Jenny's moved on :)

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Morning all :)

I got my fancy dress costume through... I didn't think it would be quite that see-through! It looks ok though, it fits! I think I need to have an emergency trip to the shops though for nude/plain underwear - there is no way on this earth I can get away with anything polka dot, or stripey, like I have... haha

Breakfast - Sausage Sarnie - 2 WW Sausages and 2 slices of bread, ketchup and mustard - [5.5]
Snack - Chicken + pesto Sandwich [4] cream n chive crisps [1.5]
Lunch - Thai Green Curry Snack Pot - [5]
Snack - 2 x kiwi fruits - [1]
Tea - Pasta (60g), red onion, and tuna, plus WW Mozzarella+Rocket Sauce [4.5]

Total - 21.5 which leaves 3.5 for snacks or savings...

Why is pesto so nice! I am struggling today, I just want to eat eat eat... Nearly lunchtime though, nearly time for my curry :D

And I must admit, I am a little upset about Cadbury's going to Kraft. They'd better not mess with my curly wurlies while I'm off chocolate..

I'm quite proud of myself. We have a Sport thing at work, for logging outside of work activity. Part of the H&S initiative. And for my department, I am top !!! Little chubby me is top for 2010 :) ACE!!
Not to mention, the chocolate... I said I would give up chocolate for a month, and I'm sticking to it :) Wish I could have a Mars Bar though. Or wait, that would probably be too sickly after a month off... Maybe stick to a Galaxy Ripple...mmmmmmmmm. I will SO enjoy that when it is time! I think I miss my Hot Chocolate Options more than actual chocolate, to be honest.. x
Jen, i'm really proud of you chick, u've certainly felt that kick up the bum and have got ur grove on!!!! lol

Well done on ur activities/wii active - ur doing so well......keep it up..x
Thank you Linz :D I will make it to the gym, I WILL I WILL ONE DAY!! haha


Just a short update today - Work is manic already...!

Breakfast - Bacon bagel with philly. There was no bread..! NO BREAD!!! Sheesh! [5.5] for that, worth every bite too!
Snack - baked cream cheese n chive crisps [1.5]
Snack - yogurt/fromage frais [1]
Lunch - Tuna sandwich from the slimmer range, at work [4]
Tea - I have potatoes to cook - so 3 for these. Not sure what to have with that..

Must MUST do the EA Active thing tonight. I was too tired last night, so took a rest day..! :)

Have a good day people, feeling stressed with work already.... :(
Add to that a danish pastry..... :D

I'm not saying "oops". I'm not saying "sorry"... I've REALLY enjoyed it, a proper treat :)

OMG it is the fancy dress party tomorrow, and I have eaten THE BIGGEST CURRY IN THE WORLD!!
It was homemade so not too hefty on the points, thankfully. Chicken and veggies, and tomatos and spices. And rice.. 6.5 I work it out at..!

Breakfast - Toast 2
Lunch - Tuna Mayo sarnie 4
snacks - 5
fruit - 3
Tea - Curry as above..6.5
3 JD+ Diet Cokes - 3

23.5 :)

Happy with that!

Tomorrow, I think will be a loooong day! lol
I won't get online, so... the PLAN... is

Breakfast - Sausage sarnie - 5
Lunch & Tea - No idea, Biker Boy is in charge... :|
Evening - Lots of drinks. Will be sticking to Morgans n Diet Coke...

I feel a bit funny in my outfit... It's a brown/beige dress thing, but it is too short at the back, people will see my pants lol. So I think I might have to have wear leggings underneath, I dont do tights, I just ruin them... so if anyone asks, Indians wore denim leggings, k? haha...

Makeup? what do I do for makeup? Dark eyes? or red lips?? Hmmm... I'm useless at this.! I have the right earrings though ;-)

Have a good weekend people, will update with party gossip on Monday...... lol x
Have fun! Look forward to hearing all about the party!

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a grand ol' weekend, I will be catching up on your diaries n stuff later :)

My weekend was ACE!! :D Had a fantastic time at the party, and we'll not talk about how rough I was all day sunday...

