they GENUINELY wish to do so - but I do have a big problem with men who force the females to do so.

Jo - I hope that all goes well for your Nan. It's not so bad when they're given plenty of support at home, but not every local authority is prepared to do so, alas.
I cant really understand why anyone would genuinely wish to wear one, even at my most self conscious I wouldnt have wanted to wear a giant sack and entirely cover my face.
Sorry it's been a bit of a morning...

First, on the burkha front, I'm 100% with banning them. (Can you imagine driving in one? Blind spot? CCTV?) As someone said above, we wouldn't dream of dressing as we please when in countries with specific dress codes and traditions, and I can't see that this should be seen in the streets of cities of Europe either. Very frightening for children too, I should think <always a good argument to bring up and win votes!>

I'm ok, but had a horrid morning as my early morning mammo showed "something". OK now though but had to hang around, knowing why, waiting for an ultrasound. I must return tonight though to pick up the pretty photos (oh and that'll be after picking up my blood tests elsewhere! Cripes I'm having a load of test at the mo). Just €250 to pay!

This morning, I've been researching nursing homes for my Nana... addresses, tel numbers, etc. For when the inevitable comes. I don't think it's far away ...

Dieting and weight seem far less important subjects today! Dunno why! (but worry not, I'm not eating!)
Oh Jo - you must have been so scared - was it nothing then?
Re your nana - good idea planning ahead - dont want to be left in the lurch at last minute. can you arrange to see them when you are home?
Ok to add an extra vote for banning them...personally feel "when in Rome" hence why I always drive like more of a maniac on the continent ;)

nah...seriously if I wanted to wear one - I'd go to a country where I could....not impose that sorta thing on a new country....it's just not cricket! :p :D x
Vicky - just a benign cyst. Yes, with my family history, I was panicking! When the guy told me it was ok, as he did the ultrasound, I asked whether sometimes he finds lumps that aren't ok. "Every day", he replied. On the tube going to work, I realised that today could have been the day I heard that. Weird.

Ooooh Sarah... Excellent!
Awww Jo, glad its not something to worry about but understand the heart attack moment.

Its not always people new to a country that want to wear it, cant tell people born there to bog off elsewhere. But still I'm not against the ban.
If you're born into a culture you should be brought up to respect it :p....country takes precedence over religion and fashion for that matter :p.......lol just to put the cat amongst the hijabs *ahem* pidgeons :D x
I'm in ketopsychosis...so expect multi-posts...it's what happens day 4 or so (aint that right Jo? :))

another aside...

I was walking down a road last week with some shopping, around a sharp corner turn from one road to the next I walked slap bang into a hijab wearing presumed woman.... and OMG did I NOT need polyols/senna that day.... frightened the brown stuff outta me!! :)
an aside to the last aside...

must add that Hoodies also scare the bejesus out of me...but there again I'd BAN them too!!!

:D oh and rigger boots (on non-riggers) and tracksuit bottoms tucked into socks...

regular little fashion police lol...nah I don't care for fashion just don't like slobs/chavs/rule breakers etc :D x
Love it!! Love it!!

I must admit that I probably look quite frightening lumbering along in my Reeboks and floaty skirt (yesterday), cut offs (today) and who knows what tomorrow will bring?!! (Well dainty shoes just can't walk fast enough for me in the morning!!).

The hijab at least leaves the face visible (I believe), whereas these slits with overly made up eyes, are very frightening...

I know we're supposed to live in a multi cultural country (or two), but how did it happen? Neither of my countries looked as they now do 20 years ago, or even 10... (5?)
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