Jenny's moved on :)

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Well Sickboy has had my undivided attention for two nights in a row, and made me late for work this morning with running about making sure he was on the mend... But I'm not complaining :) He said he was feeling loads better so he's definitely going at the weekend!

Have you seen that Orange advert? With the girl that "just bought broccolis LOL" haha. He said that's how he reads texts that I send him :D I'm not THAT upbeat hahaha Ok... maybe I am....

Foodwise, today I have eaten bread. Not much else. Just bread... At least that is what it feels like.
Breakfast was special k with a banana
Lunch a tuna sandwich
Afternoon snack [late at work] ryvita and a small tin of beans
Tea was two pittas with salad
Then I went out with the mutts and sorted out the ponio, and felt peckish so made a ham sandwich...

Blimey. Lots of bread.

Still got 4.5 points left today too

I have to have a think, I think. If I'm filling up on veggies, and using stodge to fill up my point-o-meter, that isn't good... Hmm

I'll see how next week gets on
Ha ha that post did make me giggle :D

Glad to hear OH is feeling better.

Have a lovely weekend hun

That's Ruby! She's a yorkie, and looks like a gremlin. We kinda adopted her and weren't told that she is epileptic, so she's a little bit special, but especially annoying and attention seeking. Cant bear a grudge though, she is adorable!!!
Hurrah for hormones... PsychoJenny had a cameo in my life last night, resulting in me upsetting Biker Boy, telling my parents to eff off, and major scoffage of cereal.
Still within points, but I didn't want to do that. It's not the boy's fault that I am feeling low, fat and ugly, and had a crap day, and just wanted an "awww it'll all be ok, someone will hire you and you aint that tragic looking".

Instead I get a change of subject, sarcasm, and a picture of a flipping octopus puzzle thing. Followed by "It'll take you ages to work that puzzle out". Yes because I have a slight irrational FEAR of octopusses, as well you would know if you sodding paid attention, remember the panic attack I had at the aquarium, darling, and the picture made me gag and switch of the computer... I know he was just being cheeky, and forgetful, but I wasn't in the mood. Yet again, I've spent all week running around after him to make him better, get him well again and I have a bad day and get f**k all. Oh wait, I'm being ungreatful, that's not true. I get a picture of a f**king dead octopus.

But never mind, what's done is done, I have all puffy eyes, and subsequently feel worse now. It could be worse. At least I have the opportunity to see him today, two days later, and he'd be away. So at least I can go and remind him that I'm not completely evil all the time...

So... in true Jenny style here's that damn line again

May 1st 2010

Let's have a sneaky WI - oops, stayed the same. Ah well, I've two days to the official one, so maybe something will magically fall off... Like a leg or something. That'd give me the boost I need.

Today, the Cheese Ban begins. Hurrah! Looking forward to that!
I'm undecided on the chocolate thing. I'll see how I feel later. Clearly, crazylady will be making an appearance soon in which case I need to be kept well away from all forms of communication - No emails, no internet, no mobile. In fact, just lock me in the bathroom, that'll be fine. :)

Food today is difficult to plan.
Breakfast - Cereal
Lunch - maybe supernoodles, I dont know yet what I fancy
Tea - Ah. The stem of "discussions" last night. He whinged on friday morning when I said to him to have a good trip and stay safe, that he wouldnt see me again before he went, so I said ok, I'll come round at the weekend then. Then last night I dared to ask, on MSN, what the plan was for saturday "That guy coming to look at the car so I'll wash that in the morning". Ok. "might go get some Brazil money too"... Ok.
10 minutes later, dead octopus. HELLO?? WHAT ABOUT ME?! So I text him later and said so what, do I wait for cardude to go, come round sunday? and he said "Come round saturday afternoon if you promise to smile" OK DARLING I'll plaster on a big ol' fake grin if it makes you happy.

Hmm. I think I'm feeling argumentative today!

So... my tea. Who knows.

I am going to start swimming when he is away. I have bought a costume from the fat-birds-r-us catalogue, and I will go. I have to wait for a cozzie to turn up though... I'm a bit nervous to be honest but I think it is just a case of biting the bullet and going.

I'm off for a walk now, catch you all later! Have a good weekend!

OH! I just realised. I didn't mention why my parents aren't my friends anymore... I refused to drive to the takeaway last night, 26 mile round trip btw, to get them pizza. So I am a selfish thoughtless cow.
No, dear old folk, I'm just struggling. You want to eat that, you go right ahead but don't drag me down with you. That would have been the 3rd takeaway they had this week then my dad has the cheek to nag me about healthy eating and fad diets? f**k off pops.


Good day to you all, me and my foul mood are off!
Mwah! X
Well he's either really brave, or really stupid, or just plain in love with me haha.

"I'm going for tea with my parents. Wanna come?"

heheheh good luck!
Oh Jen. I have to say - your alter ego isn't half funny! Bless you - hope you have a lovely afternoon/evening chuck :)
Hey Jen, hope your mood has lifted hun.....

Did you go for dinner with bb and the rents??..xx
Haha!!! I love physcoJen she is a little bit of everyone of us
now and then, but so so funny
hope all is well with you and BB and that eventually you had a good evening
26 miles round trip for a Pizza yeesh no wonder you wouldn't go I don't call the selfish
I call that sensable haha
Impressed! Just managed a non-tearful goodbye at the airport!!!