Saturday, we went shopping, which was his choice... shocking! Managed to get what he wanted too, and we managed to complete the outfits for the party!
Then we had lunch with his folks [I know, shocked me too!] and went on our merry way further north for the party.

I didn't do warpaint in the end... All I had was black eyeliner and green crayon-eyeshadow... and it looked more Army than Indian... so I washed it off :)

The party was good fun :) I've never really seen him in a social environment, only with family really, so I was a bit apprehensive for Biker Boy meeting my colleagues, and my adopted family who are all slightly mad lol but everyone got on like a house on fire and it was great! I met new people too, and as a result, was having drinks bought left, right and centre. I have no idea how much I drank. I didn't feel that drunk on the night but the next morning, we both couldn't face breakfast, I could barely stumble to the shower, omg I have never EVER felt so rough... On the 45 minute drive home, we had to stop the car 4 times to get fresh air, I felt that bad!

Needless to say, foodwise, I didn't have a lot yesterday. a bacon sandwich at 3, and a chinese takeaway at 7. That was it. Chicken n Mushrooms, with a handful of chips. I didnt point it...

But it was ace :D

Today, I'm off work this week, so food could be a bit... erratic?

Breakfast - Sausage sandwich - 5
Lunch - WW Pizza - 7
Tea will be a lamb rogan josh from Asda... No idea on the points for that yet...

Tomorrow, I will be focussing on the food a bit better and getting cracking on this diet properly. I am kinda having today off. I'm on holiday, and I am allowing myself a days break. But in all fairness, I needed the shock of those pictures from the party, I look a bit too whale-like for my liking. And it's a shame really, cos the pictures of US, we look cute haha, there's just a big fat cow blocking half the shot.....!!! So we'll get rid of that big fat bit, and continue being the cutest couple in the world :)

Oh.... and he said the L word and he wasn't talking about chocolate, or cake .... :D
Hey Jen, glad you had a fab time and Biker Boys all loved up.....aaawwwww!!! lol

Hope you enjoyed a lazy day today, at least you didnt have to go to work, i'm still shattered after my night out on Sat!!!!...x
Oooh what happened saturday? :D


As if it is the 26th January already... this year is winging it's way past...

He's decided now that he isn't sure about going away to that family function in March... Which is fine, I understand his reasonings for it. If we go, we go, if we don't, we don't. I was hoping to use the date as a milestone, so I might insist that if we don't go to the function, we do something else, just the two of us. That way, the date remains a deadline? I'll speak to him about it :)

Proper motivated. I remembered that when my Mum went through a mid-life crisis "must get gadgets" stage, she got given a photo printer for christmas. Which has since never been used, so I kinda... borrowed it. She said I could if I could figure out how to use it! And I have printed some of the pictures from the party at the weekend. Even though I look loads smaller than I did 2 years ago, it's still not good enough for me! So this, I can't run away from, I can see me, and I can see needing to stay on the straight n narrow because I can do this. I know I can, I just need to actually do it...

So..! Todays food:

Breakfast - WW Sausage Sarnie [5]. Sausages all gone, please can I remember next time that I think sausages seem like a good idea, that I don't ACTUALLY like them much... Its horrendous forcing yourself to use food you know you don't like! So no more sausages for me please!

Snack - I will have a cuppa and a bakewell thingummy later. That's [2] for the bakewell I think, it is an Asda GFY bakewell slice.

Lunch - I'm thinking soup. [1.5] - had a bag of baked walkers instead and a rice pudding, so another [1.5]

Snack - fruit. I need to get me some fruit! I am so bad for this... 2 kiwis and a banana should help? that's [2.5]

Tea - Pasta, red sauce and a ciabatta roll. [7]

Pudding - 2 scoops icecream, a tiny drizzle of toffee sauce and a mushed digestive. [4.5]

Total for the day - 24
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I don't feel like soup...

I just did a whole hour on my Wii Active thing.. the challenge for today, then a customised dancing thing, then a 20 minute boxing programme... Think I will feel the boxing in the morning, wow..!

