In group yappers!

I've only been to 4 meetings so far but already its getting on my nerves. As someone who goes alone, and is new to the whole Image Therapy thing I find it very difficult (and nerve wracking!) to talk to total stranger about things I would normally keep private, such as my diet, so the fact that there are people who have the audacity to talk, not even whisper!, while people are sharing makes my blood boil. There are also a lot of younger members who think its alright to be on their phones for the whole meeting too, I mean I'm only 25 and I'd never DREAM of doing this, its just so rude! I understand that people need to be contactable but REALLY, talking about what so-and-so did at the pub last night is not exactly earth-shatteringly important and can't wait an hour! URGH! Anyway, vent over, I'm glad I'm not the only one!
In the group I go to there is a few people who always talk over other people but iv been going to my group now for over 2 years and them people come and go becuase they are only there to gossip and have no stay or will power they are like children at school, rant finished lol
Speak to the consultants and ask them to print an meeting etiquette sheet off.

Don't push in,
Don't speak through group
Turn ringers on low if they have to be on at all
Take calls outside, no one I'd interested in what your saying
Be respectful of others in the group

If it really bothers the consultant then it's their job to say something

I don't get it... we all pay to be there and listen and well learn where we are going wrong......clearly there talking hasn't helped there weight loss before has it....

sorry it used to annoy me so so much a shy girl in group i find it hard to say anything there haha

Also the people who say/ask silly questions, like why they have gained before going on to list all the high syned foods they have consumed!!!!
Speak to the consultants and ask them to print an meeting etiquette sheet off. Don't push in, Don't speak through groupTurn ringers on low if they have to be on at allTake calls outside, no one I'd interested in what your sayingBe respectful of others in the groupIf it really bothers the consultant then it's their job to say something Lisa
Excellent idea!
A few in our group do chat on when others (even the con) are speaking - drives me batty - but they're all long-standing members so can't really say much!
Oddly enough I can always tell if its gonna be a yappy group or not by the people that have turned up.

Ours has got better to be honest, but sometimes when our C is on hols the area manager takes our group and she has no qualms whatsoever about asking them to be quiet. On the flip side though, I have seen people leave and not come back because they have been asked to shush but like I said earlier, it all boils down to bad manners x
We have one in my group, she doesn't tend to talk when other people are being talked to but she will turn everyone's turn on to herself. The consultant is good and takes control of the conversation but it is getting a little wearing.
We have one of these as well as the yappers and I find both equally annoying. I've had it when I've been trying to talk through something she had kept butting with 'oh yes I've done that/had that etc' but not in a helpful way (ie giving advice) just turning attention back on herself. So everything takes 3 times as long because you have to keep dragging the attention back away from her :rolleyes:
A few in our group do chat on when others (even the con) are speaking - drives me batty - but they're all long-standing members so can't really say much!

Hiya hun you can always say when your not happy, Im a long standing member in my group (over 2 years) and its not an excuse, they should be setting an example not making the new members feel like they don't have a say
*Emsie* said:
I became a yapper when I became bored by the group/IT I have since left group and feel embarrassed when I read how annoying it is for others that I was like it but I do think the way the sw group is run can be boring when theres a lot of people in the group particularly

I agree if its a boring talk i switch off and will be honest do start to natter
i just read thru this thread and am actually shocked!
i feel so grateful that we dont seem to have yappers in our group (but it is only a small group).
but its just plain manners! is it not? if someone else is talking u shut up and listen..or at least shut up? regardless of how boring it is?
My consultant said something to everyone this week about listening to others and not chattering. Even so she had to quieten 3 ladies (2 of them recent new members who are struggling) a couple of times. She said to me she will do the same next week and if it doesn't make a difference she is going to talk to them directly. TO make it worse they sit in the front row so it is very obvious to everyone who is talking.
I started class last Wednesday (used to do it online) and the Consultant is wonderful, really bubbly and thoughtful, so far so good.....then during IT there were yappers and mobiles going off and I felt so sorry for the person speaking and the Consultant. Honestly where are manners these days.....massive pet hate! I hope it improves next week xx
i am leaving my class for this very reason and the fact that they let there kids run around screaming, there is a group of women in my class who do nothing but talk amongst themselves and another group have children and they just let them run around and you cant hear what anyone is saying or the consultant but she never says anything, i made the mistake of saying something last week as i was feeling pretty run down and yukky and not at all happy and was basically told that i should change to an evening group as not so many children at that time of the night. must admit tho all the other kids are ok and reasonably quite and i know you cant keep them quiet for long and expect them to stay quiet for the whole hour.
i am leaving my class for this very reason and the fact that they let there kids run around screaming, there is a group of women in my class who do nothing but talk amongst themselves and another group have children and they just let them run around and you cant hear what anyone is saying or the consultant but she never says anything, i made the mistake of saying something last week as i was feeling pretty run down and yukky and not at all happy and was basically told that i should change to an evening group as not so many children at that time of the night. must admit tho all the other kids are ok and reasonably quite and i know you cant keep them quiet for long and expect them to stay quiet for the whole hour.

This would annoy the hell out of me. In fact, some years back I did leave a SW group because children were allowed to run riot. One woman used to bring her baby who would proceed to scream throughout the whole meeting, and at one group I attended the C's daughter (who was about 6) would whine and moan if she wasn't allowed to speak to her mum during IT!!The last straw for me was when I turned up to find the daughter in charge of the money!! I turned on my heel and walked out. I don't think children should be allowed to attend the group. Parents should find a baby sitter. Or at least some SW classes should be advertised as adults only.
There are a couple of babies at our group and I have to admit they are as good as gold - its the adults that are the problem!

From what you have just said lardylady - I would have complained!!! SW is a business providing us with a service that we pay for and that is just not professional!

I have no issue now in asking people to be quiet - and without blowing my own trumpet - I have lost 4 stone, so when it's my turn to speak I generally have something relevant and helpful to say so I expect a bit of courtesy when I am trying to say it. As with anything, it's only a couple of people that upset the apple cart, and when they aren't there, then there are no problems but some are particularly bad, and when they rejoin and come back to class I always inwardly groan!
I love this thread!

I'm only 32 but the way I moan to people about my group makes me feel like a grumpy old woman, last week this child would not stop shouting and screaming just making noise for the sake of it, it's mother said (loudly about 100 times) stop it or we will have to leave! I was praying they left but never did and continued this throughout the whole IT session!
Last week there is a mother daughter combo who argued through the session and then stomped off banging the door on her way out!
There was one week when this lady who is quite a lot larger than most lost half a pound and was a little gutted as she's been quite good while it was her turn and the consultant was trying to suggest where she had maybe gone wrong this ignorant woman said (loudly) at her size she should be doing better than that! I was gobsmacked everyone heard as it was the only point where there wasn't anyone else taking or a bloody child/baby making a noise! Oo it really gets my goat!

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Yet again stivesliz, totally agree with you. We really do sing from the same hymn sheet. Wish we went to the same group, we wouldnt be "yappers" though would we ha ha ;)