Fairy577 said:
HOLY MOTHER OF SWEET BABY JEBUS CHRISTY!!! You look bloody amazing! I'm so so chuffed for you. I love the outfit with the sequinned jacket on. It's beautiful. Well done missy! Well today had been the first day in a long time I have been good. My heed is in a bin with all this man business. I wouldn't even know where to begin ha ha.
Muchos love to you Christy. Well done chick. Mucho proud of you. Xxxx
Ahhh thanks gorgeous girl

finally feel like I'm looking like a normal person. Fell in love with the jacket and had to have it. Going to invest in some super skinnies for NYE as never thought I would say this but my skinnies are not skinny enough!! Ha ha ha!!
Congrats on having a good day - fingers crosses its a turning point for u and u r ever closer to the 14s

I was 15st2 this morning.
Oh god men...I'm in a right pickle too. Saw that guy I've been seeing on and off tonight, not seen him in like a month but he invited me out for a drink so I thought why not.
When we met up his eyes were on stalks and he kept saying how amazingly beautiful I look and asking how much weight have I lost, blah blah blah and he couldn't keep his hands off me. Part of me loved it because its nice to be told those things, but then I started getting really annoyed because I haven't changed as a person, I've just lost a few pounds.
It's like one of those teen flick moments where the fat ugly kid blossoms and suddenly guys like her - it's made me realise life is actually like that, men are really that shallow. Grrrr!
So now I am sat in my car about to drive home, he's asked me to out for dinner with him to some swish restaurant on Saturday and I am seriously thinking of telling him to p|$s off - arrrggghhh!! My head is a mess and I need someone to tell me what to do
