Going to just ramble out some thoughts for the sake of my diary
So, week 7 weigh in coming up on Monday. Have to say I feel very much in my stride at the moment

All the horrid cravings I was having in the first weeks seem to have disappeared. Strangely they were never for chocolate (couldn't go half a day before without some of that!), but more for salty/savoury snacks, pies, pasties, etc. All gone now

Don't get me wrong, I could still happily eat something like that, but the desire to do so is far less intense, and I'm definitely not craving them

I feel quite amazed by it really. I feel I've well and truly broken my sugar up/down cycle and have a constant energy supply throughout the day. I don't feel quite as deprived as I did at the beginning either. I sleep better than I have done in many years. I'm more comfortable laying down in bed because I'm not quite so fat! I can breathe again now when I lay on my side, and I don't get such a sore lower back when I lay on my back. I'm about to drop a second dress size (I'd say I'm about a week or 2 away from that), from a 24 (start) to a 20 (soon). I think when I go into this next dress size down, the weight loss will become more obvious to other people. Nobody has really commented yet, other than one comment a few weeks ago about my face looking thinner. Can't say I'm really a fan of 'the face' comments, but hey I guess something's better than nothing! lol. I also need to sort myself a new gym kit out PDQ, as my current one is hanging off me, and obviously now makes me look bigger than I actually am. Not good! I'd like to up my gym sessions by one a week if possible, but am struggling at the moment do do this due to juggling things between work, children, house, etc. Hopefully will find a slot soon though that I can turn into a regular one

Seem to have permanently cold hands, feet and nose lol. A lovely side effect of ketosis. Don't seem to have dog breath though, which I'm very grateful for lol.