Jenny's moved on :)

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Auburn said:
Although how going to a Vietnamese restaurant for that obscene amount of delicious grub fits in with the healthkick, I have no idea..... :p

Have you ever seen a fat Vietnamese
I rest my case !!
totally agree with Kals on that one :D

where is this picture of him in the box? it needs to be done haha! x
Hahaha, no picture of him in the box :( He wouldn't let me....!
(Then again, I did say it would be on FB if he did :p)

Weekend was ok, fairly quiet, we went to that Vietnamese place and amongst other things had crispy lamb, and monkfish in a lemongrass sauce... It was beautiful food, will definitley go back!
Then when we got back to his we had an argument about .. I don't even know what... Went to bed in a strop at 10, half 10 and I got up this morning, put him in a grump because I dared to get out of bed(!) rather than lay there watching TV in bed. I got up and went through to the living room to watch TV there. Thing is, I didnt want to watch something crap like scrapheap challenge, I wanted to watch something crap like Biggest Loser.! I tried to keep the peace by making him a cuppa and letting him have that in bed.

Then he came through to the living room, said sorry for being an arse and said did I want breakfast. I stropped and said no, when I was hungry. Then we sat and watched that Truth about Low Fat Food thing, I had a complete breakdown in floods of tears feeling totally confused and stressed and rubbish about diets and being a hippo and all that, and he did his best to comfort me. Then we watched Coach Trip til I decided to go home, where I ate a roast lamb dinner and I feel better.
He then emailed me to say that he shouldn't drink whisky when all hes had to eat is a bacon sarnie at 11am, and to tell me how much he loves me and that I'm ace and that he's sorry he just cant say it to me other than by email...
I presume he is asleep now, his typing was very "off" in that email, he must have had quite a bit to drink...
Think I'd better give him a call, make sure he's ok. I don't like him getting that drunk without supervision..

And I feel all sad and stuff. I think that's on account of that chuffing diet programme. I shouldn't watch stuff like that...!

Oh well, tomorrow is a new day!! :)
Why do feelings make men go weird, its bloody annoying. We wouldn't have been together for the past 2 1/2 years if we didn't love each other, but now he's admitted that so he's embarrassed himself or something and gone into quiet mode? Eurgh men....
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I was just about to post go and give him a good slapping then he redeems himself by apologising, perhaps a good poke will teach him not to do that again.

Have a lovely day Jen x
Men are ruddy strange - Rob rarely confesses his deepest darkest thoughts to me and expects me to be some kind of mind reader! Er, no love, I am not psychic! And then if he does tell me how he feels he goes all cold on me *sigh*

Glad he's apologised and food looks good for today! xxx
Careful Hannah, just to let you know my dad was Polish, I have been known to quaff a substantial amount of voddy and I like a bit of salami now and again :D
Ooh no V! It wasn't supposed to be offensive. Just how I read 'polish up the CV'! I am very lucky cos there's a huge Polish community in Reading so I have lots of Polish friends now and I have to say, voddy is my favourite and they have taught me how to drink it straight!

I have spent a couple of HOURS on the phone to my old boss today, seems like old company cannot function without me and is in s bit of a mess..... I said double my wage and I'll go back haha!
I just KNEW they'd be useless without you! Ha!

Vietnamese place and amongst other things had crispy lamb, and monkfish in a lemongrass sauce..

Think I'd better give him a call, make sure he's ok. I don't like him getting that drunk without supervision..

I think that's on account of that chuffing diet programme. I shouldn't watch stuff like that...!
Firstly - drooooooool. God how yummy.
Secondly - Jen! Please do not pretend BB is not full capable of looking after himself. Crikey.
Thirdly - No you shouldn't. Nor should any of us for that matter. Rots the brain.

Eurgh men....
Well said.

Hope you're having an alright afternoon chuck, ignore BB, if he can only 'say things in emails' he's got some serious issues. You are lovely. End of.
I don't feel very lovely, I feel like a paranoid junkie, scratching away... GAH!!!
I don't think that my "allergic reaction" is to cheese. I dunno what it is, like, but the cheese should be out my system by now, surely... I'm still so so so sooooo itchy and I feel like I am going to go mad! I just want to curl up in a ball and cry and scratch myself to pieces to make the itching stop but I know that won't help and I am going to go mad I swear!!!!!

but thank you for calling me lovely :)
I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off work, I think I will get to see le doctor and see what he has to say about stuff...

