See, after all my exciting holidays and stuff are over, I have ANOTHER 2 months to go before I start at uni

I mean, it's very nice that Imperial starts in October, but really (!) I'm going to be bored stiff!
Eating wise, I'm slowly reducing what I'm eating, you get used to eating lots of chocolate (!)
I was 10st 11 this morning

which is a VERY scary thing. I'm currently considering doing Cambridge for a bit to be honest, it's just finding the money. Hmmm. May think about Lighterlife, since you get weekly CBTish sessions.
I mean, the reason I've gained this weight is because I'm absolutely terrible for comfort eating, so I think Lighterlife would be a better option, but then I REALLY have to fork out some money for that, so I don't know. Hmmmm.