Gold Member
It does indeed, just don't like the idea of all those chemicals in my body :-( x
I no hun but u have to think what good they are doing for you 2.x
It does indeed, just don't like the idea of all those chemicals in my body :-( x
I no hun but u have to think what good they are doing for you 2.x
TrueWhat time u heading off to bed? I didn't watch any TV while I was away! X
I dont no we r watchin a film tgje negotiator. No tv wow i dont think i could of survived. I Just like it on for background noise sumtimes.x
I thought is miss it but I didn't, I'm watching some program about some guy who's dieting lol x
Ive been watching fat a year to saue my life i love it.x
I love that too! Jessie Pavelka is a Hottie! I've got 2 Episodes recorded on my Planner I think, saw the first one which was a Guy who worked Night Security, he was transformed! X
Yeh i saw that he was brill. Seen another 2 1 was a girl and she was amazing and the other a dad who wanted his son to b proud of him. I love things like that tho.x
Hey SweetieHow has your Sunday been? Are u starting the 30DS tomorrow? X
Just hectic and leah has just totaly got on my nerves today. I actualy think i woke up grumpy. Ive cleaned the house from top to bottom again! Been looking for a new sofa but just cant afford them prices. I realy wanted cake today and lots of it and it got me thinking,theres takeaways that deliver so y has nobody opened a cake/choc shop and deliver them. Just think they could earn a fortune with us girls cravings every month. If ever i win the lottery i am guna open my own theres a gap in the market!!!x
I finally got my sofa this year, only took me 8 years of saving!!! They are just so expensive!!! PS-I'm glad that there isn't a delivery service, at least my waist is safe!!! X
But just think of the belgian bun u cud have with your weeklies at the weekend.x
Nah, the whole Belgian Bun thing was so last week ;-) Did u ever have yours btw?x
Fine il start doin the most amazing hot chocs aswel,now wil u order frome.meno i dint hun im over the belgian bun now i want triple choc fudge cake!!!x
If u do the most amazing hot chocolates then of course ill order from u, as long as u have my red milk ;-) Ewwwwww Fudge Cake, not a fan of that! Do u not miss the fact that you could have Weeklies on PP? X
Il get it just for u. No coz wen my points r gone there gone. If i had weeklies id just use them to binge big time and i need to get out of that habit. Im doing apple crumble 2 and maybe even pear aswell. Dont kid yourself i bet u would b 1 of my best customers. Might even put fluff on the menu. U no u can resist. Hot choc with fluff on top?x
I reckon Fluff Hot Chocolate would be a hit, as long as it has sprinkles! I swear to god Trina, I'm laying in bed and I actually still ache from the 30DS, nearly 12 hours afterwards! X
Of course sprinkles. How do u feel this morn?x
I'm feeling very sweaty, never sweated so much in my life lol! U? Any sign of Aunty Flo?x