(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
No sign yet. Ive got a 2 day blockage goin on!! Have u just dun it again then?x
No sign yet. Ive got a 2 day blockage goin on!! Have u just dun it again then?x
YepSo it's out the way, replied on my thread to you too. 2 Day Blockage sucks :-( What normally helps you?x
Coffee but thats not helping. Maybe i should eat lots of fruit 2day wot do u think? You must b as strong as an ox doing this 30ds. Go u.x
Well if you're like me then no fruit lol, but I'm just odd!!! Prune juice? X
Errr no never i couldnt drink that.x
Just keep going with the coffee, it'll come out soon enough. It might be connected to TOTM not showing, it always affects my tummy.x
Yeh maybe. Im sure it wil sort soon enough.x
U just having an indoors day today? With your tummy and rain too? X
I Think so. Ive got sum1 cuming to fix the shower later so i best stay in.x
How was your day? Did u get the shower fixed? Did u try the 30DS again? X
I didnt hun i dont think im strong enuf. Yep shower fixed now so its all gud.x
Yey! That's good newsHow are u feeling tonight? X
Well im on day 3 of the blockage so my coffee better work in the morn!! Just been busy in the house 2day so totaly ended up missing lunch. Had pasta and meatballs for tea and sum quavers so im under points 2day but its ok coz i can carry mine over. Hows u hun. R U still feeling as gud as u did on hol?x
OMG I can't believe you missed lunch, I never miss meals lol! It's good that you can carry them overIm feeling really positive today, I feel like my head is finally catching up with my body! X
Yay im so so glad. And i was ment to say the other day when u showed us your skress,im so jelous that u dont have a mum tum haha.x
I so do have a Mum Tum! If you'd of seen my 7 Stone 3lb Body I had before I had Poppy! X
But your tummy is so flat and toned and brown. Mine will never be like that but at least it wil be smaller.x
I bet your tummy looks just fine! At least you don't have a fat face like me, that never slims down lol x
Haha u do not have a fat face and even if u did il swap u and u can have my bingos!x
I so do have a fat face! Don't u know that the shop is actually named after me ;-) x And I quite like Bingo, House! X