If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

I just had a quick look on the Asda app and if my calculations are correct and you ate a whole jar of Asda Smart Price Sliced Beetroot (340g) it would cost you 2pp BUT if you had 1-107g it would be 0pp, 108-322g it would be 1pp and its only 323-340g which is 2pp! Just gives you an idea. X

Aww thanx hun. Your a star.x
Thank you. Wish me luck for 2moz i think i might need it.x

You're gonna be just fine Sweetie, any time u need to know anything u just ask! Did you say u have an iPhone? X
Thank you. Wish me luck for 2moz i think i might need it.x

You're gonna be just fine Sweetie, any time u need to know anything u just ask! Did you say u have an iPhone? X

Good luck Trina.
As Serena says, you'll be fine.
Definitely have breakfast.
I start my day with 2 weetabix made with hot water & sweetener, then on gym days I go gym, and then have a banana once I'm done.
That sets me up for the day.
And yes... any questions, ask, we're all here to help each other.
If you feel like you're about to go off track, write to us first. We'll try and get you out of it.

Also, I suggested this to someone else.
Plan mini goals and little (non-food) treats to go with each goal.
For example, when you lose 7lbs, treat yourself to a nice hot bath, a manicure, a new top or something else within your budget.
Then another treat for 5% body weight loss, 10% body weight loss, 1 stone, 1.5 stone etc.
Write the list out and stick it on your snack cupboard or your fridge.
Then when you head towards it to snack, look at the list, and think it through.
Look how close you are to your next mini goal and your next treat, and decide whether the chocolate biscuit or packet of crisps or whatever you're reaching for, is worth taking longer to reach.
Just been catching up on diaries. I'm a helper at my local class so listen to the new members talk every week. My leader says all fruit and veg is free so eat until you are satisfied, however be wary of tinned products (do I expect jars are the same) as lots can then have a pp figure due to the products used to preserve them....however as grapes and bananas are on the higher end of the fruit scale you should only have a handful of grapes and one banana a day. I easily eat 3 satsumas, a nectarine, banana, apple, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, cherries plus a salad or veg with dinner a day (I'm definitely a grazer!) and when I'm properly on plan I manage to lose weight most weeks.
Just been catching up on diaries. I'm a helper at my local class so listen to the new members talk every week. My leader says all fruit and veg is free so eat until you are satisfied, however be wary of tinned products (do I expect jars are the same) as lots can then have a pp figure due to the products used to preserve them....however as grapes and bananas are on the higher end of the fruit scale you should only have a handful of grapes and one banana a day. I easily eat 3 satsumas, a nectarine, banana, apple, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, cherries plus a salad or veg with dinner a day (I'm definitely a grazer!) and when I'm properly on plan I manage to lose weight most weeks.

am i the only one who actually dont have breakfast??? its far too early and i prefer a piece of fruit around 10oclock instead, is this not a good way to start a weight watchers diet "/ unsure and startin a fresh tomorow!
am i the only one who actually dont have breakfast??? its far too early and i prefer a piece of fruit around 10oclock instead, is this not a good way to start a weight watchers diet "/ unsure and startin a fresh tomorow!

I used to not eat breakfast as I thought it was too early also.
However, I go to the gym first thing in the morning, and if I didn't eat beforehand, I wouldn't have any energy for my workout and would probably feel sick/pass out.
I'm not going to say that the only way to lose weight is to have breakfast, but I was highly recommend having some, just to set you up for the day, and to stop you from snacking too much.
I also find that cereals are also a filling and low point snack
yeah i may have to start it up then eurgh or will a cereal bar do instead? lol

I'm no dietician and can't really give you proper advice like that, but I'd say a cereal bar is a good start.
Then, when you're used to eating in the mornings, you could start to replace the bar with actual cereal.
But give it a go, see how you get on.
I can't do without breakfast these days.
Usually I get up and have breakfast about quarter past/half past 7. On thursdays I get up a bit later and go to the gym straight before meeting at 10.
I wake up absolutely starving because my body knows that it's usually been fed by that time haha.
I'm no dietician and can't really give you proper advice like that, but I'd say a cereal bar is a good start.
Then, when you're used to eating in the mornings, you could start to replace the bar with actual cereal.
But give it a go, see how you get on.
I can't do without breakfast these days.
Usually I get up and have breakfast about quarter past/half past 7. On thursdays I get up a bit later and go to the gym straight before meeting at 10.
I wake up absolutely starving because my body knows that it's usually been fed by that time haha.

haha yeah suppose ur body gets used to being fed early where mine just dont want anything til around 10, i work in a school n when children have fruit time i have a piece with them too, i just think 6/7pp on cereal and milk is a waste when i dont actually want it lol!!!!!!
I have 2 weetabix made with hot water and sweetener for just 3pp. And then a banana for when I'm finished at the gym. I understand not wanting to spend a huge amount on breakfast, but there's no need to. You can portion is as little as you want. Just eat something. And then you can build it up.

But ultimately, it's your choice. If you don't want breakfast, I can't force you. I can just suggest it and tell you that it works for me =)
I have 2 weetabix made with hot water and sweetener for just 3pp. And then a banana for when I'm finished at the gym. I understand not wanting to spend a huge amount on breakfast, but there's no need to. You can portion is as little as you want. Just eat something. And then you can build it up.

But ultimately, it's your choice. If you don't want breakfast, I can't force you. I can just suggest it and tell you that it works for me =)

thanks for the advice hun :) will try it!! never tried weetabix with water always had milk! i do like those quaker oats sachets though any idea how many pp they are
thanks for the advice hun :) will try it!! never tried weetabix with water always had milk! i do like those quaker oats sachets though any idea how many pp they are

I've grown up eating it with hot water.
I used to have powdered milk on it, but I don't these days.
I'm not entirely sure about the Quaker oats sachets, but from a bit of googling, it looks like it could be about 4pp if made with water. A bit more if you make it with milk.
I'll try and remember to look it up in my ww shop book. It should have it in there.

Good luck with your weight loss journey and don't forget you can ask us any questions. We're here to help each other.

But for now I'm off to sleep. Night.
I've grown up eating it with hot water.
I used to have powdered milk on it, but I don't these days.
I'm not entirely sure about the Quaker oats sachets, but from a bit of googling, it looks like it could be about 4pp if made with water. A bit more if you make it with milk.
I'll try and remember to look it up in my ww shop book. It should have it in there.

Good luck with your weight loss journey and don't forget you can ask us any questions. We're here to help each other.

But for now I'm off to sleep. Night.

awww thanks chick :) nighty night!!!
No i dont have an iphone hun but i have downloaded an propoint calculater app.x

Awwww that's good Sweetie, Good Luck for today! X
am i the only one who actually dont have breakfast??? its far too early and i prefer a piece of fruit around 10oclock instead, is this not a good way to start a weight watchers diet "/ unsure and startin a fresh tomorow!

The earlier you eat the earlier your metabolism gets started. I normally only have a cereal bar but have just got into weetabix and soya milk. I normally eat with my first cup of tea when I get to work xx
thanks for the advice hun :) will try it!! never tried weetabix with water always had milk! i do like those quaker oats sachets though any idea how many pp they are

I've checked my book about the Quaker oats.
1 sachet of Honey & Almond, Original, Raspberry and Sweet Cinnamon are all 3 points each.
Then 1 sachet of Apple & Blueberry, Golden Syrup and Sultanas, Raisins, Cranberry & Apple are all 4 points each.
That's if you make them with hot water I believe. Anything else, like milk, will have to be added on top.

Hope that helps