12 days to results day! I'm going to check on UCAS to see if I've got into Imperial because it updates at 7am

Don't know if Imperial actually updates it on results day, but we'll see.
I dug out my AS results today and I have a few more marks in Physics than I originally thought

so the pressure is off a little bit.
Things with Jon are going quite well

we had our first argument the other day

it was over something completely inane, I think it was a camera or something, hahaha.
I have managed to not gain any weight while I've been on holiday

I've followed PMcK's golden rules and they do work. I hadn't felt hungry in months
Jon keeps trying to make me eat more at mealtimes and less in between, but I don't see why I should - if I keep to the same amount of calories then surely it doesn't matter. Eating too much at mealtimes just makes me uncomfortably full, which according to him is a good thing. I'll never understand it
I'm making some definite progress with my OCD, it's been fab, I can now set the table (or worse, let someone else do it) with no real concern for symmetry.
I've found recently that I've been too 'tired' as such, to carry out my compulsions properly. I've gotten to the point where I can do it wrong and don't
always have to go back and correct myself. I don't quite get the huge anxiety I used to, which is great.
In general, things are going fairly well

just need to get my head around losing weight. I have a backlog of about 5-10 of Icemoose's newsletters (
No Willpower Required if you haven't already signed up.)
I'm going to get round to reading the one with the questions on soon, I promise

same way I'm going to get round to listening to my PMcK CDs soon
OK, goals! I need to set some or I'll never get anything done. I have more than enough time on my hands at the moment!
1. Ring the lady from the gym - I stopped going about a month ago and should really start going again!
2. Listen to my PMcK CDs.
3. Read the 'Question time' email. And answer the questions truthfully. I'll answer them on here so I can refer back to them
That's it for now. I think I'll read the email now.