Jellybean33's food diary - EE from home

Praise the lord... Somehow I managed to sts this week! I was really worried I'd put on as I weighed myself the other evening and I was up 4lb!

Bit disappointed I'd let things slip this week, but onwards and upwards, today is the start of a new week (shame it's one with both valentines and pancake day in though!)!
Phew, well done it sounds like you managed to pull things back after letting them slip a bit, yay you!
Yeah, think i managed through the skin of my teeth! Although, I counted my syns and I did only go over my weekly syns by 1!

Just made some bacon, leek and tomato egg muffins to snack on/maybe for breakfast tomorrow...they are delish and so easy to make! Will have to make more!
Well done on STS especially when you were worried you'd get a gain!

Onwards and upwards! :)
or should that be downwards!?
Thanks peeps!


Had a great day!

B - sw pancakes with apple and cinnamon on top

S - 1 x egg muffin (had to try one) and 1 x wheetabix muffin (1/4 hex b)

L - left over tomato and bacon pasta with salad. Alpen light (1/2 hex b). Also had a bit of my daughter's egg and soldiers (1/4 hex b).

S - raw carrot.

D - sw leek and macaroni cheese with tomatoes on top (don't think I'll make this again tbh, it wasn't much like macaroni cheese). 3 syns and hex a. Diet coke for 'pudding'

Later...lemon Greek Muller light (0.5 syns)

Syns = 3.5 haha, I CAN do it!
Hex A = √
Hex B = √

And off to pilates after the kiddos are in bed :)
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B - banana on 1X wholemeal toast (1/2 hex b)

S - 2 x wheetabix muffins (other 1/2 hex b)

L - left over tomato and bacon pasta with 1/2 hex a cheese grated on top. An orange some grapes, lemon Greek style Muller (.5 syns) and 2 x chocolate buttons (1 syn...I even weighed these out lol!!). Fridays I seem to get very hungry at lunch time!

S - egg muffin or raw carrot or apple (anything free!)

D - sw cod, chips and sweet corn

S - options hot chocolate with flump (3.5 syns)

Syns - 7
Hex A = √
Hex B = √

ETA...ended up having an apple and a bit of orange for my pm snack. Also had tomato ketchup with my dinner so now on 7 syns.
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Having an off plan day today as we've been to 2 kids parties and are having takeaway tonight...dominoes pizza!!! Yum!

On the plus, 2 people at the party this afternoon said I looked slim
It was a real confidence boost! Although makes me feel bad for the amount of syns I've consumed today...very much an off plan day!!!
In a very similar place to you in terms of having yesterday off But also getting some compliments too :)
Won't bore you with the details there in my diary.

Hen party soon be here and you'll be looking fab!
It is nice to get a compliment here and there...reminds you why you're doing it all!

I'll have to find your diary and follow it!

Whose hen do is is?
Lol...think that was my mistake. Think I was thinking of another thread I must have just commented on I'd just woke up. Sorry x
Haha, easy to get confused on here!

B- Jam on toast (1 syn and hex b)

S - 3 x minstrels (1.5 syns)

L - baked potatoes with beans, cheese (hex a) and a tiny bit of flora light (1 syn).

S - 16g pack mini strawbs (1 syn)

D - Turkey, bacon and thyme hot pot with mash and carrots

Might have a diet coke and possibly a yogurt later too.

Syns = 4.5 (5 if I have a Greek Muller light)
Hex A = √
Hex B = √
Lucky Monday...I usually find Monday my easiest day to avoid temptation...let's see if it's as easy today without my usual afternoon distraction of baby group! :-/

Had a sneaky weigh in this far the damage is I'm up 1.5 lb, so that's extra motivation to work a little harder cos I'm also having pancakes for dinner tomorrow!

Gonna aim for 2.5 syns total today...had a Greek yogurt for breakfast and gonna have a salted caramel options as a 'treat' later! Then, tomorrow, I'll try not to use any syns except on pancakes. And if I can keep to 5 syns or below Wednesday, I hope I might see a sts on the scales Thursday.

Then next week, I'd lobe to see a decent loss, so I'm gonna try and plan a really 'good' week!