I don't think a day off would hurt, uv done amazing and deserve a treat!! Just get straight back on plan the next day xxx
Think I will, but not go mad. Want to enjoy, but not ruin everything! I'm enjoying the new me too much lol!! xxx
I don't think a day off would hurt, uv done amazing and deserve a treat!! Just get straight back on plan the next day xxx
Wow! Nat you have done brilliantlyMassive well done!
Morning lovely - well done on yet another great loss!!Your first month has been a major success - I'm sure your second won't be far off
Err, before you go on - feel free to ignore my essay below !! I wrote it in the daze of sleepiness and right now I'm debating whether to erase it or not... Either way, I am sorry if it's a deep and painful subject, I obviously don't know your individual situation with your hubby's parents, I may very well be interpreting things wrong.But just wanted to bring a different perspective in.
I read your saga with your hubby and his parents... The thing is, hubby is trying to patch you both up (yes, against your instincts), but it's obviously a sore point for him. He doesn't want you two to fight, it really seems like he's negotiating in the background. He actually wants you two to get on, MIL stopped smoking in her own house to see Max. Surely it's a step in the right direction? I'd take that, situation may improve with time, just right now both of you are very touchy and hurt on the subject. You want Max to be happy and see his grandparents/cousins after all.
As for loans and family... Don't even get me started, my dad's lent out so much money to stepmum's families knowing full well he'll never see any of it again, and they keep wanting more. The thing is, with family there is more leniency, people take family for granted (not in a bad way), but there is more... flexibility on how far you can take things or forget them.
I have noticed that in the UK families tend to be a lot further apart emotionally, unlike families on the continent, it seems like a lot of families are nothing more than acquaintances of convenience (even grandchild/grandparent). In a Russian family, for example, you could get away with a lot more because you know nothing is meant badly. I'm not sure I can even explain it, but ... the best example is: in the UK I HAVE to say 'Please and Thank you' to any and all family. In Russia and Latvia when I started doing the same after living in the UK, my grandparents thought I was mental, they actually thought it was rude because between close family you know what's expected, there's no need to be over the top polite, they know you appreciate it, doesn't even need saying.
Errr... to cut a long story short, what I'm trying to get to here is that... with a family - even if they're not entirely your own, it's sometimes easier to forgive and forget or things will get uglier and uglier with time... and since they are your family... it's easier to get on with it.
My family had a strange issue, Latvians HATE the Russians (occupation and all that). My Latvian grandfather was sent to a Gulag for 5 years when Stalin came into power, which made him a 'traitor' of the nation. My dad (a Russian) fell in love with my mum (a Latvian) and wanted to marry. The problem here was, her family were tainted as traitors and my Russian grandfather was a Captain on the Russian Navy ships. He was denied promotion (essentially forever) because of this connection. So Russian side was angsty. Latvian side was angsty because the other side was Russian and that was reason enough to hate them.
On TOP of that, my mum decided to move to Russia to be with my dad leaving my Latvian grandparents behind. Then she died. Then my sister and I were almost split up permanently (to have a granddaughter with each set in different countries; we did end up living apart for a year)... But you know? My grandparents worked it out. My Latvian grandparents grew to love my dad (and his parents) and accepted them (who'd they'd only known for 8 years since marriage - death) - though you should see the tension in the wedding photos - they look like they're going to rip each other apart!!
Through all that they still forgave and grew the strongest bonds I have ever seen. My Latvian grandmother was the most stubborn of them all, but in the end, even 24 years after the death of her daughter, my dad, now married to another, was holding her hand as she died and she was happy.
Forgiveness is key, no matter how horrible someone may seem, they always have some reason, something that hurts them inside which is the reason why they're scared to let you in. Who knows? Maybe OH's parents are the same, a pride issue perhaps? They're family after all.
...Or maybe they're just horrid people and you can ignore everything I've just written ^ ... sorry for rambling.I'll shush now. ...
Morning lovely!
Thank you, very very pleased!
Yes, I can see hubby is trying to do that. His mum didn't stop smoking to see Max though - she stopped because she's skint. Then started bragging to me how she didn't need an E-Cig to stop, and how she'd smoked a lot longer than I did, blah blah blah.....got my back up as soon as I got there, lol!
I'm happy for Max of course - just wish I didn't have to see them!
Re the loan - I didn't expect thanks. Although, I didn't expect to be treat like this either - I think it's out of order to be treated like this when I saved them!
I get where you're coming from re being polite, etc. We do tend to say 'please' and thank you' a LOT!
The reason I decided to go yesterday was exactly for that. But, with how his dad treat me, I can't and won't live like that. He either starts at least acknowledging me, or he doesn't see me - it's as simple as that. I'm not going to go somewhere to be ignored when I've done nothing wrong.
I don't want him to be grateful for what I did, but I don't expect him to act like this either. Very childish!
I'm willing to forget it all, but if he wants to continue it, there's not much I can do about it, and I'm certainly not hanging around waiting for him to talk to me lol!
Blimey, your family have overcome such adversities! Wow, that's just so amazing that they've achieved that. I just think that's wonderful
It's such a shame your Mum isn't here to see all thisIt must be very hard for you.
Lol, never apologise to me! You talk so much sense!!
And I am willing to compromise, but if he isn't, then I'm afraid that's his choice - I'm not hanging around waiting for him to decide whether I'm worth talking to, lol!!
Thanks lovely, have a FAB dayxxx
LOL, well, she stopped 'cause she's skint - I guess... it's something.Hah. I hate people who brag though < I bet she'll be back to smoking within a few weeks - you however, will give up for life; you can be quietly smug then, remembering full well how she bragged about giving up!
Your OH's parents really do sound horrid - I'm sorry. Despite my hatred of most people I meet, I still try to find good in everyone, no matter how awful they are at the outset. So I guess I was hoping they aren't so bad with my speech previously. But, I'm wrong in this case, clearly!
Personally I have no time for people who are unwilling to compromise or are just plain stupid/stubborn beyond belief. It's better to cut such people out of life, unfortunately, of course, you can't because of Max. He has to make his own decision as he grows up in regard to them, so well done you for allowing him the opportunity.I know it's a hard one, but you're a wonderful mum for doing so. xx
I wish you a wonderful day ahead as I expect you'll read this when you wake up!
Morning my lovely! xx Have a great day! Ive decided to shut the flippin blinds so I cant see how AWFUL it is out there and just pretend that spring has sprung. Its not working yet, but I have hope that it will. lol xx