Jenny's moved on :)

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Hey hun

Hope you're ok, not like you to be AWOL all day

Aw :D I'm ok thank you, just had a really busy day yesterday, was in a training session all day, so I didn't have my computer access that I usually have at work. Then I did some overtime, went a-voting, came home and had tea, and by the time I got to sit at the computer it was nearly 10pm. I literally just logged on and Biker Boy got on Web Messenger, so since he's been having a lousy time, I went online to see how he really is, and didn't get to bed til half 11 in the end. He's really not a happy bunny but shouldn't be long til he's home.

I'm starting to miss him a bit now, but I have loads planned for the weekend, my tummy is better now so I should be ok for going to that swimming pool thing soon, I am slightly nervous but I know I can do it, and just bite the bullet and go!

Food yesterday was a little tricky. As I say I was in that training session with a buffet lunch of sandwiches, crisps and cakes, and I had maybe 4 small bits of sandwich, and half a chocolate muffin. One of the sarnies had chicken mayo in. I am not a fan of chicken mayo. But I still ate it.. Anyway, with my breakfast of bacon and mushrooms on toast, a snack of porridge and nutella, and my tea of chicken and spinach massala with a heap of rice... I still estimate I saved 2 points. I managed to avoid the chip shop on the way back from the polling station! Yay me!!

They ordered pizza for lunch today, and I didn't have any. To be honest, I would probably kill for a big fat pepperoni stuffed crust right now, but it's just comfort eating and I don't need it that much. I don't want it that much. Everyone is eating cream cakes now, and I fancy one, but I don't even like cream, it's just for the fact that everyone's having one. I had some potato wedges instead, at lunch, and that's been fine.

I'm out for lunch tomorrow too, but I think that will be ok. I'll manage...

Tea tonight will be a sirloin steak with fried onions and possibly chips.

I'm finding things in general particularly hard these last couple of days to be honest. The food thing, I feel like I am eating too much and it makes me feel guilty. I'm pretty sure it's tiredness and generally feeling a bit run down, I've put in heaps of hours at work this week and I am really looking forward to my weekend just to not be in this office..! Roll on 4pm and hometime - I am NOT doing Overtime tonight...!!!!!
It could also be due to missing the boy as well sometimes its just hard to follow a plan 24/7 some days are just harder than others Jen.
Yay go for the swimming you'll love it we throughly enjoyed our swim today, was kinda of nervous of going in the first place but once there loved every minute, you can do it Jen :D
Cheers Kally :) I will do it, I am looking forward to it!

I looked at that lump of steak for several minutes tonight, before getting a bowl of mashed tatties and mince. And I enjoyed that immensely! I don't know why steak terrifies me so much :p
Haha, no don't worry Nikki, I'm still here. I'm not really following a plan though, at the moment. Cutting back on cheese, bread, junk and generally trying to be healthier. More fruit, veggies, and lean meat, quorn mainly. I am going to a Slimming World weigh in, because I know the consultant and she's a good friend, and the time of the class is suitable. She knows I am doing my own thing though. The WW class I went to, is still there but I can't get to it due to work, and the village it's in is getting all the roads reworked somehow, the centre of the village is closed off :S

It's just that I am struggling with the points - Eating lots of zero point stuff which is filling me up, then having about 12-15 points left at 8pm... It's making me slip into bad habits, telling me I can have a plate of toast, and a bowl of cereal, and I don't really want to... I guess I'm probably subconsciously doing the no count/core/simply filling thing...

Yes, he found the letter, he said it was "very Jen", I'm not sure what that means... but it made him smile! He also managed to break his hotel room, and has been without power, except emergency lighting for a day or so. Idiot. I got a text at 3am, so 11pm for him, last night saying "yay internet!" so I guess he's sorted now.! He is due to come back on Wednesday, so he'll be back home on Thursday... I'm really tempted to go to Primark or somewhere and get a couple of cheap, OTT girly cushions and throws, and do up his house... Infact.... I really am tempted... We'll see.

Today's food -
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs and salmon on toast
Lunch - will be eating out with Mother. I think I will go for either bolognese, or a jacket spudato of sorts
Tea - I'd better eat that steak. I might chop it up and have it in a wrap, I don't know yet. Or a stir fry!

And..... Shock horror...... For the first time since Friday last week, so infact the first time this MONTH.... Someone other than me, has made me a cup of tea. At long bloody last!
How kind :) Update on the cold/flu thing I have - I cannot hear out of one ear. My head wants to explode, and I'm still overheating. Funtimes!

Have a fab weekend people. X
I think the eating zero point thing is quite a common issue I know for sure I did it too, and then would randomly stuff my face in the evening cramming in not used points for the day.
One of the main reason I choose to convert over to slimming world and now find i'm choosing much healthier options.

I say do it do it do it Primark rules
I couldn't bring myself to girlify his house.... He's having too bad a time to come back to scary-ubercommitment-girlfriend-wants-to-move-in practical jokes. Especially considering his little sis just got engaged two days ago and his first words to me were "If I tell you sis got engaged, are you gonna get funny about us?" ..... lol. Answer, hell no. I'm quite happy not living with you, not having the "must lose 63 stone by wedding day" pressure, and just taking things as they are!!! Maybe one day, but not in the foreseeable. :) I'm happy with us as we are!

