Got about 12 hours sleep in last night - awesome!

Feel a million times better for it, but still tired lol. I think I only had about 8 hours over the past week, so my body eventually just gave in!
Have been 100% all week, but I think the stresses of things that have happened over the week (cutting a very long story short, my 10 year old was threatened with a knife one day and thumped in the face the next at school. The boy concerned has been excluded, but it's been a stressful time), and surviving on so little sleep are having an effect on my weight. I haven't weighed all week, and hopped on this morning and they haven't moved since Monday

I know I need to take my own advice here, and take this with a pinch of salt, as Monday's weigh in is all that matters, but it's not easy to do! I know lack of sleep messes with a certain hormone that helps with regulating weight, and stress doesn't help. I already have underlying stress going on still relating to the redundancy and not being in work at the mo, etc.
Anyhow, enough moaning! Just having a green tea and then off for a bubbly bath