Imagine if i wasn't fat

Yay to the 12 days off work, must be a great feeling woo hoo xx
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

I leave first thing in the morning.
It was January i think when this ideas was first mooted, and even though I said yes, I was doubtful it would happen. 10 months and 34 lbs lighter, here I am. Regardless of what happens in New York, I am the fittest I have ever been, I had a passion, a hobby, something that was "me". It was great for conversations, great for de-stressing, great fro losing weight.

I was bouncing of walls today, going form excited to nervous and back. Whether it was the friend cooking me dinner, the massage or the rescue remedy, I feel quite calm. The good luck cards were beautiful, my favourites are packed to bring with me.

This Sunday I run a marathon. Not just any marathon. The New York Marathon.

Dreams are simply visions of the future. They can be as real as you want them to be if you are prepared to put in the time.
Hope you have the best time ever, make the most of where you are and get lots of piccies and post them for us all.

Miss you whilst your gone, but a massive goodluck to you

Good luck, good luck, good luck. Have a safe journey. xxx
Thinking of you today, hope you enjoy the experience, now run run run xxx
Thinking of you and can't wait to read all about it when you get back
I ran a marathon.
I ran and I finished, jumping in the air. It took me 5 hours 30 minutes and 45 seconds and they were the best 330 mins and 45 seconds of my life. I was so happy, so emotional, so everything. The best crod in the world cheered us on, and miles seemes shorter than any I'd run before, well until 24, where it seemed to go on forever. "you are all Kenyans to us" "run like you stole something" "don't worry toenails are over-reated", posters, lollipops tissue paper sweets hot dogs bananas and this was on top of the official stations. Seeing the 800 yard sign adn heading off, speeding up as I approached the finish line- what a day. No day can compare. I did it.
Massive WELL DONE you are truly amazing for doing it kellie, Im so proud xxx
Very, Very, Very Well Done, I'm so pleased that it was everything that you wanted it to be.
starting again?

Well it has now been a week since I made my biggest ever dream come true, and I guess its time to move on. I am still in bed, it's my last day off work, and while I would love to lie here all day, sadly there is much to be done.

I have lived this past week on eating out and take aways, so first thing will be coming up with this week's eating plan. I also want to go for a good long walk, I'd like to take another week off from running, not because I don't want to run, but because I think the break would do my body good. Apparently it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to totally heal.

I know I have a few extra pounds on so that is my Christmas target. Ideally I would get to 11 7. And that will be matched by my running, I'm not sure what "totally heals" will mean to my running, but by Christmas I want to be faster over 5 and 10 km.(the goal right now is a half marathon in March) Which is 3 and 6 miles, which is not too long a distance anymore. Shocking that this time last year 5 k was the longest distance I was doing. ( a marathon is around 42k, just so as you know, and that I can see that written down!). As well, I need to get back to body conditioning, which will help tone, as well other types of exercise, just to mix it up for a while.

What I think now is that the thinner we get the harder it is to put on weight. Firstly, I notice it more, and secondly, everyone talks about the weight I've lose which is in built pressure to keep it off. I need to keep that pressure "positive" but I definately think it will help.

Sometimes it annoys me that I only lost 35lbs to run a marathon, but overall I'm happy at where I've gotten to. Many lessons have been learned, and so long as I keep going with small loses, someday i will no longer have to imagine not being fat.

The next few months are going to be difficult, dealing with unemployment, wondering what I will do and all that. I need to have a plan, because right now I am clueless.
Kellie, I still cant even try to begin imagining how it must have felt doing the marathon other than truely amazing, and I think you do have to allow yourself time to heal and relax, so maybe the walking is the way forward for a little while.

I also just realised that you have lost over half the weight you wanted too, so another massive well done for that too.

Go you

You are my hero, Kellie. Take it easy, and don't be too hard on yourself. (How many times have I told you that? I know, broken record, but in my past life as a perfectionist, I noticed that it wasn't a very helpful tendancy, and often caused me to rebel, doing something/or not doing something much more destructive than had I asked less of myself!)
Oh Kellie, really well done - I'm so proud of you and totally in awe!! You are amazing and brilliant and you will find your new path to training and continuing the weight loss as I believe you have already proved to us and yourself that you can do anything you want to. Lots of love, Judi xxxxx
I ran a marathon.
I ran and I finished, jumping in the air. It took me 5 hours 30 minutes and 45 seconds and they were the best 330 mins and 45 seconds of my life. I was so happy, so emotional, so everything. The best crod in the world cheered us on, and miles seemes shorter than any I'd run before, well until 24, where it seemed to go on forever. "you are all Kenyans to us" "run like you stole something" "don't worry toenails are over-reated", posters, lollipops tissue paper sweets hot dogs bananas and this was on top of the official stations. Seeing the 800 yard sign adn heading off, speeding up as I approached the finish line- what a day. No day can compare. I did it.

Congratulations and well done on your brilliant achievement:happy096:

60 days to change my life?

"i need to stop treating my body as a landfill" said a writer in O magazine last January.

She and I must be very alike, and in response to her realisation, she started a 60 day programme to change her life. She chose Bikram yoga.

Its strange sitting here now, because I am now a marathon runner. I've achieved the BIG goal, the lifelong dream that for so long I dared not name. And it's funny how soon the dream fades; yes when I recall the line I feel amazing, when I recall the hours of training,the runs in the rain, I feel proud. But in my day to day life, I am just the same, the same me. Still could eat you under the table, eat junk food til I want to throw up, still use my body as a landfill.

So 60 days to change a life to me just does not make sense. To be your best, it takes a conscious decision every day. Sure it gets easier, but it's still a decision. So a day can change your life. Every day can change your life.

So I've been giving some thought to this. How do I waste my days, because I know those days that I waste (I feel I've wasted a lot this week). OK switch that, how do I live my life the way I want?
I love exercising, it makes me feel better about myself and generally happier. I love food, so I should only eat what I love! (which is a lot but cuts out those times when I eat stuff I do not enjoy for the sake of eating- what is the point?!) I love reading and yet, for some reason, I barely read in my own home. I love to write but again, rarely actually do it. Why is that? Why do I allow life to pass me by? And how do I chose every day to be who I want to be?