In group yappers!

jezzi999 said:
Unfortunately the sort of problem I have isnt helped by aids :( I can hear most of the beeps in the hearing tests, but have problems actually processing sounds. I don't know if that makes any sense?!

I'm ok with single voices but multiple voices jumble, I'm better with male voices than female, and I hate using the phone!

One of my colleagues has two hearing aids, and understands my pain, so my workplace is pretty good :)

I wear hearing aids, am better with female voices, but I can 'hear' electricity! If a tv is on without sound I can hear it!
I found my new group to be full of particularly rude yappers. It drives me nuts, there is about half an hour whilst people are being weighed to have a natter but once the IT starts then they should button it. Plus in my group the people sit away from the designated seats in their own little cliques and if it's not someone in their cliques turn then they blatantly ignore what's going on and just talk amongst themselves.My C is very quiet and I struggle to hear her and she strikes me as someone who wouldn't say boo to a goose so is unlikely to tell them to button it.
Interestingly there was hardly anyone at our group this week but it still seemed really noisy. The social team seemed to be having a social event behind the C! Doesn't bother me as much any more cos I've got used to it though I still think its quite rude!

Do the social team not go and sit with the other members in the horseshoe when your c starts IT? Our c always says, OK thanks girls, and we then go and join others. I usually sit with new members if there are any. Our group was very noisy yesterday and I felt really sorry for our stand in c. And the hall echoes voices so its difficult anyway. The c's put in a lot of hard work preparing IT (well ours does) and its so rude if you go and are not prepared to listen to what is said. Yes it is a social time, but we are all there primarily to lose weight, maintain target, and learn as much as possible from the c. Sorry rant over, (climbs down from soapbox)
I do the raffle and always make an effort to get to know everyone's name etc and mix in with everyone and our money lady and weighing lady do the same. We are always well behaved and would never yap as we can see how annoying it is, and as much as I would LOVE to say something to the yappers , sometimes an ice glare works wonders!
hollys nan said:
Do the social team not go and sit with the other members in the horseshoe when your c starts IT? Our c always says, OK thanks girls, and we then go and join others. I usually sit with new members if there are any. Our group was very noisy yesterday and I felt really sorry for our stand in c. And the hall echoes voices so its difficult anyway. The c's put in a lot of hard work preparing IT (well ours does) and its so rude if you go and are not prepared to listen to what is said. Yes it is a social time, but we are all there primarily to lose weight, maintain target, and learn as much as possible from the c. Sorry rant over, (climbs down from soapbox)

No most of them just sit behind at the checking in tables. Sometimes they move out but they carry on calculating SOTW and other bits and bobs and then just go off into their own little world. It used to really p**s me off but I just try and sit where I can hear things now. It's so much noisier at the mo because there are lots of children around but I don't mind them as much as the rude grown ups.
My C expects the social team to sit with everyone else during Image Therepy. From what I can remember (I don't normally help out behind the desk) there isn't much for the social team to do once Image Therepy has started - SOTW and certificates are all done before IT starts.
Have to admit the yappers really put me off class when I first started and I almost didn't go back but I'm glad I've stuck with it. My C is pretty good at dealing with the really disruptive yappers - she will finish speaking to the member she was dealing with and then deliberately interrupt the yappers and ask them what really exciting tips they are 'obviously exchanging since it's so important they can't wait til their turn.' Seems to embarass the sh*t out of them and stops their nattering dead :)

As for kids in group I don't generally mind them and understand that there will be a lot of them about during the school holidays and they are fine as long as they are well behaved and quiet. However, at my group some mothers really do let their kids run amok and so I can see both sides of the argument there - I would love to be able to sign up to an adults only group or for there to be more groups specifically for those with children.
whether or not children are a problem is entirely down to the parents surely? parents who let their children run about and make noise that disturbs everyone else are just the same as the people who talk and laugh amongst themselves and don't care about anyone but themselves. i don't see the need to differentiate between the types of annoying member other than some people have really weird views about children. a woman brings her 3yo most weeks and she's no bother at all. she mostly colours or skips about behind us, and if she's a pest her mum tells her off. i think its a shame some other members dont have their mum with them to tell them when they're being naughty! my C is pretty good at hushing people but i'm always staggered by just how rude people can be. tonight someone was saying they were struggling while 3 people talked at full volume and then all burst out laughing! just the last thing you need when you're being a bit vulnerable in front of strangers is to be wondering if they're laughing AT you or just find your life so tedious they're having their own chat. no one is a prisoner at SW, if its terribly dull you can just walk out and let everyone else get something out of it. i can well imagine several kids running about unchecked is nightmarish and i would find it intolerable but it really is a case by case thing with how the parent and C are rather than needing a blanket ban on children for the sake of it.
whether or not children are a problem is entirely down to the parents surely? parents who let their children run about and make noise that disturbs everyone else are just the same as the people who talk and laugh amongst themselves and don't care about anyone but themselves. i don't see the need to differentiate between the types of annoying member other than some people have really weird views about children. a woman brings her 3yo most weeks and she's no bother at all. she mostly colours or skips about behind us, and if she's a pest her mum tells her off. i think its a shame some other members dont have their mum with them to tell them when they're being naughty! my C is pretty good at hushing people but i'm always staggered by just how rude people can be. tonight someone was saying they were struggling while 3 people talked at full volume and then all burst out laughing! just the last thing you need when you're being a bit vulnerable in front of strangers is to be wondering if they're laughing AT you or just find your life so tedious they're having their own chat. no one is a prisoner at SW, if its terribly dull you can just walk out and let everyone else get something out of it. i can well imagine several kids running about unchecked is nightmarish and i would find it intolerable but it really is a case by case thing with how the parent and C are rather than needing a blanket ban on children for the sake of it.

