If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Ooh you both make good points. Im starting my exercisin again so could use them for my milk. If 1 day i dont do any tho i could take them from my weeklies. thank you both of you. I Think i will give it my best shot for a week and see how i get on. Ive never realy tried pp properly i joined on here and i was doing the old points.x

The good thing about activity points is that you're able to use them like weeklies - you can use them at any point during the week.
So if one day you don't earn enough, you can earn more the next day.
Or if you earn a huge amount one day, that can cover you for the next few days in case you can't get any exercise in.
But yeah, give them a go, see what works for you.
Any other questions, you know myself and Serena and all the other minimims users will be here to answer them for you.
Good luck =)
I've never heard of that bread although I'm a huge Kingsmill Fan! X

I think it's quite new.
I much prefer Hovis over Kingsmill, but was in Asda a few weeks ago and I knew we needed some bread, so I bought a reduced loaf of this Oatilicious just as a stopgap until mum got to go up town and get some other bread, and really liked it.
It's about £1.35 in the supermarkets, which is a bit more than I like to spend on bread, so have currently gone back to Hovis for £1 a loaf as I've just been having sandwiches & not toasted ones.
If I ever get the urge to have a toasted sarnie though, may head out & get some of that.
The good thing about activity points is that you're able to use them like weeklies - you can use them at any point during the week.
So if one day you don't earn enough, you can earn more the next day.
Or if you earn a huge amount one day, that can cover you for the next few days in case you can't get any exercise in.
But yeah, give them a go, see what works for you.
Any other questions, you know myself and Serena and all the other minimims users will be here to answer them for you.
Good luck =)

Thank you. Im just reading all my books now ready for a fresh start in the morn. I realy want to get the most out of my points and not just eat rubbish like i did on the old plan. Hope i do as well as u 2.x
Thank you. Im just reading all my books now ready for a fresh start in the morn. I realy want to get the most out of my points and not just eat rubbish like i did on the old plan. Hope i do as well as u 2.x

Do you have a smartphone?!
Because on my iPhone, I downloaded a free calculator app and point everything from that.
I searched propoints calculator in the app store and came up with something called Food Calculator Pro.
It's free and the first option on my screen.
It's logo is a blue calculator and has the propoint icon saying 10 in the picture.
Glad you're feeling excited.
I've got a weight loss diary of my own.
If you check it out, you'll see in my latest post just how much I'm enjoying WW.

I'm currently sitting here eating a 2pp WW strawberry ice cream pot, with 67g of raspberry sponge for 6pp.
Absolutely delish and that's the rest of my points gone today.
Il go have a look for it. This seems a sily question but i love beetroot and can sit with the jar. In the book it says 1 slice 10g is 0pp so wot hapens when u have more. Same with cauliflower it says 1 floret. I Thort u could eat as much as u like if it was 0pp.x
Il go have a look for it. This seems a sily question but i love beetroot and can sit with the jar. In the book it says 1 slice 10g is 0pp so wot hapens when u have more. Same with cauliflower it says 1 floret. I Thort u could eat as much as u like if it was 0pp.x

Not a silly question at all.
With stuff like that, you have to really look into it, and the calculator helps.
When I put the nutritional info into my calculator, I see how many points 1 of that potion is, then I see how much twice the portion is.

As WW doesn't do half points anymore, something could be 1.4 points, which rounds down to 1.
However, if you have two of them, it works out as 2.8 points, which rounds up to 3.

So 1 point for 1, but 3 points for 2.
Examples of foods that do this is slices of bread. I don't know the points for individual brands of bread, but I class all bread as 1 slice is 2pp, 2 slices is 5pp.
Also, Laughing Cow Extra Light Cheese Triangles are 1 for 0pp and 3 for 1pp because they are low in calories, but when you have 3, they work out to be enough calories to make a point.

Does that make sense?!
So with the beetroot & cauliflower, you'd have to work it out on your specific brand as they're not always quite the same.
The book is a good guideline but is slightly flawed.
I think they should have the points for 1 portion and the points for 2 portions as well so you can find these hidden pps.
Thanx yeh that does make sense. So you cant sit and eat a jar of beetroot 4 0pp or fill your plate with cauliflower. So am i right in thinking that every thing thats 0pp is only that for a certain amount,you cant eat loads of them? Not that i would eat a plate of cauliflower im just gettin the hang of it. so say an orange is 0pp for a certain weight what happens if u have say 3 in the day does that work out as points. Oh i can c me getting on your nerves with all there questions haha.x
Thanx yeh that does make sense. So you cant sit and eat a jar of beetroot 4 0pp or fill your plate with cauliflower. So am i right in thinking that every thing thats 0pp is only that for a certain amount,you cant eat loads of them? Not that i would eat a plate of cauliflower im just gettin the hang of it. so say an orange is 0pp for a certain weight what happens if u have say 3 in the day does that work out as points. Oh i can c me getting on your nerves with all there questions haha.x

Yeah, 0pp is only for a certain amount/weight.

As for oranges though, and other fruit, I'm not entirely sure whether they up points after a certain amount.
I count all fresh fruit & veg (except certain starchy veg such as potatoes, sweet potatoes & sweetcorn, and tinned & dried fruits) as 0pp.
I often have 2 bananas, or a couple of satsumas in a day and count them all as 0pp.
Obviously don't go mad on the fruit & veg as they do have calories in them at the end of the day, but everyone's supposed to eat at least 5 portions a day, so I think as long as you do that, you'll be ok.

