Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

No wonder you are knackered!!! lol.. Perhaps if you go to bed to sleep and stop all that rumpy pumpy you might feel better!!! pmsl x x

I am glad you are pleased with your hair... It's amazing how much difference liking your hair can make to your mood. You could be right about the Xmas toxins.. I have got a spot on my chin that looks like as if a baby is growing there-it is HUGE!!!! lol

I hope you feel better and more refreshed soon hun.. Please let us know if you are in ketosis yet x x
OMG I thought it was just me, I have spots on my cheek and was worried puberty was happening all over again, for the love of god I cannot go back to frosted pink lipstick and electric blue mascara!!! I love that freshly done hair feeling too, which reminds me that mine also needs doing, I do feel such a scarecrow at present!
Ohhh yes, frosted pink lipstick and electric blue mascara - the good ole days! lmao

Step class went really well. I left looking like a beetroot, so know it was a good workout lol. I'm still quite tired, but energised by the exercise also :) My Ki Fit says I've burned over 3000 cals since midnight - fab! Feeling very focussed and determined, and my stick has turned pink! :D No more blips now. Onwards and downwards :)

Really want to go and make a cup of green tea, but know if I do, I'll be peeing all night, and I need sleeeeep! (must get off here actually lol). Comes to something when you're wishing morning to hurry up, so you can drink green tea!
Ohhh yes, frosted pink lipstick and electric blue mascara - the good ole days! lmao

Step class went really well. I left looking like a beetroot, so know it was a good workout lol. I'm still quite tired, but energised by the exercise also :) My Ki Fit says I've burned over 3000 cals since midnight - fab! Feeling very focussed and determined, and my stick has turned pink! :D No more blips now. Onwards and downwards :)


Crikey Jayne that's some calorie consumption! Have googled Ki Fit, it looks interesting.....do you think it's worth buying? X
that is some major calorie burning alright!! well done youre doing fab! youre ne busy bee... half way through the week,, you need an early night..maybe a bath to make you relax!... and yaayy for ketosis!! send it my way please! :) hope youre having a good day today! x
Well done Jayne 3000 calories! You're bound to have a gr8 loss next week if you kept that up! Problem is, if it was me, I'd be ravenous afterwards - very hard to control ravenous - ketosis or not LOL!!
Just a quickie, hope you had a great day! I might buy some ketostix tomorrow to get me focused, an early night might stop my grumbling tummy! Or at least I won't hear it! X
Well, after yesterday's MEGA calorie burn I jumped on scales this morning and OMG they were looking good. Won't say to much though as only take Monday's weigh in as reality. Rest of the week - up or down - is with a pinch of salt. It was a lovely number to see though :) I've not checked out my calorie burn for today yet, but other than a dog walk, have been fairly sedentary (catching up on kip!). I will be at the gym tomorrow night though for body pump and treadmill, and then Sunday body attack and body pump, so should burn out quite a few cals there. My huge calorie burn yesterday would mostly have come from step class, as I get rid of around 700 cals per class. Don't forget though, that just laying down doing nothing, during a 24 hour period your body will burn around 2000 plus cals (depending on what weight you are) just staying alive. I was quite shocked when I got mine how much I did burn doing not a lot :)

Sandra - Yes, definitely worth buying. It's fantastic! I bought it early last year when I was doing Slimming World and it was really accurate. I was shocked initially to see how many cals I was burning in a day and thought - no way! But, when I ate X amount less and calculated the defecit each week, it pretty much came out at what I lost ie. 3,500 cals under eat gave me a 1lb weight loss. Of course there were the odd times it was a little out, as you have to take into account water retention, etc. But, it's pretty darned accurate. I love it, and would highly recommend it!

So, day .... whatever it is, lol. Lost count!
Really good day today. No hunger, no cravings, in ketosis, well rested, happy scales, happy me :) Feeling super focussed and positive for a fab loss come Mon weigh in - fingers crossed! Not much more to say really lol :D


glad to see youre doing so well think i may have to have a nosey online for one of these magic ki fits... they sound like a right good investment!!

Are you sleeping any better? hope so! and roll on monday :D x
Pudge, I slept really well last night from around 1 am until my alarm went off at 7, and then after I'd taken the boys to school I went back to bed for about 3 hours! lol. Not something I make a habbit of, but I was SO sleep deprived I had to. No idea what tonight will be like now, but going to hopefully go off around 1 ish, and then get up at 7 and not nap tomorrow at all. Will try and bring bedtime forward gradually then each night until I'm getting to bed at a reasonable time. Think it's a bit of a combination of my insomnia kicking in (tend to go through phases with it) and my body clock just being a bit out due to far to many Christmas lie ins, and now not having to be in a routine with work since being made redundant.

