Hey everyone thanks for your comments it's really nice reading them.
Where I'm at
Today is my weekly weigh in and also the day I update my diary here, it's become kind of a focal point of the week for me to be honest. I had a couple of days off at the weekend but was good throughout the week, Monday and Tuesday I was also very good as I knew I had my weigh in on Wednesday so it does seem to have a bit of a positive effect on me weighing myself at the same time every week.
Presence... some of you may remember from my last post I've been trying to sort my life out a bit lately. This has led me to start reading Eckharte Tolle again - his book 'the power of now' was something I first read about ten years ago and I remember it had a really powerful effect on me then and it's doing likewise now. I've been trying hard this week to remain present. I really what to break free of my conditioned actions and thinking and be more present. I have the power to do that now. I've always had it but I just haven't used it. Tolle tells the story of a beggar sitting on a chest full of coins, asking strangers for money, they walk by not giving much until one passer by tells the beggar that he doesn't have any money but he can show him treasure. The beggar is intrigued and listens intently - the passer by tells the beggar to stand up and turn the chest over. The beggar can't believe it when he realises he was sitting on a chest of gold all along.
It's a good metaphor and I really believe that most of us are like that, I know I was! Perfect peace is within our reach if we are able to fully embrace the present moment. I'm finding it difficult to fully embrace this truth but I'm getting there.
At the weekend for instance on saturday I drank alcohol... I drank quite alot I then went out and drank more with a friend who had maybe 2 drinks at the most. This is me living my old life, it's the conditioning - the belief that drinking alcohol will bring me happiness (which it does for short periods of time) - but it also sucks out my intelligence. It brings happiness because it dulls the brain. I think it's a little like someone that isn't happy with the colour of his window so he smashes the window. Kind of defeats the point. So what I'm looking for in this whole idea of being present is a similar peaceful and content effect in each moment that the alcohol provides but without the alcohol... sure we'd all like that right? Well I'm believing more and more that it's within my reach if I can continue trying to be present. Well not trying to be, but just being present.
What do I mean by 'being present' - as I've been so absorbed in the writing, videos and audiobooks of being present lately - I forget that it might not be obvious what being present is to someone that isn't spending half their day thinking about it! haha
It's accepting every moment as it is, because that is all there is and 'wanting' something else is insanity.. It just is, what is the point in wanting something else? It's about seeing everything as it is, and not labelling things with words or concepts, which are never really anything like the reality of the present moment, but just generalisations. It's about realising that you have everything you need right now, absolutely everything - and that each moment is perfect (unless there is some extreme situation like your life is being threatened for example). It's about realising there is no past of future, except as forms in your mind, that all there ever is, is the present moment, is now. It's about not letting the ever changing physical or conceptual world effect how we feel. It's about connecting with our inner being. Some of those things sound quite far out, but the more you get into this stuff the more you realise it makes perfect sense...
The reason I mentioned drinking saturday was that I'm trying to let you know the kind of dichotomy I've got in my life at the moment with my diet and to be honest my whole life in general. I'm either very good or very bad, and very occasionally in between but it seems to be one or the other. So for instance having drank soo much on Saturday on Sunday I decided I needed to be present... I got up and went for a walk I didn't know where I was going I was just walking - it felt good and I was trying to enjoy the present moment... (stay with me ;p ) - I ended up on a bus, in a nearby town... then I got on a tram and ended up in another town... I walked into the train station and just enjoyed watching people toing and froing for about 20 minutes (weird a? haha) - I then went and had a coffee... then ended up in a pub - it was a great venue... I just had a diet coke and was in there for about an hour and a half sitting in a leather chair relaxing - so I was following the present moment and it lead me to a leather chair about 10 miles from my house. On the way home a friend called who was going to a comedy show with some people from his work - it was about 7pm when he called and the show started at 8pm, at first I said I didn't fancy it (I had just got off the bus near my house) and it was about 12 miles away... in the end I decided to go 'embracing the moment' I said I wasn't going to drink. Had a good night but also had 2 pints of lager - they were bought for me after me insisting that I didn't want any alcohol... but that's all I had.
The strange thing is the day just kind of unfolded it went well and there was no planning involved. Just taking each moment, moment by moment. It's something I'm trying to do more often.
My goal going forward is to remove the completely bad days out (not just in terms of my diet, but bad life choices in general e.g. drinking) and become more and more present every day so I can just enjoy each day without drinking, and without acting in ways that are incongruent with who I really want to be.
I'm aware that this is sounding more and more like an interview with a psychiatrist lol but I just want to give you a true insight into my life in this diary - if you want me to stick to the diet just say
Yesterday night I stayed in the train station drinking a coffee just absorbing the environment watching people come and go - for about an hour on my way home. I reached a state of complete calm - it's strange for me as I'm so used to thinking... I mean I think most of us are, just incessent thinking without realising it. In the past I've tried to calm my thinking and 'be still' - but I'm noticing that I'm being able to sustain these periods of 'no thought' for much longer times - (about 5 minutes at a time now) instead of 30 seconds. When I got in I just felt so at ease, nothing bothered me. I spoke to some people in my house who had some things they were complaining about, usually these would bring me down a bit, but I just didn't react internally to the negativity - It felt good.
So I'm starting to reach a point where I can just be, and not react to every form, or piece of content that comes into my mind. Today was a bit of an exception as we had a meeting at work, I found myself getting irritated by something someone was saying, I reacted a little - I could feel I was reacting - it wasn't an outburst or anything like that, but i could feel what I was saying was charged with the negative reaction I had to what was being said. So I still have some ways to go but I'm getting there....
I'm starting to feel being present and enjoying a peaceful content life, might be within my reach and that feels really great I can tell you, I just need to persevere with it, I hope I will get to the stage where I can wake up every day, go through the day completely at ease with everything, not reacting but responding to situations as they arise. I have a ways to go but am getting there.... and it feels great!
The diet
The diet's going fantastically well, as I said above I had a day off at the weekend - but on the whole apart from that I've been good. Today I weighed myself and I lost 4ibs - I feel good about this, but surprisingly not as good as I think I should. I mean it's a great week for me but I think I'm at one of those stages where the sheer amount I have to lose is at the front of my mind. Week in week out I can lose weight, and it will still take months and months and months and maybe even years to get down to a normal size:faint2:... I just need to get used to this idea! It's not an overnight thing.
Tonight I'm going to play pool with my friend I'm going to drink diet soft drinks and use the night as a practice in being present. I'm going to enjoy it win or lose (I'm a bad loser! haha, so this will be a test) - and just be happy to be alive, on a journey, a journey to enjoy every moment as it unfolds

who knows in a year or so I may have lost enough weight to walk into any shop and buy whatever clothes I want... but in the meantime... I'm going to enjoy the journey