Im going to lose 10 stone

Thanks :)

Found a jacket today and it had a receipt in it dated 9 years ago, it's been languishing at bottom of my wardrobe all this time, it fits me now again which is nice!

I just weighed myself and i'm at 19stone at the moment, so should make my target of getting into the 18stones by tuesday >=)

since I started this diary i've lost 2st6ibs, and since I started exante i've lost 20ibs, roll on August that's what I say! :)

I have been reading through a few diaries for extra motivation and inspiration!

I am starting AGAIN tomorrow, but this time for all the right reasons. I got a reality check last weekend and this weight just has to go.

Your diary is an inspiration to me as I have 10-11 stones to lose..I imagine!!!

My first weigh in is tomorrow morning and last time I braved the scales I was nearing 21 stone :cry:

I'll be starting my diary tomorrow but I'll keep checking yours as it may well help me stay on the straight and narrow.

Well done on your weight loss so far :)
Hey rainbow rose thanks for your kinds words :)

That's great news you are starting your diet today! and you started below 300ibs ! ;P there was just something about seeing 300 that made it seem even worse when I first started. We're all different I know but what I did which seems to be helping is I mapped out my weightloss goals into an action plan and I have montly targets that I can try to tick off, it makes it a bit more managable :)

To be honest I really really reccomend Exante if you are prepared / able to, change your lifestyle etc. It's a big commitment - but the results are really quick. When you can see and feel results in a matter of weeks it really does motivate you to continue.

But I guess we are all different! If I could stay disciplined on a 'normal' healthy eating diet, I guess that would be the way to go as it's just generally a better way of living! But if you want fast results then I really do recommend a VLCD.

Whatever you do I'm sure you'll crush it!
Hey thanks :) went well, weighed myself when I got in, 18stone 13ibs - for a total loss this week of 4ibs.

So I'm now in the 18 stone mark and can tick off the 19's once and for all :)
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Thanks lift :)

was bad today... i was so busy i didn't have lunch at work.. got home and had my shake and got carried away on computer... so i've only had 400 calories today 1bar and 1shake... I don't think it can do the diet any harm and as far as my health is concerned... i think as long as it doesn't happen too often it should be ok?!
I think you are right, as long as you don't do it too often. ;)

I know from experience on previous diets, when I tried to be smart and cut down one WEEK on even less calories, thinking of a big weight loss, I lost NOTHING, because the body panics when input becomes even less than normal and holds on to all reserve fat. So no more silly tactics from me!

Its so easy to forget to eat though, especially when you are online :rolleyes: been there, done that.

Hope you are having a good day and eating enough :)
Hi Imlosingwieght
Amazing Diary, reading your ups and downs and mind insights.

The comments about being fully present. ( I think thats it) I was never able to do this before I was seriously ill. When i thought i was dying, breathing became the most important thing in my life, something done by me a million times a day and the thing that I most ovelooked:sigh:.

I seem to have so much appreciation for the most simplest things now, many friends think im odd, as im able to sit in contentment alone, anywhere at any time and its wonderfull.

I look around and see so many people confined mentaly, not so much to the rat race but to the race of one upmanship that is combined within it.... that they "choose" to take part in.

I found alot of my contentment also came from taking myself off this playing board of life, I have no challanges with anyone else which leaves all my energy for my internal challanges.

Hope this makes sense, when we look around and take in what we think is necessary to be in the game of society then we get heavy. depressed, and to tierd to see our own being and its worth to us.

