Hadl pleased you had a good valentines from the sounds of things

- no I don't have an xbox or kinnect but I was thinking of getting a wii, as I don't live on my own it would mean I would have to buy a tv as well as I don't use one in my room at the moment, I could get these though in a couple of weeks but it would mean I wouldn't be able to save that much this month - but I am thinking about it.
Starlight - thanks, yes I should think of the packs like medicine especially the tai chicken which i think is revolting I was trying to figure out how I can finish this month without using them today but I might just make them up cold and try to down them quickly. So far on this diet I have had 3 mr's a day with the exception of yesterday when I only had half of my soup as It tasted horrible. I won't do that again thanks for the advice.
Went to work and had to go upstairs in the lift, when I was in the lift in the mirror I thought to myself I can see my face going down now which is nice and this is only coming up to end of week 2. When I got upstairs someone said to me my face is really going down, then someone else said my body is going down in the same room which was nice... Then I got in the lift and went downstairs and someone came over to me and said they hope I don't mind them saying but they can see my face and top part of my body is slimming down - this was all the space of 5 minutes so felt great
Tomorrow is weigh in night so will update with total for week 2 tomorrow! (I cheated by weighing myself early 2 days ago and had lost 3ibs this week - but not sure what it will be tomorrow).
I bought some motivational DVD by Anthony Robbins and am enjoying it.
ps. strange thing - today my chocolate milkshake tastes like mcdonalds milkshake? that's weird lol.
Just weighed myself a day early as I wanted to see how things are going and so far i've lost 5ibs this week which although less than last week considering i had such a good loss last week i'm happy with
Good luck all!