Hurrah for hormones... PsychoJenny had a cameo in my life last night, resulting in me upsetting Biker Boy, telling my parents to eff off, and major scoffage of cereal.
Still within points, but I didn't want to do that. It's not the boy's fault that I am feeling low, fat and ugly, and had a crap day, and just wanted an "awww it'll all be ok, someone will hire you and you aint that tragic looking".
Instead I get a change of subject, sarcasm, and a picture of a flipping octopus puzzle thing. Followed by "It'll take you ages to work that puzzle out". Yes because I have a slight irrational FEAR of octopusses, as well you would know if you sodding paid attention, remember the panic attack I had at the aquarium, darling, and the picture made me gag and switch of the computer... I know he was just being cheeky, and forgetful, but I wasn't in the mood. Yet again, I've spent all week running around after him to make him better, get him well again and I have a bad day and get f**k all. Oh wait, I'm being ungreatful, that's not true. I get a picture of a f**king dead octopus.
But never mind, what's done is done, I have all puffy eyes, and subsequently feel worse now. It could be worse. At least I have the opportunity to see him today, two days later, and he'd be away. So at least I can go and remind him that I'm not completely evil all the time...
So... in true Jenny style here's that damn line again
May 1st 2010
Let's have a sneaky WI - oops, stayed the same. Ah well, I've two days to the official one, so maybe something will magically fall off... Like a leg or something. That'd give me the boost I need.
Today, the Cheese Ban begins. Hurrah! Looking forward to that!
I'm undecided on the chocolate thing. I'll see how I feel later. Clearly, crazylady will be making an appearance soon in which case I need to be kept well away from all forms of communication - No emails, no internet, no mobile. In fact, just lock me in the bathroom, that'll be fine.
Food today is difficult to plan.
Breakfast - Cereal
Lunch - maybe supernoodles, I dont know yet what I fancy
Tea - Ah. The stem of "discussions" last night. He whinged on friday morning when I said to him to have a good trip and stay safe, that he wouldnt see me again before he went, so I said ok, I'll come round at the weekend then. Then last night I dared to ask, on MSN, what the plan was for saturday "That guy coming to look at the car so I'll wash that in the morning". Ok. "might go get some Brazil money too"... Ok.
10 minutes later, dead octopus. HELLO?? WHAT ABOUT ME?! So I text him later and said so what, do I wait for cardude to go, come round sunday? and he said "Come round saturday afternoon if you promise to smile" OK DARLING I'll plaster on a big ol' fake grin if it makes you happy.
Hmm. I think I'm feeling argumentative today!
So... my tea. Who knows.
I am going to start swimming when he is away. I have bought a costume from the fat-birds-r-us catalogue, and I will go. I have to wait for a cozzie to turn up though... I'm a bit nervous to be honest but I think it is just a case of biting the bullet and going.
I'm off for a walk now, catch you all later! Have a good weekend!
OH! I just realised. I didn't mention why my parents aren't my friends anymore... I refused to drive to the takeaway last night, 26 mile round trip btw, to get them pizza. So I am a selfish thoughtless cow.
No, dear old folk, I'm just struggling. You want to eat that, you go right ahead but don't drag me down with you. That would have been the 3rd takeaway they had this week then my dad has the cheek to nag me about healthy eating and fad diets? f**k off pops.
Good day to you all, me and my foul mood are off!
Mwah! X