Hahaha glad to hear it

And so so well done for getting your January target, big pat on the back !
Oh well.... Not impressed with my day...! My dad went into the village before I got ready to go out, and said that the roads were trecherous. Again. Bloody snow! So I didn't risk it, had a lazy day instead. So no exercise for me! No Just Dance, no nowt. Ah well, I shall get it tomorrow instead, should I be able to get out..!
Part of me thinks it can't be that bad... its only about 4 cm deep... but Dad is a bit of a risktaker, so I'll listen... Sheesh.
Anyway.! The other disappointment was that sweet chilli prawn thing.

I had been looking forward to that, and it was not as good as I had anticipated. It was ok... But I won't be having it again!
I've had rather a lot of digestive biccies today. I think we're on 6 so far. I'm not beating myself up over it, it's boredom and cabin fever
I've read as well that too much protein can lead to weight gain... so I might try and have a vegetarian[ish] diet for 4 days a week, and strictly limit my meat. Some people will think OMG how can you do that?! But I was vegetarian for 14 years til last year, so I should be ok...
And THEN! Dad made me feel bad about never eating with the family, and dished me up a huge portion of his beef casserole and dumplings and stuff. It was so tasty, I enjoyed it, but knowing what dad's like, that's about 12 points.. So I give up today
Soup + Porridge all next week, will get this chubb off... !