Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

Thanks Su :)

Yep, I weigh in the same clothes every week. Although that may have to change soon as my jeans are falling down! lol. Can only belt them up so much hee hee.

I took that photo a week ago, and I think it's more the angle that works. I def have a double chin lol I do tend to carry my weight fairly evenly though and so it's spread out and people of course tell me I carry it well. It's def all there though :rolleyes:

Nothing to do with the diet, but really pee'd off! Been having these problems with my tooth and last week had a temporary filling put in. Was comfortable until Fri, but had awful toothache and been living on painkillers since :rolleyes: Back to dentist today for a 3 second appointment, only to told it's now infected and needs antibiotics. I then need to return for 2 appointments to have the root canal filled. First appointment, wait for it ...... 19th November! :eek: I will pull the flipping tooth out myself before then if it carries on hurting! Having it done as an NHS paitent and so the whole thing will only cost £39 so shouldn't really complain, but flipping heck. Was told though that if pain didn't settle after antibiotics I should go back. No doubt just for some more antibiotics or other temporary measure though as they just won't have the appointment time to do any work until 19 November.

Am quite worried really as the tooth may well get infected again in the meantime (knowing my luck 2 days before my appointment), plus it's also a little wobbly and I really fear all this delay means I'm going to end up losing the tooth :( I will play blue bloody murder if that happens though.

Anyhow, sorry to rant, but had to let it out!

Diet wise all is going fine today and TOTM is here, so should lose any retained fluid :) Not that I'm sure it made that much of a difference on the scales in the end!

Oh Jayne that sounds terrible and potentially dangerous.....I had an abcess underneath a tooth a long time ago and cos it was a weekend I grinned (hardly) and bore it until my appointment on the Monday by which tome it had burst! My dentist went apeshit with me cos he said that I could've swallowed the pus if it had burst in the night and got septicaemia which can be fatal!

If it gets any worse you'll have to A&E and let them have a look at it.....
Hopefully the antibiotics will settle it down, but yep, it is a bit of a worry :( Will see how things go over the next few days. Just as well I'm not eating really, because I certainly couldn't chew! lol

Day 30

Horrendous cravings tonight! Been hungry most of today, but that's gone now, and I'm just craving salty, crunchy, carby snack food :( At times like this I really wonder if I can continue and do this, and just want to give up! Of course it's bed time though, so I will just get to sleep and I'm sure tomorrow will be okay again. I just cannot wait for this horrendous diet to be finished!

Well done, you are doing so well. I am new to this site, and its my first day on LT. We have the same starting wait, so I can't wait until I see 17 on the scales once again! lol I just hope I can stick to it.

Just had my forst chicken soup, I quite liked it, much better than the shakes. And why don't they offer the flapjacks? I wasn't offered those, I'd much rather have one in replace of a shake!

Anyway don't want to hijack your diary, just wanted to say well done lol
Thanks muffinPrincess :) Not sure why they don't offer the flapjacks. I had to ask my pharmacist for them too. Lots of people hate them, but I love the peanut ones. Wishing you the best of luck with your weight loss.


Well, I'm away to Tenby from tomorrow until Monday, so not sure how much I'll be about. Will prob take a sneak peak on the site from my iPhone of an evening, but probably won't post much as it takes ages! Hope everyone has a good weekend :)

Dont give in - you have lost so much and have come so far already. No other diet would give that loss in such a short time. I have been losing about 3 -4 a week but lost 7 today. It seems to be a big loss every few weeks. This could be your week.
Just a little warning that this post does contain references to food! :break_diet:

Hello :)

Had a really wonderful time in Tenby. Weather was beautiful, caravan was lovely (as caravans go lol), and the children behaved so well :) Hubby had to stay home due to work and it was a shame he couldn't have come with us, but it was fun nonetheless.

However, diet wise it wasn't so good :( I've struggled from the beginning being around food from day one, and recently been craving so badly, and my will power was low, so having to sort 3 meals and snacks a day for the children just got to much for me and I caved yesterday. Now, I didn't have a humungus blow out by any means, but I did eat quite a few small Mr Kipling cakes, 2 slices of jam on wholemeal toast, 2 packets of crisps and some veg and grapes. I also had some chicken and ham slices. Quite a lot of food yes, but didn't stuff tonnes of calories of chocolate or anything like that, or go to the takeaway shop, etc. That's what I would've called humungus!

Anyhow, it's done now. I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Guilt is a useless emotion. I got straight back on the wagon this morning and have been 100% today. Obviously out of ketosis, but not gone near the scales as not interested. Anything they show will be glycogen and water gain, so I'm not looking at them until I'm back in ketosis in the next couple of days or so. Feel a bit hungry, but not to bad really, and still have one pack left to have. Peeing for Britain already this evening lol

Usually weigh at Pharmacy on a Monday, but didn't go today for two reasons - we weren't home in time, and I don't need to see glycogen weight on scales. I have extra packs as I bought extra in case of never being able to get to weigh for whatever reason, and so I'm good for this week. I will weigh again next Monday now and put this week down to experience ;)

Off to have a mooch now to see how everyone else is doing. Just saw above that Su has had an amazing 5lb loss! Woohooo, way to go Su :D

Thank you Jayne, and welcome back hun x x x

I am glad you enjoyed your time away, and i think you done extraordinarily well considering you had the children to sort out.. i hope i have your willpower!!

As you say, it is done now (and it could have been a whole lot worse) and you seem very focused to stick to TFR...

Good luck for your next weigh in hun x x x
Thanks Su :) I am hoping that I will still have lost something this week once the glycogen/water is gotten rid of, and a good loss will then show next Monday. Yes, I'm still very determined to do TFR. I just couldn't handle being around so much food so much of the day :( At home hubby is doing most of the food prep for the boys, and I just make their packed lunches, which is easier as I have my pack straight after and there's no cooking smells. I also don't have to be in the kitchen that much at home with them at school, me at work, etc. Anyhow, let's see what the next week brings :) Well done again you :) xx
Ok so yesterday's getting back on track went really well. One day 100% under my belt. Day 2 today :) No ketosis yet (obviously), but thought I'd check as not sure if I'd hit it a bit quicker this time. Don't feel too bad, and definitely not like getting into it the first time around. I suppose having a stomach that has shrunk considerably in the past 5 weeks, and only X amount of carbs as opposed to years of them is going to help a bit. Did actually get woken up a couple of times during the night by very loud tummy growling! :eek: Was really starving too, but was also very sleepy and managed to get back off straight away each time. Not so hungry now this morning and have had lots of water :) Zero temptation to cheat again. Back home and back in my routine and I will be back on track this week, with a good weigh in come Monday :)

Well done Jayne, stick with it and you'll be fine. :)
Emma x
Been 100% all day. Starving and ready to chew my right arm off! Had all my packs. Just made a black coffee. Hopefully that'll take the edge off and get me through to bed time.

Congratulations on getting back. You're doing great.
Day 3 under my belt and been showing traces of ketones all day. Hoping the stick will be darker in the morning. Been a tough day. Been hungry and tired. Weighed myself at home and the scales are looking good, so hoping come Monday I will have some sort of decent loss for 2 weeks. Despite all the mucking about! :mad:

Day 5 of being back on track 100% and I finally got a proper purple ketostick tonight! Been traces since day 3, but I'm happy to know I'm now in ketosis good and proper again.

So, onwards and upwards now. No more cheating. Fat burning until Christmas :D

Fantastic. You are doing so well. X