I have been a bit stupid, I know this now. I went for tea with him and his folks and it was really nice, I felt all part of the family, and even got invited on a family holiday too, which was nice! Unfortunately I think it is the same week that my brother is here this summer, but we'll think about it.
We went to the local pub, which was funny. It's a close knit community, if you get what I mean, and there was a bit of whispering and people asking his parents, very indiscretely, who I was... It was amusing! Nice to be introduced to childhood friends, and friends of the family and such. Neighbours. :) I opted out of a starter, but Biker boy had nachos, and put them between us.. I think I had maybe 5 nachos, only one with cheese though, so I have not failed the Cheese Challenge yet! Then I had scampi and chips, which prompted a debate about what exactly Scampi is. Answer, I don't know, but it was really good!

Then we watched Britain's got Talent, and then went to his, where we had a mad panic looking for the passport..!

And now, he is somewhere in the sky on his journey to Brazil :) And I have a key to his house, mwahahahaahaaa!! teehee! The havok I could cause...

Food - It's out the window, I have not pointed, I have not bothered to be honest. Today has been toast and jam, a ham sandwich, and half a bag of thai sweet chilli sensations. And a cookie. Tea, was a whole heap of curry. Sharwood's Mussaman thai curry sauce, which has been lurking in the cupboard for several months, with turkey and green beans. It was ok, nothing to write about though. And unfortunately I have a whole heap of the stuff leftover for tea tomorrow. I might pick out the turkey and the beans and just bin the leftover sauce instead..

I bought some smoked river cobbler, it's in the freezer for future use... Quite excited about this! :)
I think rather than SW, I might try the Simply Filling thing, for a week, see what that does. I cant really look at it on the tracker til my new week starts tomorrow, but I think I get the idea. We'll see.

Just had a text saying that the stop-over airport is a dump... hehe Oh well, serves you right for being an international jetsetter, sugarplum! :D

Wonder how long it will take him to find the letter I stuffed in his suitcase! lol

Oh shush, you aren't a bad diary friend!! I need a good bucket of tea, and a solid 12 hours I think to catch up with everyone, I'm that behind...!

I'm always writing stupid notes and letters and stuff... He went through a phase last year of getting home from work to a curly wurly and a post-it note through the letterbox... :) hahaha... This letter he has with him, is a card saying "Please stop being so brilliant, you're showing the rest of us up" with a 3 page non-stop babble letter. About rubbish like The Tigger Movie, and mini golf, and my new diet plan, and threats of making him meet my eccentric aunt from Newcastle and so on... He would be terrified of her, she sings in a gospel choir and is very upbeat and loud and he would be like a little mousey! lol.

Speaking of the devil, just had a text to say that he's just switching off now for takeoff. This is the bit I hate. I know he'll be fine, I know he isn't nervous at all and quite fond of travelling... but I know full well that I will not sleep a wink tonight. I'll have been at work for 2 1/2 hours by the time he gets off the plane in the morning... scary stuff!

I'll be heading to bed soon, so goodnight and sleep well everyone! Have a good bank holiday if you get it, I'll be working :(
Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and that work tomorrow goes quickly for you! Bet you wished you could be a fly on the wall when he finds your letter :)
Cheers Jax.... I certainly do! haha!!

Today was strange, got up this morning and forgot it was a bank holiday, so got scowled at when I woke mum up telling her she would be late for work.... Oops! ;)

Making the most of an empty kitchen, breakfast was poached eggs on toast. I have supernoodles for my lunch, and am not sure what will be for tea. ... Gives me something to think about at work..! :p

Have a good day peeps! :)
Have a good day Jen :D
I'm keeping you company on the work front
Don't even get Xmas day us lot haha!! How inconsiderate are some peeps flying Xmas day haha!!
Hope BB has had a good flight will you get a Im here safe message from him ?
No so much a text from him... I text when he's in the air, and then when I get a delivery report, I know he's ok haha. I'm sure he knows that's why I do it... :p I have a slight fear of planes. Not of flying, just of the planes. As a result, I struggle when I know Biker Boy is on a plane, when my parents are off on holiday... I just don't sleep unless I know they are landed and safe. But... I managed to sleep like a baby last night! I was most surprised when I looked at the clock at half 5!! You're probably thinking "half 5 is a good thing!?" On workdays, I get up about 5:50 and leave for work at 6:40.

I got a SW password from.. somewhere... a legitimate source, honest.. And checked the Syns of the stir fry sauces I use, the thai stuff I use, to make sure I can fit that in. And OMG I did not know that my low fat super noodles are free..? Wicked! Anyway... We'll see.

Today has been grazing - Poached eggs on toast, cereal, ham sandwich, noodles in about half an hour, velvet crunches for later, tea... not sure on yet, we'll see.

I manage to get xmas day!! But... not today. And its dead, I think I have had 2 calls. Plenty of paperwork to do though... Must press on!! :) x
Oh, and the people who are in, are off to that chinese all you can eat again for lunch. And I said no thanks :)

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