Hey jen, shame he doesn't want to do the family thing, but you should def arrange something.

One of the girls at work's leaving do's on Sat night, out for dinner and wine and vodka!!! yum!!! Then danced all night, but i'm gettin too old and need about 3 days to recover!!!! lol..x
Sounds like a good girls night out to me! Hopefully you're feeling a bit better now Linz! :)

I tried to speak to Biker Boy last night, but after a 13 hr day he understandably wasn't in the mood to talk anything... This course he's doing is 2 weeks long, I hope it won't be stupid hours for the whole time, he'll be beat... I'm hoping he's gonna be ok for Stomp next week, it'll be crap if I have to get him ANOTHER christmas present haha. He wants to go as well, it's not me steamrolling him into it!

Breakfast -
Bacon Bagel - [4]
Special K Red Berries - [3.5]

Snack -
Cuppa [0]
Bakewell slice [1.5]

Lunch -
WW Salmon and Broccoli Wedge Melt [5.5]
WW Creamed Rice - [1.5]

Tea -
Lamb Casserole - [4]

That's 20 and plenty for a pudding tonight if I fancy it...


Today's plan involves watching the rest of Rocky Horror, another boxing workout, and dance workout, they were fun and my arms don't actually feel like they are going to fall off... and avoiding a guy who was a friend, but has turned weirdo - he got a blue motorbike instead of the yellow one he was going to get, because my boyfriend has a blue one...

Anyway... Best go and be productive and do some washing or something...! x
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Hey Jen

Sounds like you had a brilliant time at the fancy dress - i would have loved to have seen you! The older I get the longer it takes me to recover from a mad night out - at one time I was fine by morning, now it takes me a good couple of days - you have all this to come!

You seem very motivated at the moment - wish some of it would rub off on me - I'm dreading WI on Friday. I've stuck to my points - more or less - but I don't feel any lighter or thinner and am even a bit scared I may have gained!! :eek: I'm wondering whether I should seriously consider some form of exercise?!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week off.

Thanks Lesley :) I bet your weigh in will be fine, just make sure you keep drinking plenty of water tomorrow to keep filled up, so you dont want to snack, and you'll be bang on, I bet! I find sometimes when I don't feel like I have lost, that those are the best losses! :)

For tea tonight, since he is having such a rotten time at work, I have done a lamb stew type casserole. Lamb is his favourite.

It has a lamb stock cube, thyme, rosemary, black pepper and the teeniest bit of salt in the gravy.
300g of lean lamb - 7.5
250g of potatoes - 2.5
3 shallots - 0
a carrot - 0
a parsnip - 1
and I'll get some broccoli on the side - 0

So thats 11 for the whole thing. I would say it will be 3 servings, so round that up to 4 points for me!

I might get a WW dessert for us both on the way over too, see how that goes! If I take it out the box, he'll never know its low fat :p

Have a good evening, people!
I didn't have dessert yesterday - He wanted cheese n oatcakes... Eww :(


Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast - [5]
Snack - Cuppa and 2 digestives [2]
Lunch -
Snack - Special K - [4]
Tea - beef stir fry - beef, soy sauce, spices, veggies [6]
Dessert - WW Vanilla & Raspberry panacotta [3.5] - NEVER had panacotta before... Quite looking forward to this!

So that is ... [ 20.5 ] so far before lunch. No idea what to have for lunch yet...!

Exercise - aiming for 45 minutes boxing, dancing and general toning stuff

I think I am lacking in water - I manage to drink plenty at work, because getting up and going to the kitchen wastes time :p but at home, I end up having far too little.

Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast - [5]
Snack - Cuppa and 2 digestives [2]
Lunch - Cheese and Pickle Sarnie [5]
Snack - Special K - [4]
Tea - beef stir fry - beef, soy sauce, spices, veggies [6]
Dessert - WW Vanilla & Raspberry panacotta [3.5] - Not sure what I make of this... it was ok I guess... strange though...


Plus the exercise...
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