Jenny's moved on :)

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Ahh, Biker Boy is just the best! :D

I happen to agree there ;) hehe

You can make pasta from scratch? That's impressive. I think it's one thing I will never bother with.. that and puff pastry :)

Oooh pastry, no chance!! It always ALWAYS goes wrong!! I have made my own pasta before, but... to be honest... more hassle than it was worth!!! In this instance, I meant the sauce hehe! I like a homemade sauce better than a bought one, definitely.

As usual... Jenny makes a plan so fate sticks two fingers up to it... I can't go home again tonight, my dad said the driveway is unpassable, the road to our village is trecherous apparently.
And I can't get hold of the Blokey, I have sent him a text but he'll be busy working. I'm guessing I will be at his tonight again. Whether he wants me there or not! I have Wii games to play, I want to go HOME!!!

So for tea... no idea. I've said I will cook, which means I have to take a detour to Morrisons at least. I really fancied my bolognese dinner but he probably won't want pasta two nights in a row.

I have 14.5 points left, I should be able to make up a decent enough dinner with that.. Wonder what he'd like... Cue me wandering aimlessly round the supermarket for weeks.......!

I'm tired, and work's busy busy busy. Can't be bothered with it, to be quite honest, today..! Have a good evening everyone! x
I had a right good chuckle at Biker boy bless him for showing an interest.
hope you manage to get home soon and theres no more friggin snow for you
chuckled about biker boy too chick!!!

Men like to look as if they're interested but i don't think they actually listen, so whats the point!! lol....hope the snow clears up quick smart luvvy..xx
Hey just wanted to say hello as i've been computerless for a while and missed your arrival. :) Welcome to the boards and good luck with your journey. xxx
Hey Jen - sorry you're snowed out and hope you get home again soon. At least biker boy bothered to ask about which diet you were doing!!

I'm sure you'll lose the 2lb plus some this week now you are back at work.

Have a great day.

I feel skinny, oh so skinny...

Hi everyone :)

We had the WW chilli con carne, and a packet of Uncle Ben's Mexican Rice for tea. It was gone 7 when I left work again and I really couldn't be bothered to cook! And a pudding, totalled 25 points for the day.


Breakfast was toast and jam - Full fat jam unfortunately, so taking 4 points for that
Snack - Special K [4]
Lunch - Supernoodles and a roll. I was rumbling... haha [8]
Snack - crisps and 2 WW Oat cookies - [4]
And I'm out for me tea. Should have really had soup for my lunch but I didn't fancy it...

So quite likely to go over me points a touch today, but it's a special occasion. Stomp tonight :D I'm already at 20... I have 3 saved for the week.

Will do the porridge/soup/ready meal regime tomorrow to make up for it.. :)

Big smiles today, hope everyone's feeling chipper!!! My team at work went to the local greasy joe cafe for lunch, and all brought back burgers and fish&chips, and stodge. Mildly jealous, but happy with my noodles!

I actually felt not-so-chunky this morning. Hurrah! x
Good on you for not feeling chunky! lol made me giggle. I love those days where you feel slimmer, sets you off in a good mood :)
Stomp last night...
OH. MY. GOD. It was incredible. So so entertaining and full packed of energy, it was immense! Great night, I thoroughly recommend seeing it if you can!

When I got "home", the boyo had cooked tea, which was a nice surprise! Was totally not expecting that!! We had jacket potatoes and mince, and it was so yummy. I love the mince he makes, it tastes loads better than when I make it! No idea how he managed to have 3 jacket potatoes though... I was stuffed after one. Maybe my tummy has shrunk!

So despite having gobbled 20 points through the day, I used the points I had saved this week, and have not gone over my weekly allowance so far. Proud :D


The Schedule is as follows:
07:30 - Wake up late... oops. Scoff two slices of toast, no time for jam, and chug a cuppa [2.5]
08:45 - Skid on the ice round a roundabout, fishtail aboot on the road for a bit... slap oneself to stop panicking, carry on merry way to work..!
09:00 - Get to work, slightly shaky, so sugar needed..! Special K [4]
11:15 - banana sandwich [3.5]
12:30 - Chicken Soup and a roll [3.5]
15:00 - Cuppa and 2 WW cookies [1.5]

[15 so far]

Then - we have a choice. I need to call my dad and see what likes the roads by home.
A- I get home, in which case, tea is a WW Bolognese Bake, and a garlic ciabatta... [9]
B- I don't get home, in which case tea will be some form of curry no doubt...

Either way, I'm a happy bunny :bunnydance:

Talking of which, I need to get home if I can. I have the bag of rabbit food in the boot of my car, and my bunny will be nearly out...!!! Poor Candy, can't have her going hungry can I...

07:30 - Wake up late... oops. Scoff two slices of toast, no time for jam, and chug a cuppa [2.5]
09:00 - Special K [4]
11:15 - banana sandwich [3.5]
12:30 - Chicken Soup and a roll [3.5]
15:00 - Cuppa and 2 WW cookies [1.5]
Dinner - WW Bolognese Bake, and a garlic ciabatta... [9]
So that's me on a total of 24 for the day. Not bad!

