Jenny's moved on :)

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Hope you've had a good day today hun


I'm not missing, fear not!

I went to Biker's after work last night, and ended up falling asleep on the sofa during CSI [so about half 9] and being woken up at half 12 .. "Don't you have to go and feed the animals?" Booger. Yes... So I drive home and go and search for ponies and the bunny in the dark, check water levels, top up feed trays, yada yada yada... and crawl into bed, literally, at about 2am. Oversleep for work, realise crapola, it's a wednesday, the only day of the week I have important stuff that needs to be done on a weds, or no-one gets paid... And make it in to work for quarter to 9. Oops. I start at 8. Ah well, chit happens :D

Last night was ace though, he made his chilli, which is quite possibly the nicest not-too-spicy-but-has-a-kick-you-know-about chilli. Which we had with rice, and toast cos we didnt think there was enough rice. There was. And chocolate cake for pudding, which was "not diet friendly but its ok cos you're only having a little bit"... YES SIR!! haha. And we watched Alice, which was ace, I enjoyed that :)

Anyways, enough of my pink&fluffy babbling...

Food - Well today has been a bit hit n miss. I had beans on toast for breakfast, and pasta with chorizo and tomatoes for my lunch. Really not in the mood, but I have chicken in the oven now... I wish they did smaller boxes of chicken drumsticks, I have just spent the last hour-ish de-skinning about 87 chicken drumsticks and breadcrumbing them...

And I just figured out why this house is so so quiet.... The clock has stopped working, which means no ticking... I think it just needs wound up...

Off to watch SATC 1 tonight, as I am going to see SATC 2 tomorrow. We're going to Ask, the italian place, for tea. And I tell you now, I'm gonna be miffed if the people I'm going with decide to split the bill equally. I don't think that's fair, I won't be drinking, and they are all wine-girlies........ But hey ho. I'll save that whinge for tomorrow, after it has happened :p

I have some morgans, and some thai chilli crisps and dip for my scoffs for this dvd tonight. And a facepack waiting to be put on.
Kinda hope BB doesn't put in a surprise appearance :p Though... if he does... there's a spare facepack for him too ;)
Your life is much more exciting than mine Jen, although mine is about to be spiced up at tad over the next few days ;)

Have a great night. Even though you dont want the surprise visit, I quite like the idea of BB in a face pack :D
I have just laughed myself silly
at you trying to do animal feeds etc in the pitch dark
bleeding Ace
at least you had a nice evening.
I loved Alice too although highly recommend getting Astro Boy on Dvd was the best film I've seen so far this year.

Jen have ya gotten round to trying the Cochifrito yet as I'm thinking of doing it tomorrow
can't be azzed to peel those wee onions though so going to throw in 12 of the pickled variety and not warn Brucie and watch his expression as they burst into vinegar time bombs
Whats Alice?

I love your diary Jen, its one of the few i still read over here =]
Whats Alice?

I love your diary Jen, its one of the few i still read over here =]
Jen have ya gotten round to trying the Cochifrito yet as I'm thinking of doing it tomorrow
can't be azzed to peel those wee onions though so going to throw in 12 of the pickled variety and not warn Brucie and watch his expression as they burst into vinegar time bombs

Not yet, no, it's saturday's plan!
I like the idea of the mini bombs... Bet you can't wait to see his face hahaha!

Thanks Katie :D It's Alice in Wonderland, the film with Johnny Depp that was in the cinema not so long ago. I dropped a major hint to BB that I wanted to see it, gave him the money with a post-it saying "I suggest you take your Jenny to see Alice"... but in typical BB fashion, it took him 3 weeks to decide to take me to see it, and it wasn't showing anymore.... I never mentioned it again, he seemed a bit upset with himself, so no need to drag it up again... and then all off his own back, he's been and bought me the DVD. :D Who said romance was dead hahaha!!

[I've been mildly obsessed with Alice in Wonderland since I was a kid, I did my GCSE art project about it......... hehe]
How disappointing - I finally got myself settled down tonight with my thai chilli sensations, low fat dip, glass of booze, and all my nail varnish, etc... And the bloody dvd is scratched so it doesn't play. I tried it in the Wii, the DVD player, the weird super-gadgetty thing dad has rigged up to the telly, and my computer, and nothing recognises the disk. It's bust. DAMN YOU LOVEFILM!!!

So I'm off to the cinema, with a bunch of people I don't really know but feel intimidated by, by their skinniness and prettiness, to see a sequel to a film that I haven't seen.


I'm really not looking forward to the night now. No matter what I wear, I will feel crap, fat, ugly and heffer-ish. I'd actually rather stay at home and watch a re-run of Footballers Wives...........