I don't really know what's happened today. I have not concentrated on what's been eaten at all. Comfort eating I think. Tonnes of toast and cereal, and rice crispie cakes. Oops. Ah well, it could have been worse, I could have stuffed my face on pizza and chips and crisps and chocolate.

Confession time for saturday too... Lunchtime, I had some cheese on my meal. It came with it, already melted, so I couldn't really remove it. And it was nice, but probably not more than 30g of cheese. So I havent failed my Maychal. :)

Meals today, aside of comfort scoffage:
Bacon butty
Beans on toast
peking chicken and rice

All very tasty. Mm HMM!
Oh ive got all this 'other half missing trauma' to come next friday and im really not looking forward to it at all!

Chris's sister got engaged recently and i knew about it and kind of got that look 'please dont go physco that im not asking you as well; thing, i just laughed as they are far too young and far too sickly sweet to actually get married....and im not into the whole gettin engaged before you live together thing. Its kind of school-y, every couple in the last year of school was engaged.... so. sad. ha!

Ive just asked for him to bring me back lots of diet brownies and not to come back with no savings from casinos and i will be happy!
Very sad for 10 days, but happy if he gets back in one piece!
You did really well not to comfort eat too much/just pack in the diet. as i know that is really hard and something im not too sure i can do, but im going to give it my best shot!
Nah it's fine when they are away, it flies by, honest :) They're back before you know it!
It's just because he's not having a productive time, that's all...

I know what you mean about the everyone-last-year-engagements. Its worrying really, how many broken hearts come out of these things, but thankfully I think Biker Boys sister and her blokey are the real thing, so I might have to panic about a wedding outfit soon. Who knows..!

As for the comfort eating..... For SW stick to fruit and yogurt :) A cheating kind of cheesecake style pudding I loved was a digestive biccie, chopped banana and a vanilla yogurt on top, or strawberries... kind almost like a cheesecake and you only syn the biccie :)
Ive been finding Sw friendly puds for me to have while hes gone for a bit of comfort, ive done the roulade twice and will again, apple betty and chocolate coucous? LOL
I will give anything a go, and its a good distraction. It will be the longest we have not seen or spoken to each other for since weve been together,that might sound childish but for me it will be hard as he is my best friend too. *gay romance music*
Thats not childish at all Katie, its lovely to have your OH as your best friend.
Me and MR H can't stand each other most of the time :8855:

Can deffo say as you didn't put the cheese on yourself Jen you have deffo not failed the may challenge hen :D

hahaha, I get the gay romance music too :D yaaay!

Right bang on it today.

Breakfast - Poached eggs and tomatos on toast
Lunch - leftover lemon chicken and rice & peppers
Tea - Pasta, with quorn pieces, onions and passata
Snacks - Apple, Banana, Activia yogurt, Galaxy Bubbles as I will need chocolate and that's like a proper bar :)

I'm completely demotivated at work today. Just can't get my head in gear, even though I know I have heaps to do. I want my lunch, its only half 11.... lol
Todays food sounds lovely1

Did you decide you where oging to go back to SW in the end?

Im glad im not the only one with the romance drivvel! lol
the recipe is on the SW bit if you search for it, if you cant find it let me know. ive not tried it yet....not quite convinced but will give it a go sometime this week
I love it when the Old Fella tells me he is going home for 3 weeks, without me, it's the best feeling in the world... The only time I start to cry is when I drop him off at Heathrow, and that's only because I hate driving around there on my own! Those tunnels are soooo narrow that you have to breath in!

I swing a 40ft bus round those tunnels daily haha!!!
Lol Kally, I had an image of you running about in a superhero outfit there, tossing random bits of traffic left right and centre!!

To be honest, I have no idea what plan I am following.
Food today totals 12 syns.
Or 22.5 points.
Or 7.5 points if I am following Simply Filling...

I had toast, and chocolate. I need to NEED TO stop eating toast and chocolate bars. Infact, just stop eating altogether lol

Today I had, and this is the end list, there will be NO MORE food today. Im gonna clean my teeth after this cuppa, and then get myself a facepack on and chill out... Mentally prepare myself for his whinging later.... :(

Breakfast - Poached eggs and tomatoes on toast
Lunch - leftover lemon peking chicken, with peppers, rice and I think there was one bit of spring onion left in there!
Tea - Pasta, with quorn pieces, chopped tomatoes, pepper and onion.
Snacks at work - A banana, an apple, an activia fat free yogurt and a Galaxy Bubbles.

I felt a bit down today, after I went to get something signed by my manager and she said "what's wrong with your face?" ... turns out the rather viscious looking spot that I have decided to temporarily look like a coldsore, which made me paranoid about looking like a leper.. anyway, about an hour later, its calmed down and looked like nothing at all was there, but I'm well and truly in a bad mood.... The things that get to me, I don't understand..

I need to go and do stuff, my eyes hurt from staring at a computer screen all day.

Toodles! Have a good evening people! xx
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