Well said - I think it's when people are struggling and trying to convey this message and poeple yap that it's definitely the worst! I love talking in front of people so it doesn't bother me, but for some, it takes a lot of guts to speak up in the first place and the last thing you need is someone talking over you - undermining what you're trying to say etc.

I am a firm believer that those that stay to group lose more weight and I get annoyed when people will stay for the sake of it, but aren't really listening and conduct their own little social meeting. Like I have said, it is downright rude and totally disrespectful!
My C just tells the yappers to shut up! Lol! It works :)
l0v3child said:
My C just tells the yappers to shut up! Lol! It works :)

Well done to your C. I've been to loads of slimming groups in the past and I've never known one as bad as my current one. I used to take my little one (12 now) to WW and if she was disruptive I'd take her out for a bit. But agree with others in that its the disruptive grown ups who are worst. I think my C quite likes to think that our group is a bit busy and chaotic as she told a trainee C once. To be honest I take the view now that I choose to stay knowing what it's like and if I'm not going to complain then I will just put up with it. I do listen and try to chip in and get the most out of it if others don't it's their loss.
My C expects the social team to sit with everyone else during Image Therepy. From what I can remember (I don't normally help out behind the desk) there isn't much for the social team to do once Image Therepy has started - SOTW and certificates are all done before IT starts.

There is only one time when I continued to sit behind the pay desk and that was just after Christmas when we were soooooooo busy. We had 10 new members to put through the system and my c wanted me to create a card on each of the applications whilst IT was going on. This was the exception as numbers were so high. She likes us to sit with others once IT has started and I enjoy sitting with new members to help them feel at ease. :)
There is only one time when I continued to sit behind the pay desk and that was just after Christmas when we were soooooooo busy. We had 10 new members to put through the system and my c wanted me to create a card on each of the applications whilst IT was going on. This was the exception as numbers were so high. She likes us to sit with others once IT has started and I enjoy sitting with new members to help them feel at ease. :)

I think thats so nice that you go and sit with the new members. I am sure they appreciate it - I know I would have done.

The group I have been going to has a few yappers but the consultant usually keeps everyone in order. There is one woman though who doesn't seem to be able to help herself. I think she's one of those people who just can't not talk!
Our team all sit in the horseshoe to. Everyone is involved in IT, and i think its nice, because otherwise its just 'such and such has gained or lost' we all share recipies and tips and encourge and clap. the sounds of it, i have a really great group! :) Its also a morning group, so everyone is fresh and bouncy, which i like, lol.
I have resurrected this thread from last year as my thread 'gobsmacked' from yesterday seems to have gone down this route.

I am happy to say that my new group is really well behaved in the sense of yapping and the C even gave them all a little pep talk at the start of yesterday's session to 'let other people have their chance to speak without talking over them' which i thought was good.

She is a lovely C but very firm so I reckon she would kick ass if anyone dared lol.
A tad off topic but was wondering what your consultants actually spend IT doing? The one in the group I joined went through her wee hand held display and called out people's names..mentioned if they lost (for which we had to clap and I died a little inside) or if they gained and then asked them how their week was. Is that all IT is?
A tad off topic but was wondering what your consultants actually spend IT doing? The one in the group I joined went through her wee hand held display and called out people's names..mentioned if they lost (for which we had to clap and I died a little inside) or if they gained and then asked them how their week was. Is that all IT is?

Yep, that's it in a nutshell but its about sharing ideas and support too.