I wanted curry for tea... Best stick with plain stuff instead... :(
Yes an urgent trip to the old GP is def needed. No wonder the constant itching is making you feel miserable not nice at all. I hope you manage to have some itch free time this evening x

Hannah I wasnt offended fret not :D
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :D i'm back!!!! and woooowwww you've been busy! :D now why did you go and get an allergic reaction eh! silly :D hope your feeling better now though hun, nothing you can take?? :( stupid goats! ;)

I hope works getting better for you!!! and i'm totally with you on the blokes and feelings front! been with OH for 2 and a half years also, and he does exact same, he will be all lovely and state his feelings and shows he loves me... then for the next few days he HAS to act like a childish fool to make up for the fact he was a 'grown up' and expressed his feelings! HA ... bloody blokes! gotta love em though! it does make it worth while when they are lovely dovey though! you kinda dont care about em being idiotic fools ... as for just that tiny second they proved they loved us hehe :p

hope your alright missy! WE HAVE NEARLY DONE BREAD MONTHHH! HAAAAHHHAAAAHHHAAA!!!!! now gimme that crisp sandwich... oh no wait... ive only gone and give up crisps for march hahaha! :p im a fool... best be a chip butty quickly before 9th and they get shoved out the window too with potato products for lent... prepare for an ever moodier Lou for March and April ;) hehehe hope your weeks started off good! xxxxxx
Big grin to see you back Chuck :D

It is about half 4 and I've been awake for the best part of an hour listening to one thing - silence (which typically was just broken with a loud tummy rumble haha)
I have been thinking (yep, here she goes again) and I sense a dither. I get 41pp a day. Monday, I did FINE on 32pp. But then, cos I had 9 left, I scoffed a second portion of dinner. I didn't need it, I was full. But 9pp seemed like too many to waste. So an 11pp dinner took me into my weeklies. I'm not sure that is right!
I said somewhere else about targets, and if I have a daily allowance, or quota, I struggle. What I have come to realise, is that this actually means if I have a limit, I will go over it.
Think I may speak to Mr Doctor about that too. See if they can de-neuroticise me slightly.

Despite his faults, Biker's remarkably supportive. He's coped with an "its 4am and life sucks" phonecall really well :p
Time to get up!

Breakfast - decided I wanted a big breakfast today, went for half a tin of beans, 4 crackerbreads, an egg and 75g of mushrooms.

Morning snack - WW choc mousse, banana.

I'm going to have leftovers for lunch, this is pasta, chicken, spinach and tomatoes.

I'm a bit nervous, I hate doctors. I prefer self diagnosis and have established that I am not pregnant nor iron deficient. The conversation with the surgery receptionist was good -

Me - do you have any appointments this afternoon?
R - I have one at 9 (it was 8.50)
Me - It really has to be this afternoon, I'm at work this morning and I work 35 miles away.
R - I suppose we can fit you in at 11.
Me - is there nothing later?
R - only the one at half 3


What did I ask, seriously....?!
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Doctors are crap! But I hope they don't just send you away with a box of paracetamol - sounds like a horrible thing you have going :( My niece, we THINK, is allergic to tomato ketchup... The things we take for granted, hey?

I do hope you get seen to today, let us know how it goes...

Hi Jen, thought I’d finally come visit you in your own diary as we’re always bumping into each other on other peoples!

Hope you get on OK at the docs. What is it with Doctors receptionists?! Drives me mad. Every time I call for an appointment they ask

“Are you sure you need to see the Doctor?”

Well, I wouldn’t be phoning otherwise would I?!

then its;

“and can I ask why you’re coming to see him?”

Errr. No you bloomin can’t. Do you have a medical degree? Is it any of your business? Honestly. Nightmare.

As for menfolk...I’m lucky enough to have a touchy feely bloke but can relate to BB’s inability to express emotion openly without having palpatations. I once told a boyfriend I loved him for the first time and his reaction was to stare at me, wide eyed in horror, mumble ‘well, that’s nice’ and leave very quickly. I still cringe now when I think about it and it was years ago. :eek:

Men. They’re even worse than Doctors receptionists.
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