Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

Oh, and I just noticed that my BMI is almost in the 30's :) Cool!
It's all good Jayne.. You are doing really well hun x x
Woohooo Su, look at your fab weight loss this week :) Well done you! :D

Just had a peek at my old Lighter Life weight loss card from 2005 and in 3 weeks I lost 13lb, so I'm beating myself this time lol. That's made me feel lots better about things :)

Hey Jayne, don't be despondent you're doing great and next week you will doubtless be 17st something! Isn't that something to look forward too?:D
Definitely! :) It will match my scales at home then too a they were on 17st 12 this morning! Damn those jeans I daftly wear to weigh in each week lol

wear leggings to weigh in!!! xx
Day 24

Very excited today as managed to get comfortably into my next size down work trousers :D Also wore a next size down top :D Felt great going into work and had hoped someone would notice my weight loss, but sadly it didn't happen :( I haven't told work colleagues about this diet as wanted comments when they come to be genuine. Hopefully in the next few weeks that will start to happen :)

Well done hun.. What a lovely boost x x x

When you get complimented at work are you going to act all coy about it, or will you tell them you have been dieting? x x
Well done, you are doing great! :)
Emma x
Day 25

Someone at work actually noticed and commented today on weight loss. A little tentatively at first, and with the usual 'you're losing it in your face', but hey, they didn't know about the diet, so it's genuine :) I did tell them that I'd been being really careful and been going to the gym, but didn't go into diet detail. Really can't be bothered with that at work. Most people wouldn't know if I was eating or not, so no need for big explanations there.

Well, I'd best go and get my third pack into me! Not gotten around to it yet and not at all hungry this evening, which is surprising as I went to the gym after work. Feeling really, really well at the moment and very happy with TFR :) Long may it last! Home scales were down to 17st 9 this evening! :)

That's brilliant Jayne!
Well done Jayne, its so nice when somebody notices and gives you a compliment. You are doing well and nice to hear you are in a smaller size work trousers. Bet you feel fab! :)
Emma x
Day 26

(sorry for anyone reading if TMI re TOTM talk! Need to diarise it though to look back on)

Horrid, horrid cravings today. For the first time, for sweet stuff. Usually it's stodgy carbs. TOTM due in next 7 days, so pretty sure it's that, and also wondering if it'll arrive early! (I have polycystic ovary syndrome, so regularity not my strong point!). Am a bit worried about weigh in as I can tell I have water retention - swollen ankles, sore boobies! lol. Oh the joys of being a woman! If nothing beforehand, think I will just have to take Monday as it happens, and know the week after should be a much better loss. It's fluid! I must remember that come Monday.

I've made a big boo boo :eek::(

I bought some products from the Kee Diet which are very low cal, low carb, etc. and (I thought) advertised as suitable for the sort of diet we're doing - bought the choc truffle bars, porridge and cottage pie. All of them were delish! Anyhow been using them for a few days, and not feeling guilty about cheating because as far as I'm concerned all these VLCD products are interchangeable.

However, they've kicked me out of bloody ketosis! My scales have gone up yesterday and today, despite being on less than 500 cals a day, and I'm obviously carb loading! :eek: arghhh. (yesterday I thought it was PMT water retention - some of it could still be of course). The weight gain will be temporary I know, as it's only glycogen and water, but I think the next few days are going to be hell getting them out of my system and back into ketosis.

Not even sure now about weighing in on Monday at pharmacy as obviously I have extra Lipotrim packs here that I didn't use whilst using these Kee Diet products. I may wait until the scales have dropped again and I'm back into ketosis and got the extra glycogen and water out of my system.

You can't cheat the system! So cross with myself. I'm out of ketosis and I didn't even have a good meal first! :break_diet:

I've made a big boo boo :eek::(

I bought some products from the Kee Diet which are very low cal, low carb, etc. and (I thought) advertised as suitable for the sort of diet we're doing - bought the choc truffle bars, porridge and cottage pie. All of them were delish! Anyhow been using them for a few days, and not feeling guilty about cheating because as far as I'm concerned all these VLCD products are interchangeable.

However, they've kicked me out of bloody ketosis! My scales have gone up yesterday and today, despite being on less than 500 cals a day, and I'm obviously carb loading! :eek: arghhh. (yesterday I thought it was PMT water retention - some of it could still be of course). The weight gain will be temporary I know, as it's only glycogen and water, but I think the next few days are going to
be hell getting them out of my system and back into ketosis.

Not even sure now about weighing in on Monday at pharmacy as obviously I have extra Lipotrim packs here that I didn't use whilst using these Kee Diet products. I may wait until the scales have dropped again and I'm back into ketosis and got the extra glycogen and water out of my system.

You can't cheat the system! So cross with myself. I'm out of
ketosis and I didn't even have a good meal first! :break_diet:


Jayne I've done something similar cos I needed something solid to take meds with......so I used Exante bars.....didn't take me out of ketosis but my weight loss seems to have slowed? I think that I've also seen a mention about decaf coffee being better than regular as the latter causes water retention? I must admit that I thought that caffeine was a diuretic but will google it....anyway I ran out of my regular coffee pads (I buy them in France) so switched to decaf granules yesterday and felt like I was peeing all day long! Lo and behold today the scales have dropped 2 whole pounds!

Went back to the pharmacy yesterday to get more LT and going to try and stick with it rather than chop and change, I didn't think that I'd lost much, vie been going by my scales for the last 2 weeks, but I'd lost 8 lbs according to the pharmacist! So if I were you I'd go anyway, the pharmacist knows that your weight can vary soooo much from day to day and even time of day!

Good luck x
Hi Sandra

Oh wow, 8lb off! :) That's fantastic! Really pleased for you :D

Yes, I think I'm going to stick to just Lipotrim products from here on in. Fortunately I think they must've only just lifted me out of ketosis briefly as this morning my stick was purple again, and the scales had dropped down a bit overnight. Very interesting about the decaf. I usually avoid decaf as heard that the chemical process in making it decaf is quite bad for you. Not really researched it myself though as don't drink an awful lot of coffee (don't even have it every day), so never worried about having the caffeine. I thought it was a diuretic also lol.

Honestly this whole diet can really play mind games with you. It was as much as I could do last night to not go and stuff my face with carbs once I knew I was out of ketosis. I didn't though. I went to bed in a full on sulk instead! lol Feel lots better today - despite the hormones! :p

I am going to go and get weighed as planned tomorrow, but not expecting more than a couple of lb off, and even then I'm crossing my fingers!

Good luck for tomorrow Jayne x
Day 28

I lost 3lb and am thrilled! :D It means I'm officially in the 17's on Lipotrim scales and not just on the ones at home lol (which are only weighing about 2lb less now than Lipotrim ones, which is about right once you add clothing - jeans in my case!).

Well done hun... Great loss... It's amazing how much better it feel when you get down to the next stone bracket! lol x x x

Do you always weigh in in the same clothes?

In your photo you look really slim.. You have no double chins or anything (I think i have about 4!! lol)

Beautiful x x