:) I'm ok, I'll be fine...

Have a good day people - thursday = nearly the weekend!!

I have just spent the last hour-ish de-skinning about 87 chicken drumsticks and breadcrumbing them...

Gotta be some AP's there!;)

It's Alice in Wonderland

Did you enjoy it? Really want to see it!

watch a re-run of Footballers Wives...........

:eek: I still cant believe they are showing re-runs!!! been waiting ages for that:D

Really random post there - sorry! x
Oh Alice was fab, Emma, definitely worth a watch :)

My day isn't going too badly Kals :) It's lunchtime now, for me, and I'm leaving a couple of hours early today too. So nearly hometime!

I think I should invent a new diet. It's the carrot cake and bacon sandwich diet... Today I have had a bacon sarnie, and two pieces of WW Carrot Cake. I need to learn how to make carrot cake, I love the stuff, and I could eat 6 tonnes of it...

I got a couple of recipe books from Ebay, they are Weightwatchers ones. The baking one, and the simply suppers one, I think it is called? Not sure. Got quite a few books to have a browse through now! I wonder if there is carrot cake among any of those?

Being the only English person in a building full of over-patriotic scots is really going to do my nut in while the World Cup is on. Already, all I can hear is abuse towards the English. I don't understand why people have to be that way. I've even overheard the boyfriend on the phone to his mates, slagging England's football team and being derogatory about England in general. He wouldn't dare say anything along those lines while I was there. I don't understand why people have to jump on bandwagons about stuff like this. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a complete hippy, there are groups/types of people I dislike, but I'm not going to lower myself to insulting, bullying tactics.

I'm a lover not a hater, people. Each to their own. I can't be bothered with stupid pettiness than verges on racism. I don't actually care about religion, I say believe whatever gets you through the day.

I also don't get fair-weather people. I don't have the patience for them. I use this term an awful lot, "fair-weather", and this could refer to people who are your best friend when they want something but couldn't give a stuff about being a pal when you're in need. Glory supporters, supporting a team because they win and do well, not because they have any connection or loyalty to the thing. In this rant, I refer to those who "love football" when the World Cup is on. Even though they don't actually support any of the teams that are playing. And they will insist on watching every damn match. I don't see the point. This is partly aimed at the bloke. He has maybe watched one football match, if that, in a pub when out with work people, in the 2 years that I have known him. He can't even bring himself to watch MOTD when I wanted to see the highlights of a Newcastle game. But he still cancels our damn holiday to watch the World Cup final, and now says he won't be at mine this weekend unless he can watch the football. I DON'T GET IT. And all the girls at work who use it as an excuse to talk to the boys at work...

I'm gonna stop there. I'm just winding myself up now. haha!!

I bought furniture :D Do you know how LONG it's been since I had furniture??!
I am gonna pick it up on the way home. I got a bookcase, and a DVD storage unit, and a desk. Guess what I will be doing later, haha. Gotta ♥ flat pack furniture......
:D Oh good luck Jen on dechipering the instuction leaflets that come along with the humble flat pack
We usually have a few screws left over which his nibs swears are extra's untill the legs fall off something :8855:
Am now going for the cochifrito tomorrow as i'm off if I cooked it today I would miss his expression on the pickled time bombs and this I have to see
I love carrot cake and hate footy, so am not looking forward to the footy talk everywhere I go. Just as well I am antisocial and a bit of a hermit.

Keep us informed of the search for ww friendly carrot cake recipe. I would be a bit wary of making it myself cos I would have to eat the lot, but i suppose I could have a go when oh is here. He is annoyingly skinny and loves cake

Have a great friday
Ey up chuck,
I hope you're having a good day.

I'm loving the sound of WW friendly carrot cake - lush. Though I bet it would be tricky to find one that is actually WW-ok. To be fair Delia does a low fat carrot cake, not sure how it comes out pointswise though. I guess you could substitute certain ingredients? It's the cream cheese icing I like the best and to be fair that's probably the worst bit!

I am in agreement about this hating fair-weather footy fans. I do like footy - but I make the effort to go and see my local team play when I'm effing freezing and they are losing. To be fair though, I'm not that fussed for watching rugby but I do like the world cup. I guess just because I can't be bothered to follow two sports at once - it gets confusing! And very time-consuming! But I suppose I'm a fair-weather rugby fan.

Poor you not being able to watch SATC1 - to be fair I have to admit it's better than the 2nd one, so maybe you are better off not having seen it! You might have been horribly disappointed at the sequel!

Anyway, hope you have a fab time Jen and also hoping you have a lovely weekend x x x
You lot are ace, can always count on you all to bring a smile to my face :)

<-- Look!! I found my red sunglasses! yay!!!!

