Jaqys - dusting off the diary

Going to Panto on the 22nd, excited, probably more excited that Revels is in it in drag than seeing my boy ben.
Having lived abroad for years, I usually haven't a clue who/what you're talking about on the theatre/actor/music front... but Revels rings a bell... which one do you prefer? ohhhh! not them?!
Yes him.

My prefered people (stalkees ;) ) are mostly
Ben and Adrian YouTube - Just When - Ben James-Ellis & Adrian Hansel duet Michael Ball Tour 2009 (anyone watching xfactor this weekend would have seen Adrian a gazillion times on the mcdonalds xmas advert - he's the first to sing).
Plus a bunch of others, they all win me over with pretty voices and great moves.

After being off plan since wednesday (oops) got back on the protein yesterday and hope to be pp til weds, thurs/fri is a family visit and airport run, will take chicken and eggs.

Weight is up but down from yesterday.

And now a spanner in the works, have to go out for work lunch. Ahh well at least they are paying ;)
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Hi Jaqys - you ok? You're very quiet at the moment!
I'm okay.

Off plan and will be until the new year.

Awful weekend, lots of aborted trips to airports - finally successful last thing sat night, so relative safe at my parents but without luggage. And its not exactly the weather for shopping or delivery of the missing case (who knows if it will find a plane).

Am behind on xmas baking, ran out of butter :( hope to be able to get some on the way home. Not sure about how to get home yet, its been snowing heavily all morning and theres a burst water main on the main bus route, sounds like it'll be a hairy journey home.
Oh dear Jacq... what a nightmare indeed...

Someone here just got to the office having spent the morning at the train station waiting for his train to Brussels to go... it didn't... but did anyone tell anyone? Nah! So five hours' wait... for nothing!
Oh Jaq big hugs. i cant exactly say ive been 100 percent as now the rundown to xmas has begun and I have a case of lazy cooking itis ;) just enjoy yourself and get back on the straight and narrow in the new year xxxx
We're allowed to leave early so will take advantage a bit. A fair number have gone already and dont think any of the welsh lot came in at all.

Am not liking the afternoon postcarb slump being back so might make an effort to be more protein-y at least for breakfast/lunch the rest of the week. Dont want to get in ketosis though.

Lunch today was baked potato with beans (ahhh beans how I've missed thee) and dinner tonight is dahl and bits. Will put chicken on the menu tomorrow.
I know what you mean Jaq. I found if i had a sarnie for lunch the slump mid afternoon would be awful. Low carb brekkie and lunch is much better doesn matter if you slump at home!
hope you get home ok xxx
Wow Jaqys, that sounds like a weekend not to be repeated.

Safe journey home!
Well things are not exactly looking up.
Aunt was rushed to hospital last night and will stay there for at least another night. So I'm trying to get the rest of the week off so I can go up there and be errand girl when she gets out.

Hopefully I'll have a nice relaxing day off tomorrow though, sooo excited and also worried not all trains will be running.....fingers crossed.

Have a dukan friendly lunch with me today, chicken and red cabbage, so no afternoon slump for me.

Its freezing in the office, some prat has turned the aircon up, it was nice and warm when I got in.
Sorry to read that, Jaqys, hope your Aunt is better very soon.

Who would turn up aircon in winter? A penguin? *shivers*
Oh Hon sorry to hear about your Aunt. Hope you can finished work so you can get to look after her xxxx

Time off approved :D

Am sure she'll be fine, I think she was missing some meds due to not having her case yet. Hopefully they'll sort it all out quickly and she'll be fine for chrimbo.
Oh Jaq, I went to your diary with the intention of saying I hoped you had a better day today....I'm sorry. Hopefully things will improve from now...
hope everything goes ok hun xxxx