Yes I'm feeling much more positive today, thanks ladies. Have to admit I've copped out of tomorrows weigh in by booking a hol but I know it'll be a fiver I regret spending as I know it's a gain...just not how much.
It also keeps me away from the hifis lol!
Will share a pic of zeeee dress depending on how I look in it on sat haha! Also don't be jealous, my day to day wardrobe is $hit! Lol!
Feeling super tired tonight, had 15 parent interviews today, had 5 on fri and have 10 tomorrow wahhh!
On plan though and will be til I get sozzled on sat.
Shreddies, banana, apple and milk (a1 and b1)
Fruit salad (teeny), banana, apple
Passata pasta bake with quorn pieces added (a2)
If I'm hungry later ill have toast for my b2 but I hope I'm not!
Thanks again for the support you're all too nice
