(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
U so dont have a fat face. U can use my arms to do the 30ds and wen there toned u can give them me back haha.x
It's a deal
U so dont have a fat face. U can use my arms to do the 30ds and wen there toned u can give them me back haha.x
It's a dealBut only if I can use your face for doing face wash and moisturiser, as it would probably take half the amount of product mine uses! X
Haha as if. Gosh hun judgin by the time it looks like we both didnt get the best of sleeps last nite or are u always up at this time.x
Ive been up since about 550, didn't fall asleep till late either.x
Think i was watchin the clock til gone have 1. So i got a sofa yesterday,its second hand but its all we could afford. Its a cream fabric 1 but 1 of those that wen u stil on it u sink into it and it hugs u. The chair reclines and swivels and a big poufe. Ive got the washer on washing all the covers on it.x
Ooooooo that was lucky! I love a comfy sofa,what colour is it? I might do my 30DS before Poppy wakes up.x
Its cream hun. My mums cumin up later to help me rearange my room haha. Yeh u do that and il have my coffee and hope its not day 4.x
Fingers crossed moving the furniture might help move something else ;-) x
Lets hope so. Wel where emma got to again i can feel strike 2 cuming on!!x
Emma's here, but Emma has to work sometimes so can't always be on minimins.
And Emma doesn't really have anything to say about sofas because her boyfriend already has the world's best sofa and she's not interested in any others because they just can't compare haha.
Emma and her boyfriend may or may not have had a 2 hour nap on the aforementioned sofa on sunday after car booting.
Emma may or may not have enjoyed the nap more than she was entitled to as she didn't actually need a nap, just took one cuz he was hehe
What about my delivery cake service then haha.x
I did see that, but I can't comment because I don't want you to set it up.
I'd be skint =(
Especially if you did those giant cream cakes like the ones in the Rochester bakery.
And serenas hot choc with fluff and sprinkles.x
Emma, When are u coming to Rochester??? I need to sort those Size 10s out for you! X
I think u should open it but it shouldn't be a delivery service so we would earn AP getting there!!! X
I'm not sure.
Was considering sweet talking mum into going next tuesday as it's my last tuesday free before youth club starts again.
Cuz I really need one of those cakes.
What do you reckon the pp in it would be?! Haha
Depends where she opens it.
Wouldn't get many AP driving to Huddersfield haha
Got No Idea ! But u can't come next week cos I'm in Bournemouth lol!!! X
You would if you walked lol x
Course you are!
Silly me.
But I can't come any other time =(
Tuesdays are my only day off at The Range (other than alternate saturdays/sundays which is no good for the bakery).
And Youth Club starts back week after next.
I finish Zumba at 1030, it's a 2 hour drive to Rochester, I'd literally be there for like an hour before having to come home again for Youth Club, so would be a waste of petrol.
And then mum's back at work in September too.
So it'd then have to be October half term or Christmas.