Just going to ramble out some thoughts and feelings here for the sake of my diary
Well, I'm due to start back on Lipotrim tomorrow and I'm ready for it, but also a bit nervous as although I don't want to continue eating the way I have been, I know I'm going to miss the odd little treat like a small glass of wine in the evening, or some porridge for breakfast. That's the problem though - all or nothing for me :-/ Can't just have those things and eat 'normally' and in moderation, else I wouldn't be the weight I am! *sigh* I really wish I could. I really don't want to do TFR, but know I must as I really want the weight loss. If I knew I could be successful on a conventional diet, no matter how long it took, I'd do that. I don't do TFR for the speed loss (although of course that's a bonus), but because it's literally the only diet I've ever lost substantial amounts of weight on. I'm addicted to food and I just can't have it in small amounts. I really don't know if that will ever change - even once the weight is gone. Heck, I'm almost 40 and, it's been gone in the past (so many times!) and it always goes back on :-/ So, it's the extreme diet and miserable life for me for a few months at least (with of course the obvious reward of a good weight loss to make it worthwhile

). There's still so much leftover Christmas treats in the house that hubby and the boys will be left to enjoy. Great for them though as none of them are even the slightest bit overweight or have any 'issues' with food, and no doubt most of it will still be here come Easter now that I'm out of the picture! lol
Anyhow, last day of eating - although I really can't be bothered, and have little appetite for it after the past weeks of over indulgence, so prob won't have that much in the end, and bring on tomorrow, and then one day at a time for as long as I can stand it!