Long time since I made a post! Life is moving on at a very fast pace at the moment. Jon goes to uni on Sunday
Found out where I'm staying, I got my first choice!

I'm a stone's throw from the Albert Hall! Very expensive, but the nicest of all the accommodation I applied to.
Student account is sorted, I'll be getting my money from my parents soon (I'm feeling pretty lucky I don't have to rely on Student Finance, which has been a complete fiasco this year!)
I'll get my money from SFE whenever it turns up, as long as it's within a few months I don't really care.
I now don't see Jon until Saturday and then after that I don't see him for just over a week

sounds like nothing but it's the longest I've gone without seeing him and it marks the beginning of a very long 4 years seeing him once a week or less

apart from holidays.
I'm quite scared about going to uni. I worry that I won't cope, or that I'll spend my entire year's money in one week, or lose my laptop, or something. I've spoken to the disabilities officer at Imperial about my OCD and they seem really helpful, so at least I can get help if I need it.
I think it's just the whole moving on thing - I got the same way when I was about to start at my new school for A Levels, it scared me quite a lot. I mean, I'm sure it will be absolutely fabulous living on my own and stuff, I just worry too much!
I finish my therapy in about 2 weeks time - scary stuff. I've decided I'm not going to go for therapy while I'm in London, I'm going to join a support group though.
I'm doing incredibly well OCD-wise! It's pretty amazing to see how far I've come. I can now do a step wrong and feel the need to correct it, but I can
ignore the thought.
I still have a lot to work on - symmetry with my hands is now worse than my feet! But I'll get there - all in good time