Some of you may know, my current situation for living arrangements. Yes, we all know, I live in my parents house, which is a complete refurbishment/rebuild of a farm cottage. Great huh, I live on a building site..! Don't get me wrong I am greatful that I have the option to stay here, and all that, but nearly every day, my mother makes it perfectly clear that they weren't expecting me to move back home after 6 years of living away.
As a result of this, I got shoved in the box room, which is a shell of a room, intended to be the study-type room of the house. The walls are chipboard, with white primer on, the floorboards aren't quite even, and I don't have a door yet, or curtains. I have a makeshift blind that covers the window, and a curtain that hangs in the doorway. Needless to say, it is quirky... but it suits me fine! The room was used for storage, til enough space was cleared for me to kip here. I have a mattress on the floor, and basically live out of those packing crates, the ones that I moved up here with.
I never intended to stay here long-term. However, personal circumstances, the housing market collapsing and delaying my house transfer for 2 years... I'm still here, and we're getting on for 2 1/2 years now. I can not afford to rent my own place up here, the oil industry pushes the prices way up, and I don't want to pay to share, when I can do that here. So... I decided enough was enough. And today, I have completely gutted my room. All the stuff that was here for storage, has been moved. I moved my "bed" and unpacked. I actually unpacked. I have ordered a bookcase, and have begun the search for a bed. There isn't a great deal of space, but I see that they do small doubles, which I have measured several times, and this will fit with plenty living space left over.
The worst thing to clear is the clothes. I moved up here with an ebay business, and I still have tonnes of stock left. I think it will gradually go up as 99p items, I dont want to make a profit really, I just want to de-clutter. It is tempting to take it all to charity just to get rid of it... I might do that with half and ebay the rest.
Of course, me gutting
my room, means that I now have the living room, dining room and my parents room, plus the hallway to clear... oops.

They'll get a shock when they get back, I tell ya!
Part of me never wanted to unpack, because I didn't want to officially move back in with my parents. I guess after 2 years, I can't really hide from that fact. It's hard though, having owned my own house, having had my own life, lived by my rules for so long, to come back to being "the kid" again. I'm the baby of the family. I just tried to grow up too quickly.
This is partially why I get so funny when people start up about me and Biker Boy moving in together. I'm kinda determined to have my own space! So I thought duck it. I'm making
this my own space. Mother can say "your room is not a priority" til she is blue in the face but I don't care. She has the rest of the house, I have a teeny room. I'll do it myself if they won't help! Biker said he'll help me paint!! haha
Now.... Parents get back in 7 days. So I have 6 days to get the place back to normal..............!!! this has got to be worth some Activity Points...!