Hi all,
I am starting LT today, have put it off for ages, as really am quite worried about the hunger side, and what affect that will have on my mood. But I have bitten the bullet so to speak, and gone for it. Not helped by the fact the nearest participating chemist is 30-odd miles away, but hey-ho, give it a go.
About 18-months ago my business partner started a diet (at the time he was 18st 5lb, and I was 16st 4lb, we have the same christian name, so people referred to him as "fat x" and me as "x", which was harsh on him, but fine by me! Anyway, he lost a stone in the first 2-weeks, and I thought hang on a minute, he will be lighter than me soon, so I started a health kick (low fat/carb diet and loads more excerise). He joined a Slimmers World club, and I did it solo. He had much better results than me, and by the summer was down to 13st 8lb, which was remarkable. I was down to 14st 7lb. Which I was also happy with, as I was eating sensibly, and quite happy with life, and he was skipping meals and living on cupa soup, I knew it would never last.
He went back to his normal eating routine (meals out 4,5 or 6 nights a week) and is now back up to 15st 12lb. I was steady at around 14st 10lb for ages, but have really slipped in the last 3-months, so now I am back up to 15st 12lb also, even though I now go to the gym 3 times a week. Clearly messing something up. Snacking is my downfall, and eating late. So, LT it is!!!