So, I would count fresh fruit & veg as nothing and with tinned, dried, jarred & frozen veg, stick the nutritional values into your calculator and see how you get on.
Put in the info for 100g, and fiddle with the numbers, see how many grams of something is how many points. Like, see how many pp 50g is, and then 75g until you find a portion you think is worth the amount of points.
And if you go low enough, you could find that you can have some for nothing at all.

Does that make sense?!?!

And no, you definitely won't get on my nerves.
I enjoy asking questions about everything.
How are you supposed to learn, if you don't ask?!?!

My current curiosity is about grass.
Do you think different parts of a grass field tastes differently?
Like why do horses or cows or sheep or whatever move about in a field for grazing.
If it all tasted the same, surely wouldn't then just stay where they are until they've finished it all and then move on?!
I think that different parts taste differently. Like some sweet, some sour, some savoury, some vegetarian.
That's my theory anyway :D
Haha thats so funy. Maybe brekie,lunch,tea and pudding is in different parts of the field. Nobody wants to eat the same thing all day so maybe thats y the move about. That was so random it made me chuckle.x p.s just read your diary and im loving it its like reading a book. Its 1 of them that u need to put the kids to bed and make yourself a cup of tea to sit and read it and serenas.x
I think the idea with 0pp Food is that you only eat it till you are full, not just for the sake of it. I always think of the Fruit and Veg as 0pp rather than 'Free' as it still has calories attached! I personally think I ate too much fruit in Week 2, whether it was the Week 2 Curse, too much fruit, lack of exercise or my IBS which cursed me with my 0.5lb loss so I am going to try and cut down a bit on the fruit this week although as a Vegetarian I would still rather snack in fruit than I would on rubbish so I might find it hard to cut down much more.

I've spent my Evening doing a HUGE pile of ironing :-( It took me 1hr 25mins but at least it's done now! I'm rewarding myself with an Echo Falls Rose Spritzer, my last 3pp of the day, heaven! X

Hope you're all well Sweeties. X
People stay out of my way when im ironing i dont end up in the best of moods. I Think im getting the jist of it now so roll on the mornin and u wont believe this but i might try and have breakfast.x
People stay out of my way when im ironing i dont end up in the best of moods. I Think im getting the jist of it now so roll on the mornin and u wont believe this but i might try and have breakfast.x

Yey, u go girl! I always find I'm really hungry in the morning so I use 6pp and start on my milk allowance! X
Thanx yeh that does make sense. So you cant sit and eat a jar of beetroot 4 0pp or fill your plate with cauliflower. So am i right in thinking that every thing thats 0pp is only that for a certain amount,you cant eat loads of them? Not that i would eat a plate of cauliflower im just gettin the hang of it. so say an orange is 0pp for a certain weight what happens if u have say 3 in the day does that work out as points. Oh i can c me getting on your nerves with all there questions haha.x

if it says in book for eg: 125g of cauliflower is no pp then probably 250g is going to have points, same with tbsp of garden peas 0pp the twp tbsp will have points if it just says cabbage(no weight stated) then i count that as 0pp however much i eat, so if it gives a weight/measurement for something then chances are that for that amount it's 0pp any more than that then you need to point it by weight you eat :)
if it says in book for eg: 125g of cauliflower is no pp then probably 250g is going to have points, same with tbsp of garden peas 0pp the twp tbsp will have points if it just says cabbage(no weight stated) then i count that as 0pp however much i eat, so if it gives a weight for something then chances are that for that amount it's 0pp any more than that then you need to point it by weight you eat :)

That's a good point actually, like I was using Tomato Purée earlier, 22g was 0pp but 23g was 1pp so I made sure I just weighed out and used 22g! X
if it says in book for eg: 125g of cauliflower is no pp then probably 250g is going to have points, same with tbsp of garden peas 0pp the twp tbsp will have points if it just says cabbage(no weight stated) then i count that as 0pp however much i eat, so if it gives a weight/measurement for something then chances are that for that amount it's 0pp any more than that then you need to point it by weight you eat :)

Thanx. Im just a beetroot lover so i guess i wont b sitting with the jar and a fork anymore. least it wont turn my wee puple anymore then. Thort i was realy ill when that happend to me didnt no beetroot did that haha.x
Haha thats so funy. Maybe brekie,lunch,tea and pudding is in different parts of the field. Nobody wants to eat the same thing all day so maybe thats y the move about. That was so random it made me chuckle.x p.s just read your diary and im loving it its like reading a book. Its 1 of them that u need to put the kids to bed and make yourself a cup of tea to sit and read it and serenas.x

I'm glad people enjoy reading me ramble on.
I just go on and on and on sometimes though haha.

And yeah... I have too much time sometimes and my brain just goes off on one.
I'm just curious about everything and like to ask questions haha
Thanx. Im just a beetroot lover so i guess i wont b sitting with the jar and a fork anymore. least it wont turn my wee puple anymore then. Thort i was realy ill when that happend to me didnt no beetroot did that haha.x

I just had a quick look on the Asda app and if my calculations are correct and you ate a whole jar of Asda Smart Price Sliced Beetroot (340g) it would cost you 2pp BUT if you had 1-107g it would be 0pp, 108-322g it would be 1pp and its only 323-340g which is 2pp! Just gives you an idea. X
I'm glad people enjoy reading me ramble on.
I just go on and on and on sometimes though haha.

And yeah... I have too much time sometimes and my brain just goes off on one.
I'm just curious about everything and like to ask questions haha

We love your rambling Emma! X