Misery guts diary rant coming up....... (food mentioned!)
Struggling loads today

Just want to eat, and eat 'good' food! Wholemeal pasta, baked potatoes, fish, chicken, veg, fruit, salads, porridge, wholemeal bread, eggs, etc. I have a lovely recipe book of one pot meals - I'm very much into simple, non fuss food - that I bought in Sept last year, and I'm desperate to try some of the stuff in there. Every time I log onto FB, all I am faced with is what people are having for lunch, dinner, etc. and even pictures sometimes of things they are eating! I want to cook a sunday roast and eat it!
Yes, yes, I know all the right stuff like - this is only for a small part of my life and will lead to a healthier, better quality of life, etc. I know all the pro's of the diet, but today I'm bored with shakes! I don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to do any diet if I'm honest. I just want to eat healthily and count calories.
I'm not going to though - not yet anyhow. I do feel very miserable with Lipotrim at the moment though

In fact, I think I'm just feeling miserable in general at the moment. I'm finding I've become rather isolated since losing my job, and am also doing a degree of self isolating, which isn't good. Next week I'm going to make efforts to do something about this.
Actually, I think a lot of this reaction is down to having been ill with this cold this week, and not going out that much :-/ Bit of cabin fever setting in! I also skipped Thursday's gym session as my throat and windpipe were so sore, and I won't go now until Sunday. My sleeping is still absolutely dire, and even after only a few hours at night, I can't even nap anymore in the day. Sleep seems to have deserted me totally. Don't think this is helping my mood. On the plus side, this cold doesn't seem to bad and today I've felt a lot better with it. I'm hopeful it's not going to develop into a long drawn out affair!
Anyhow, sorry to moan! It's more for the sake of my diary anyhow, so no responses are needed