Hey everyone! Hope you all had a grand ol' weekend, I will be catching up on your diaries n stuff later
My weekend was ACE!!

Had a fantastic time at the party, and we'll not talk about how rough I was all day sunday...
Saturday, we went shopping, which was his choice... shocking! Managed to get what he wanted too, and we managed to complete the outfits for the party!
Then we had lunch with his folks [I know, shocked me too!] and went on our merry way further north for the party.
I didn't do warpaint in the end... All I had was black eyeliner and green crayon-eyeshadow... and it looked more Army than Indian... so I washed it off
The party was good fun

I've never really seen him in a social environment, only with family really, so I was a bit apprehensive for Biker Boy meeting my colleagues, and my adopted family who are all slightly mad lol but everyone got on like a house on fire and it was great! I met new people too, and as a result, was having drinks bought left, right and centre. I have no idea how much I drank. I didn't feel
that drunk on the night but the next morning, we both couldn't face breakfast, I could barely stumble to the shower, omg I have never EVER felt so rough... On the 45 minute drive home, we had to stop the car 4 times to get fresh air, I felt that bad!
Needless to say, foodwise, I didn't have a lot yesterday. a bacon sandwich at 3, and a chinese takeaway at 7. That was it. Chicken n Mushrooms, with a handful of chips. I didnt point it...
But it was ace
Today, I'm off work this week, so food could be a bit... erratic?
Breakfast - Sausage sandwich - 5
Lunch - WW Pizza - 7
Tea will be a lamb rogan josh from Asda... No idea on the points for that yet...
Tomorrow, I will be focussing on the food a bit better and getting cracking on this diet properly. I am kinda having today off. I'm on holiday, and I am allowing myself a days break. But in all fairness, I needed the shock of those pictures from the party, I look a bit too whale-like for my liking. And it's a shame really, cos the pictures of US, we look cute haha, there's just a big fat cow blocking half the shot.....!!! So we'll get rid of that big fat bit, and continue being the cutest couple in the world
Oh.... and he said the L word and he wasn't talking about chocolate, or cake ....