Feeling really well this morning. No hunger or cravings, and I feel rather excited about weigh in on Mon as I know it's going to take me to my lowest weight in years (even if I only lost 1lb - but obviously hope for more! Before Xmas I was losing an average of 3lb a week, so 3lb on Mon would make me very happy :) ). I don't want to wish my life away, but come on Monday! lol :D

oh how i love those Christmas lie-ins!! glad youre feeling positive and happy this morning! fingers crossed for your weigh in :) xx
Glad your "in the zone" Jayne. How are you finding the gym with LT? I know you like to push yourself and I'm a bit like that too. (I burned up 900 calories one day in the gym between threadmill, bike, stairmaster and armbike, but I was starving for about 2 days afterwards and it took me all my strength to stay on plan!) Can you control hunger after gym or do you time your shakes for after gym? I'm a bit afraid to go back there yet. Until I'm sure I'll be able to exercise without being ravenous about an hour afterwards!
Just reading through your list of exercise is making me sweat!:0clapper: well done to you! I need to get some gym motivation next week, it'll be the start of week four and I want to make up for my sins this week! I know what you mean about not saying your loss so far this week, its like tempting fate! I always think until the "official" weigh in it doesnt count!
Ssusee, gym is fab :) Plenty of energy for it, and then some! I make sure I have a shake left for as soon as I get home though, and that seems to do the trick :)

I hit just over a 3,200 cal burn for today (24 hours). Did body pump this evening and then got on the treadmill and did day 1 of my couch to 5k programme :) Going to be hard to complete mind as I'm doing it alongside all my other exercise! Running is my bug bear though. I get so far and always give up. I find it quite boring, but at the same time I want to do it! Strange I know lol. I can do interval running, but never manage a good long run. I did years ago though when I did Race for Life, and want to do that again this year, so couch to 5k here I come lol.

Right, must get to bed. Super tired. Catch up with all properly tomorrow xx
couch to 5k?? ive heard of it ,,, is it good? because i really am only couch fit..i hope it starts with walking??... youre doing fantastic with burning all these calories.. i dont know why i thought it was a bad idea to exercise on LT,, i thought that youd go into starvation mode or something, but you seem to be doing great!! im starting back swimming twice a week from Tuesday which im excited about...i love swimming!..

keep up the good work.. :D x
Wow Jayne you're doing so well..
I'm gonna step the exercise up next week fingers crossed my body will like it more than it did this week..

Keep up the fab work xx
Pudge, I got the Couch to 5k as an app on my iPhone. It times you as you do your workout, and tells you when to run or walk and you can listen to your own music a the same time. The actual programme though goes like this:

Week one: 28.5 mins of exercise, with 5 to warm up, 5 to cool down (you do this for every exercise session), and 8 mins running.
8 x run 1 min. Between runs, walk 1.5 mins.

Do every week, 3 x per week, with at least one rest day in between.

Week 2: 29 mins of exercise - 5 to warm up, 5 to cool down, and 9 mins running.
6 x run 1.5 min. Between runs, walk 2 mins.

Week 3: 25 mins of exercise with 9 runnnig.
2 x run 1.5 mins, then walk 1.5 mins. Run 3 mins, then walk 3 mins.

Week 4: 31.5 mins of exercise with 16 running.
2 x run 3 mins, then walk 1.5 mins. Run 5 mins, then walk 2.5 mins.

Week 5: 31 mins of exercise with 15 running.
3 x run 5 mins. Between runs, walk 3 mins.

Week 6: 34 mins of exercise with 18 running.
Run 5 mins, then walk 3 mins. Run 8 mins, then walk 3 mins. Run 5 mins.

Week 7: 35 mins of exercise with 25 running.
Run 25 mins with no walking .

Week 8: 38 mins of exercise with 28 running.
Run 28 mins, with no walking.

Week 9: 40 mins of exercise with 30 running.
Run 30 mins with no walking.

Give it a go :) So long as you time yourself accurately you can do this anywhere. 1.5 hours or so of exercise a week. Not much is it? Plug in some music and run! :)

Oh goodness, I am craving carbs tonight something terrible! I can literally taste stuff I've not eaten! Done distraction, done loads of water, done green tea, done it all. Arghhhhhhhh Would go to bed, but don't think I'd sleep just yet, and then I'd just be laying awake craving. Least on here or watching TV/read a book, I can be a bit distracted. Not an easy one tonight at all!
