Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

Claire, I'll def be lurking and keeping an eye on you hun :) Go for it girl! :D

So, week 23 weigh in and I STS. Am back on track now, so hoping to actually lose something this coming week!

Have a good week everyone :)

Thanks hun - be good! :) xx
Glad you are feeling better hun... A STS is not bad at all, and fingers crossed you are "in the zone" now so it will get easier.. I am lurking more too, so might have to venture onto Facebook (scary!! lol) to catch up with you... Have a great week x x x
Just wanted to post a couple of before and during pics :) First one was taken in May 2010 whilst I was climbing up Pen Y Fan mountain, and the second was taken yesterday :)


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LOOKING GOOD!!!!! ♥ ♥ x x x
The difference is amazing! you look fab my lovely, you don't notice it in yourself I think until you see it in photos, well done x
Okay, so I've decided to make official what I've really been doing for the past couple of weeks anyhow - except this week I've done it with a lot more control!

I'm still going to continue using Lipotrim products - 3 a day, but am also having some healthy food as well and am counting the calories and continuing with my usual exercise (which incidentally has been SO much easier and more efficient since reintroducing food. I used to manage just fine on TFR, and thought I was good, but the difference in energy and efficiency with food is massively noticeable to me during a workout). I'm continuing to use my Ki Fit to monitor my daily calorie burn, log my meals, etc. I'm not in ketosis and don't intend to try to get back into it either at the moment.

This week I am so far (on paper) on target for a 1-2lb weight loss. Fingers crossed!


Update - I've also just decided that I'm going to join Slimming World on Wed, but for the time being still do my own thing and use up my packs, but not tell them. Chances are I'll only be losing 1-2lb a week anyhow, so will be in line with what they'd expect.
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Good for you Jayne, it it works and you can stick with it then surely that's better than being on and off LT? I'm eating a lot more recently too cos I'm doing about 6 hours a week of exercise but I feel so good that I just can't stop! I'm only losing about a pound a fortnight, which is tedious, but I love having energy again:D as you say, you think that you feel fine then ......you feel so much finer!
Yep, Sandra, definitely better to know what I'm doing, rather than being in and out of ketosis and constantly battling with it all. I feel like a weight has been lifted now I've made my decision on what to do and feel inspired again :)

Well done on getting back into your exercise. You're like me, and love it, so I'm really pleased for you that you're able to do so much again :) The weight will come off all in good time. I'd say what's most important for you now at the weight you are is an active, healthy lifestyle, and you seem to have got that sorted :)

Here's to health and fitness:D

Join us over the other side cos we're all trying to be healthier......weird, but there's lots of calorie-counting go on too! Like we've all gone full circle:confused:
Yes, I may well venture over at some point Sandra :) Noticed that a lot of you were calorie counting now. I'm a bit in limbo land at the mo though as still using my 3 lipotrim a day, and then food up to X amount of cals - which vary depending on activity levels for the day. I still also have a lot of weight to lose. So at the moment I don't really fit in anywhere lol I'm keen to keep my diary going though for my own record, so think I will just continue to update here for now and see how things go :)

Hoping I haven't ruined my chances of losing any weight this week. Friday night I went out for a meal, and then yesterday was a calorific disaster! Been back on track today and did 2 exercise classes at gym this morning, so hopefully all will be ok. I've only had my 2 shakes so far, but will be having a proper meal at tea time. Had tonnes of energy, strength and stamina this morning and it really confirmed to me that eating whilst doing so much exercise now is the best for me. The difference really is astonishing, and I'm a bit concerned now about how much stress I was putting my body under before and being completely oblivious to it! Anyhow, this is the new way forward for me for now and I'm very happy about that :)

Personally Jayne I wouldn't swap the way I feel now, energised and buzzing, to be a smaller size or even two! I'm just hoping that it's all going to balance out, super strict some days when it just feels easy and a bit of a binge of a weekend or special occasion......

I was just looking back over your diary......god we've come a long way!
It's been 5.5 months Sandra. Gone so fast!
Well, my food demons well and truly have hold of me once again :( My only saving grace is that up until today I have been counting the horrendous amount of calories I've been eating, so am fully aware of what's going in. I didn't count today (not sure why), but fully intend to do so again from tomorrow.

I don't want to do TFR, but I also don't want to continue to eat as I am. So, I've bought myself some Exante shakes and my plan is to have the following each day:

Breakfast - Oat so Simple with 180 ml semi skimmed milk
Mid morning - Shake
Lunch - Shake
Mid afternoon - Shake
Tea - 3 scrambled eggs and 2 slices of wholemeal toast with very low fat spread.

I may not eat everything in that particular order or time of day, but this is what I want to consume each day.

That all comes to around 1,250 cals a day, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't want to do VLCD or be in ketosis anymore. At my weight and with the exercise I do, I will still have a good calorie deficit each day and should get 2-3lb off each week. I just need to stick to it!

Dreading Monday's weigh in as will no doubt have gained :(

Hello there my lovely! What are we like???!!! We are only human but it's time to buck our ideas up, final shot at tfr for me tomorrow, the fear of the wedding looming so close now has really kicked me up the arse and set my head straight, you have to stay positive or it'll never work. I know I've been smaller and I know I've been bigger so hey ho, I am what I am now! It's time to look forward for me, I have a habit of looking back with rose tinted specs, I need to appreciate who I am NOW and not think lesser of myself because I'm overweight, which I do - I think I've realised that I'm not going to lose weight unless I am happy and love myself, not my old thinking that I can't love myself or be worthy of being loved unless I lose weight. Wow, that's my deep bit over with, how the devil are you? I'm glad you've struck a happy medium with balancing the calories in and calories expended with the exercise, I have faith you can do this! And I'm gonna copy this post onto my diary so I can update that top, I'm going to try and keep my diary entries up every day as an extra motivational tool, fingers crossed for us!!! :) :) :) :)
Well, I lost a lucky 1lb this week :)

Pleased, but know it was most definitely that I exercised it off rather than ate properly. As of yesterday though I've started to make a concerted effort again with the food, and stuck to my eating plan. Feel lots better about myself just from doing that. Must keep it up now and get some more weight off!

Lol, I've just realised that what I'm actually unintentionally doing is Exante's Simple Solutions programme - 3 shakes and then healthy food up to 1,200 cals (ok, I need to drop an egg or slice of toast). I'm out of Lipotrim shakes now and have a 4 weeks supply of Exante. So, I think I may hop over to the appropriate section of the Exante forum where some others are doing the same diet as myself. Feel a bit in no mans land over here now (as I'm not doing TFR) and not a lot of support to keep me going :( I still have a lot of weight to lose and really need the support :-/

I know exactly how you feel chicken! I'm here for support but it wouldn't hurt to lurk on the xante forums too, I don't mind you two timing! Lol! Have a fantastic day, I'm contemplating some pilates! Steady on there!!! X
Lol, thanks hun :) I'll be popping back to keep my beady eye on you, so make sure you're good! :) xx