And I got home too :)

And I fed the bunner!!! :D [before anyone calls the SSPCA, by the way, my mum has been feeding the rabbit while I was stranded..]

I got a disk off my mate who's fancy dress party it was, so I'm gonna spend the night printing a load of them pictures out :) And looking at the customisable Valentines cards on the Hallmark site... Mwahahaa

After catching up on diaries of course!x
i like the " chug a cuppa" bit lol
Well done you! \Got anythign nice planend for valentines?
Hahaha :D I really did as well, he was hovering at the door "Are you ready yet"... "Can we go yet"... "Come on Jennnnn"... :) hahaha
He'll miss me tomorrow morning when he wakes up and has to make his own cuppa :p

Valentines... I have had something made for him, he works with drills and gets loads of promotional stuff, everything is drills drills drills, and he whinged once that having 3 baseball caps, tonnes of t shirts and heaps of stationery wasn't right, couldn't he have something useful like a mug???? So... you know the I <3 NY logo? I've had a mug made that says "I <3 Drills" in the same style...
He'll either love it or hate it.... watch this space!

And I wanted to make him some chocolate truffles, he loves his chocolate, but I dont know if that might be too much temptation for me? So... Undecided. I might still do that, or I might make a cake. Something horrendously cute and heartshaped either way!!!
Ah Jen - I'm so glad you managed to get home with the rabbit food! Is there still snow up there? Every time I hear the weather forecast say 'snow showers in Scotland' I'm starting to wonder whether you will get home or not! I love the ideas for Valentines day - bet he will love the mug.

Safe journey tomorrow.

Hehe, love the mug idea too!!!! lol

Glad you got home, u still got some of the white stuff hangin around? We had a downpour lastnight, fairly good covering but was gone this morning!!!! thankfully..x
Well thankfully the snow appears to have stopped now... again. I'm hoping that's the last of it, but they say they expect another flurry or two before Easter, so fingers crossed it sticks to the highlands! I never believed that it could cause so much trouble, I really didn't. I still think some of my friends who live in England, think that I am making it up!!


Today will be a skivey day so will work on some menus and meal plans at work... haha.


Have a great day people, nearly the weekend..!
I'm toying with the idea of going to the gym tonight. I shall see how I get on with work... x
Glad all is getting back to normal hun, My plan for the gym this morning has been scuppered...thought my trackies were washed and ready but nooooooo, they were still in the stinky washing basket!!! I do have other pairs but these are the only ones that fit and don't make me look like MC Hammer!!!!

.......... u cant touch this!!
Haha linz, you just made me choke on my tea... :p!

Minor rant - I think someone has taken a dislike to me for no real reason, I'm not sure what I'm meant to have done..! You ask a question, I answer it, and IM THE BAD GUY!??!? I hate when that happens, it makes me wonder what I've done wrong...! Pfft, ah well, it's childish and petty and I can't be bothered with it, so bollox to you matey!!! :)

Today so far has been:
6am Breakfast - Bacon Sarnie. I'm home, people!! haha. [4]
10am Snack - Special K and a banana [5.5]
1pm Lunch will be a WW chicken casserole with dumplings [6]
3pm Snack will be tea and 2 toffee cookies [1.5]
Teatime is dependant on if I can muster the courage to go to the gym... But I think I will have sweet n sour chicken or lasagne... Not decided yet, either way it is in the 6 point region...

Total of 23 with a 6 point tea...
Or I might have a lower tea and save some points, not sure... Hmmm Decisions decisions...!

Yum to the bacon sarnie (not had bacon for weeks..but think i'll have toast n bacon tomoz)
and double yum to the chicken cas wi dumplings....!!!!

Good food day today chick. and don't worry about numptys at work!!!..xx
menu looks nice for today, hope whoever it was thats anoyed you gets a life!:)
Haha, we are starting to be sickeningly cute... its's strange...!

I wii'd a lot... haha

I did my WiiFit thing - +1lb, and 24 years old today.
Then the EA Active Challenge thing
Then a 20 minute cardio toning thing.
Then 5 songs on Just Dance [LOVE IT!!]
and then 3 songs on Samba Amigo, or whatever its called. That's surprisingly difficult actually..!

Foodwise, I changed my lunch to a jacket potato with chilli. Everyone went out for lunch, and I decided to join them. I chose a smallish spud, and there was two spoons of chilli on it, so I'm pointing 6 for that. No cheese, no butter. :) And a diet coke.

Dinner ended up being pasta and a red sauce that I made, so 4 points there.

Total of 21 so far, which leaves a few for evening snacks. :)

I am within hours of completing my choccie challenge! So proud of myself!

I'm shattered. Think I might catch up on Hollyoaks tonight and get an early night. :) Have a good weekend peoples! x
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