JanD into the third year of maintenance :-D

LOL!!! IF!!!???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No doubt about it and it's gonna be HUMUNGOUS!!!! LOL xx
It's never as bad as we think though! xxx
Hmmmmmmmm ... we'll see :( xx
Still stuffing for England :( .... Been out today for a roast complete with jam roly poly & custard even though I was full. I've had so many 'last suppers' this week it's not true.
DREADING wi in the morning! Gotta be done though & hoping it'll shock me into action. I'm guessing at about 10lbs - if it's more I'll be devastated (even though it's well deserved) x
:fingerscrossed: it's not more than 10lbs then Jan :) but Jam roly poly & custard mmmmmm :drool: x
Personally I think this whole weight lose malarky is about being in the right mind frame and sometimes it is so hard to get there! Maybe a shock on the scales may help iykwim? Anyway food sounds yum! Glad you had a nice weekend x
How was it?xx
Funny coz I guessed at 10lbs and it was exactly that! ... Wish I'd guessed at 5 now ;)
So 10st 11.4lbs :sigh: ....here we go again!! ;)

Monday 26th September

Breakie - exante chocolate mousse

Lunch - BLMRB

Tea - Turkey mince stew (small portion)

Wine :eek: xx
Watch that stew Jan ;)

So you've 10lbs to lose now? With a menu like today it's not going to take you long at all :D x
I know! I was very aware of the stew but it was the easiest thing to cook with not knowing whether I had 3 of us or 6 for tea!! I really only had a small protion and I think that's the key because I haven't been hungry since.
Had 2 McCoy crisps off DH and have had a V&C since finishing the wine :eek: xx
or even portion ;) x
hehehe :giggle:

Sounding & looking good :) x

p.s... love your hol pics on fb :) Where do you stay? Loved the look of the pool & sunloungers - I went into a bit of a daydream looking at it! haha x
This time we stayed at Filoxinia ... just 2star studios - we only go very basic as we eat out every night and don't cook!!!

Bear in mind this photo is taken from an odd angle and makes the pool look very big!

I daydream every time I look at any of the photos!!!! :eek:

Tuesday 27th September

Breakie - Vanilla mousse

Lunch - BLMRB

3 slices wafer thin turkey ham
1/3 of a nectarine

Tea - Half a tin of tuna, 2 boiled eggs, salad & el salad cream

V&Cs xx

Love the photo Jan, looks lovely. We're the same where we stay in Rhodes, only 2 or 3 stars cos we eat out all the time too. It's so nice though and we love the people that run it and it doesn't need 5 stars to make the holiday fantastic, it already is!!!
Oh Jan that looks lush!
Well done on your menus. Those 10lbs will be gone in no time!x
That looks gorgeous!!! i'd give anything right now to go back abroad! :( :sigh:

Menu for yesterday looked fandabbydozy Jan! x
Thanks folks ... I start work tonight and that seems to be the hardest time :( ... Also I have to get up REALLY early tomorrow coz Mum's gotta have the 3rd injection in her eye :(. I'll have to have something before I take her so it'll be like an extra meal tomorrow :( :sigh:

Wednesday 28th September

Breakie - strawberry mousse

lunch - Asda mrb

Tea - roast chicken salad with el salad cream

will have banana or nectarine in a bit

work - mrb & 2 boiled eggs xx
Looking great again :) hopefully you'll be ok during the night too & there'll be no goodies available! :giggle:

Don't worry about the extra meal, the longer were up the more we need (i think you told me that actually lol) xx
Probably ... sounds like the sort of thing I'd say - especially as it either a/ makes perfect sense or b/ sounds like a good excuse :giggle: xx
Hehe! :p

How you doing tonight?x