Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

I did it!!! 40 pro points used today - really pleased that I didn't just tell myself that eating a little bit less won't hurt :) Means I used 10 weeklies this week, aiming to use more next week again of course! 1736cal today, average calorie total for the week - 1503 :) I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning, totm though.


5min walk back from Grandparents' house - not been feeling well so having a rest day!
3mins abs exercises (crunches/reverse crunches/abdominal leg lifts)

Breakfast: 5pp/251cal

Cheerios (3), full-fat milk (2), banana (0)

Morning: 0pp/71cal

Apple (0)

Lunch: 18pp/701cal - complete guess!

Green beans (0), carrots (0), chicken breast (5) (swimming in oil (3), stuffed with full-fat soft cheese (3) and was wrapped in bacon but I didn't eat the bacon), new potatoes (4), 3 tbsps mexican rice (3)

Dessert: 4pp/160cal

Choc ice lolly (4)

Dinner: 5pp/191cal

Ham sandwich (brown bread) (5)

Evening: 8pp/360cal

Walkers baked crisps (3), nectarine (0), frozen yoghurt tube (1), cereal bar (2), frootz buttons (2) (they're a bit like jelly tots but yummier :p, made with 75% fruit juice too!)

Drinks: 0pp/2cal

Water, diet coke, coke zero
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Well done on having more points,that's good to see :0) photos look good..Shame about the afters though! Hope you're feeling better now :0)
Dammit - I meant to ask on my other post - are you feeling better this morning? Good job Daisy's here with some manners to jog my memory! ;)
Jaly said:
Had a lovely day so far, quite chilled :) Will update food later, just had an ice cream bubble ball - they're such a bargain for only 3pp, yum! Hope everyone else is just as well!

Nom to the ice cream bubble ball :0) glad all is chilled,nice to see the name change of your diary :0)
It's just basically a screwball but with chocolate ice cream and a chocolate aero 'bubble' at the bottom instead of bubblegum - yummy! :)

Today-Day 1 of week

Weeklies used: None - 49/49 wp remaining
Pro-points used: 32/32pp
Calories: 1435
Macronutrient breakdown: Carbs - 200g, Protein - 107g, Fat - 24g.


Walking: 30min walk into town from hospital, back from town, dropping sister off at youth centre (about 90mins in total)
Wii: 10mins wii fit yoga/strength, 6 songs 'Just Dance'

Breakfast: 2pp (didn't have time to grab much - was in a rush due to forgetting about the appt :p)

Cereal bar (2), Nectarine (0)

Morning: 0pp

Apple (0)

Lunch: 10pp

Broccoli (0), Brussels (0), Wholewheat pasta (5), Low-fat soft cheese (1), Reduced fat mozzarella (1), chicken breast (3)

Afternoon: 1pp

WW yog (1)

Dinner: 7pp

Bacon in wholemeal roll with butter (7)

Dessert: 3pp

Aero bubbleball (3)

Supper: 9pp

Quark mousse (3), frozen berries (0), semi-skimmed milk (1), superfruity shredded wheat (3), wholemeal toast (2)
It's just basically a screwball but with chocolate ice cream and a chocolate aero 'bubble' at the bottom instead of bubblegum - yummy! :)

Today-Day 1 of week

Weeklies used: None - 49/49 wp remaining
Pro-points used: 32/32pp
Calories: 1435
Macronutrient breakdown: Carbs - 200g, Protein - 107g, Fat - 24g.


30min walk into town from hospital, back from town, dropping sister off at youth centre (about 90mins in total)
10mins wii fit yoga/strength, 6 songs 'Just Dance'

Breakfast: 2pp (didn't have time to grab much - was in a rush due to forgetting about the appt :p)

Cereal bar (2), Nectarine (0)

Morning: 0pp

Apple (0)

Lunch: 10pp

Broccoli (0), Brussels (0), Wholewheat pasta (5), Low-fat soft cheese (1), Reduced fat mozzarella (1), chicken breast (3)

Afternoon: 1pp

WW yog (1)

Dinner: 7pp

Bacon in wholemeal roll with butter (7)

Dessert: 3pp

Aero bubbleball (3)

Supper: 9pp

Quark mousse (3), frozen berries (0), semi-skimmed milk (1), superfruity shredded wheat (3), wholemeal toast (2)
They sound great xx