Glad someone,s still OP unlike yours truly! Lol!How you getting on? Good weekend?x
Ooo that's a tricky decision! Is ww not working for you?x
We have both stopped ww and point adding, it's rather refreshing not having too. I am just eating healthily, for example yesterday I had shreddies for breakfast, ryvita and cottage cheese for lunch then sweet potato wedges, chicken and salad for tea followed by a yoghurt. I was full and more importantly I was satisfied cos I was eating what I fancied not what I thought was ww friendly!x
Thought you,d beeen quiet hun! Lol! As long as you enjoyed Mothers Day-I got bugger all-story of my life! Well lets hope its a new start for all of us then! I just need to find a way to get over the PMT bingeathons then I,ll ,ave cracked it!Good luck for 'Day 1'both of you.Hey peeps. wel u al seem to be doing realy well. Went out sunday nite and had far too much to drink and im stil suferin the effects today. Havent been eatin great eitha ive had a takeaway every day since sunday. I feel shockin. Back on my healthy eatin 2moz tho. I dont feel guilty eitha, its just life.x