OMG im babbbling anyway...
Biggest congrats on the Wieght loss, Couldnt do the 3 item a day thing. You have great will power I take my hat off to you.
Subscribing now to watch you dissapear lol:D
Night nite.
Hey lookingforme! Thanks for your kind words and support was really great to read them tonight when I logged in to check my blog. Very interesting what you say about being present. Tolle says frequently that the most sudden transformations from the sleeping state most people live their lives in to full consciousness happens as a result of huge events in our lives. For him personally it was when his life got to such a point that he just couldn't carry on any more, he was depressed with every area of his life and went to sleep thinking what's the point with it all and woke up in a state of pure presence, where everything in his room seemed new. He said he thinks his mind was so distressed the only solution was for it to breakdown the layers of identification and it left him in this state of presence. He suddenly appreciated the gift of life and realised everything he needed he already had inside of himself. He then took himself out and lived on park benches for a number of years! (In complete bliss) - and the rest, I guess as they say, is history! (Now an international best seller and celebrity of worldwide acclaim!)

So it's interesting to hear your personal account of how you broke free from the lunacy that most of us live with day in day out. At a retreat he run, one member of the audience complained about this. He said that Tolle has said himself that people need big events which almost ruin their lives to bring them suddenly in front of presence, and the member of the public said they think that people that haven't had those yet can't break through into presence themselves. He used a great analogy saying it was like people that have gone through these events are breaking the rock of ignorance away with dynamite, whereas people that haven't but are seeking presence are chipping away at it with a penknife! Tolle said it's still possible to get the rock out with a penknife it might just require a bit more work.

I've spent alot of time trying to chip that rock away to experience presence and I find I have a few brief moments of it, but it's so fleeting and I get pulled back into the utterly insignificant trivialities of social life almost as soon as I'd escaped them. I'd love to have what you have which from your post seems to be a continual appreciation for what really matters and an ability not to get pulled back from your presence into the slumber that most of us walk with every day!

Wow... hopefully that wasn't too convoluted for any nice people out there reading my blog, I just got so excited to be talking about this stuff with someone that it just kind of came out haha!

Thanks again for your kind words really motivating to read that you think i'm going to dissapear, ha fingers crossed! and thanks for sharing your personal story really nice to read about :)

diet update

Stuck to plan today, just got in from Cinema and watched 'the social network' - excellent film, really recommend it :) - and... all I had was a bottle of water in there! Have to buy some new work clothes next week as my jackets too big now - so moving along nicely!

GL all, have a great weekend!
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Evening Loosing Wieght nice to read you stayed on the diet plan, also that you enjoyed the subject. I was worried that i babble i can write some odd stuff when i get going:confused:.

I tried to PM Rainbow the other day but i cant have contact untill ive completed a few more posts. After that time im sure to want to swap some visions.

How cool your buying new clothes already,bet it feeeels gooood :D:D:D

Ive had a little ( large) blip. I Will recover tomorrow.;)

Night for now.
Great news on the buying new clothes front, can't wait until I get to that stage :)

Fantastic self control going to the cinema and not being tempted by the goodies on offer.

I think sipping bottled water in a false hunger or craving moment, tricks the mind into thinking its need is being met, because your hands and mouth are 'going through the motions' :confused: or maybe that is just my wishful thinking!

When do you next weigh in?
Thanks RR and LFM weigh ins are on Tuesday I find that day works well for me. It's the right side of the weekend to give me some motivation to get over weekend, and gives me something to look forward to on Monday, to detract from Monday back to work feeling :) ! Listening to radio 4 diet programme atm from the news thread which is quite interesting. A bit of history etc about diets. I've been tired this week as i've been up late most nights so i've decided to just relax this weekend and not go out. But got to watch being at home doesn't tempt me, sure it won't - i think i'll distract myself with my CBT book i'm reading and some films, been watching rocky lately for motivation :) last two weeks i watched rocky I and II, think i'll watch III and maybe IV this weekend :) !

Random thought - as of next week i'm going to cut down my focus on diet stuff, maybe check in Minimins only 2 times a week, as much as i love it, and like learning about diets and seeing others journeys i'm starting to think having the concept of diet constantly at the front of my mind might make things harder, whereas if i can focus on my life as it is, and the diet can take the background i might find it a bit easier! that's the idea anyway!