Haha, no don't worry Nikki, I'm still here. I'm not really following a plan though, at the moment. Cutting back on cheese, bread, junk and generally trying to be healthier. More fruit, veggies, and lean meat, quorn mainly. I am going to a Slimming World weigh in, because I know the consultant and she's a good friend, and the time of the class is suitable. She knows I am doing my own thing though. The WW class I went to, is still there but I can't get to it due to work, and the village it's in is getting all the roads reworked somehow, the centre of the village is closed off :S
It's just that I am struggling with the points - Eating lots of zero point stuff which is filling me up, then having about 12-15 points left at 8pm... It's making me slip into bad habits, telling me I can have a plate of toast, and a bowl of cereal, and I don't really want to... I guess I'm probably subconsciously doing the no count/core/simply filling thing...
Yes, he found the letter, he said it was "very Jen", I'm not sure what that means... but it made him smile! He also managed to break his hotel room, and has been without power, except emergency lighting for a day or so. Idiot. I got a text at 3am, so 11pm for him, last night saying "yay internet!" so I guess he's sorted now.! He is due to come back on Wednesday, so he'll be back home on Thursday... I'm really tempted to go to Primark or somewhere and get a couple of cheap, OTT girly cushions and throws, and do up his house... Infact.... I really am tempted... We'll see.
Today's food -
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs and salmon on toast
Lunch - will be eating out with Mother. I think I will go for either bolognese, or a jacket spudato of sorts
Tea - I'd better eat that steak. I might chop it up and have it in a wrap, I don't know yet. Or a stir fry!
And..... Shock horror...... For the first time since Friday last week, so infact the first time this MONTH.... Someone other than me, has made me a cup of tea. At long bloody last!
How kind

Update on the cold/flu thing I have - I cannot hear out of one ear. My head wants to explode, and I'm
still overheating. Funtimes!
Have a fab weekend people. X