OK, so, day 2 is almost over - still have a shake left, just had my second one
I had bouillon last night - rather too much, oops

but I made up for it with an extra 1.5L of water

so I'm sure all is well.
Today, had a tiny nibble of cheese but I'm OK with that. Had 3.5L water so far and shall try for 5L again, same as yesterday. I'm really surprised how well the water's going down, even without water flavourings
Went to the bar this evening with the rifle club, I sat there very saintlike with my water and even resisted the nachos placed in front of me

I'm VERY good at resisting carbs, just not so great at protein or 'allowed' stuff.
Still, I'm not going majorly off plan and it jsut makes it bearable

I don't plan it, but I'm sensible about it too. It's not like binging on a loaf of bread, it's nibbling at some cheese

and even then I barely had any (we're talking 2 gratings!) because cheese has too much in the way of carbs as far as I'm concerned.
Last time I turned down a chicken kebab because I considered 2g of carbs to be too much

look at me!
Anyway, ramble over. I'm still waiting for my stomach to register that I've eaten that shake!