Glad I've inspired you Lolapink

I absolutely adore step. A couple of years ago I was doing 5 classes of it a week. However, I came off my step one day and sprained my one ankle and broke the other in 2 places, dislocated and ruptured the tendon

Spent 10 days in hospital and had to have it pinned and plated. I have however done step classes since, but only got back onto a step about 6 months(ish) ago. Now one class a week is enough for me. I used to do very highly choreogrphed, dancy step, but now do a very basic class. Still gives me an excellent cardio workout, but just less twists and turns!
Funky, did you get to the gym? Did you enjoy?
Ssusee, yep Ki Fit is fab. Would highly recommend it to anyone.
Scarybush, I was shocked at how many calories I burn whilst just sleeping lol. Love having the little goals on it for steps and levels of activity, etc. Sleep monitor is also good. Love it all really
So, day 4 done here. Had humungus headache most of the day which would not go with paracetamol or ibuprofen. Had a little nap this afternoon, and now of course can't sleep again tonight (it's 3 am!). Hunger is coming and going. Had a few tough moments today where I just wanted a good meal, and felt quite sad that I couldn't have one. Otherwise it's been okay