The film was good, SATC2. I missed the first 10 minutes, since I had a stupid panic attack, thinking that my car lights were still on. No, they weren't but I had to check anyway... But yes, the film was good, I enjoyed it. And Lovefilm have apologised profusely and already sent me the first film again, so I will sit and watch that tomorrow night..

I had intended to finally get my pampering+chick flick night in tonight, but my facepack and whatnot set up in the living room, and Bridget on stand by, only to get a text saying "can I come for a cuppa?" ... Since I'm not going to see him all weekend, I said yes, hid all the girly stuff, and ended up making a pizza, and watching the damn football. To be fair, I did say he could watch it, and I was fannying about tidying my house, walking the dogs, scoffing my pizza, and moving stuff in my room, while he sat and watched the footie.

That's right! The freedom is coming to an end, I went to collect the dogs this afternoon after the Meeting From Hell [3 and a half hrs of my life I will never get back] and the folks are back on Sunday.


^ That's Reiver. She sat there the whole time I was driving home... There's also a collie and a yorkie terrier stuffed in the boot somehow.

Foodwise, not too bad today. There was a buffet lunch in the meeting, which I probably ate too much in the way of food haha. But I was half starved at this point... Breakfast, was poached eggs on toast. I had a yogurt and a banana, and tea was the pizza.
I reckon I've earnt a few AP's for hoiking furniture round. I'm gonna call it 3 for the week, I've done a fair bit of hoiking...

I'm tired... Ready for bed soon I think. I had a look at the scales, and they said a horrible number. nearly 19.... But then, I was wearing jeans and a fleece, and it was after tea, and I'd just had a shower and washed my hur... so I doubt it was too accurate..!

Time to get focussed. Again...

Happy weekend, people!!! x
I've done a fair bit of hoiking...
For some reason this really made me chuckle. I love the word 'hoik'!!

Good luck this week chick - I am impressed with your resilience and you are so determined to focus! Well done you for persevering - it can be horrid when things get out of sync but so much better when you can pick yourself up again.

Have a great weekend - hope you enjoy SATC 1, it made me boo my eyes out and I'm not much of a girly-crier type :D
Hahaha, we have better surround sound, but alas, his TV is way better... I think he just wanted to see if I'd been baking again and see the dogs!!!!
I got these sunglasses in October, and lost them the same day... so muchos pleased that they have resurfaced..!!!!!

I would like to announce a NSV.
It was pretty stressful in my room/house/county for the past 3 hours, but I BEAT ARGOS. That desk was DAMN hard to put together, and I'm not really finished yet, but I don't like the knobs that came with the drawers, so a trip to BnQ tomorrow maybe. I text BB to say "where can I get a knob"... still waiting on his reply, but considering I was quizzing him earlier about homosexual encounters and similar nonsensical topics, I wouldn't be surprised if he's :airquote:gone to bed early:airquote: to avoid me haha. We have the pink themed party next weekend, and I'd said to him would he come along for a couple of hours, and did he want a pink tie, or a belt, he said a tie so long as he can take it off the second we leave. To which I said that it was ok, people aren't gonna think he's gay, and then I asked if he had been in a gay club, and then I rambled on for probably too long about the gay club I frequented at uni, and lesbians coming on to me and stuff.... Moving on, thats the pink party next weekend... Fun times..!

What was I saying? Oh yeah, furniture. This is so bizarre. At the beginning of the week, I had a 6ft by 8ft space, with crates, and a mattress on the floor, and my computer monitor on a tiny corner table.

Now I have a bookcase, a dvd storage thing, shelves, a proper real live desk, and a make-do wardrobe, just a hanging rail... and a bed on standby for delivery.

I've officially moved in :)

I made some banana oaty bars, from the baking book. It said to divide them into 10 pieces, but I deemed this too difficult and chopped them into 9... 2 points a piece and delicious..! Substantial too, I don't want to eat half a batch, I'm happy with just one.... SHOCKING!


God, I am exhausted...
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Dad knows, he was the one who said I should just do it... Mum, on the other hand, keeps telling me that my room is "not a priority"... So *blows raspberry to mother* Fine, I'll do it when you're on the other side of the world. That way, you'll come back on too much of a high to be peed off at me... hah!

I feel like a proper grown up :D
So I might dye my hair tomorrow, to bring me thumping back down to childishness land... hahah!
:D Oh so pleased to hear you have offically beaten Argos and there gobbledegook instructions on flat packing furnishings

howled with laughter at your mother saying your room is not a priority after two years of seemingly squating rights :8855:
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