You lot are ace, can always count on you all to bring a smile to my face
<-- Look!! I found my red sunglasses! yay!!!!
The film was good, SATC2. I missed the first 10 minutes, since I had a stupid panic attack, thinking that my car lights were still on. No, they weren't but I had to check anyway... But yes, the film was good, I enjoyed it. And Lovefilm have apologised profusely and already sent me the first film again, so I will sit and watch that tomorrow night..
I had intended to finally get my pampering+chick flick night in tonight, but my facepack and whatnot set up in the living room, and Bridget on stand by, only to get a text saying "can I come for a cuppa?" ... Since I'm not going to see him all weekend, I said yes, hid all the girly stuff, and ended up making a pizza, and watching the damn football. To be fair, I did say he could watch it, and I was fannying about tidying my house, walking the dogs, scoffing my pizza, and moving stuff in my room, while he sat and watched the footie.
That's right! The freedom is coming to an end, I went to collect the dogs this afternoon after the Meeting From Hell [3 and a half hrs of my life I will never get back] and the folks are back on Sunday.
^ That's Reiver. She sat there the whole time I was driving home... There's also a collie and a yorkie terrier stuffed in the boot somehow.
Foodwise, not too bad today. There was a buffet lunch in the meeting, which I probably ate too much in the way of food haha. But I was half starved at this point... Breakfast, was poached eggs on toast. I had a yogurt and a banana, and tea was the pizza.
I reckon I've earnt a few AP's for hoiking furniture round. I'm gonna call it 3 for the week, I've done a fair bit of hoiking...
I'm tired... Ready for bed soon I think. I had a look at the scales, and they said a horrible number. nearly 19.... But then, I was wearing jeans and a fleece, and it was after tea, and I'd just had a shower and washed my hur... so I doubt it was too accurate..!
Time to get focussed. Again...
Happy weekend, people!!! x