Am liking the sound of the pizza toppings, have never noticed those in Tesco's. Will have to keep a look out - where abouts are they?
They're next to the sandwich meat, with the Pepperoni and Salami and stuff like that, little boxes, they're still 3 for £3 today, I saw, but managed to resist.. They'll only make me trough a whole pizza...!!
C'mere and let me squeeeeeeeze you x
Well I never say no to a squeeze!!!

Love the pic mutilation Nik

I must admit I have done a fair bit of that to ex friends... rather than exes... hehe
I've been re-reading my CYT books for sensible outlooks today. It makes sense. Then I have had a fat day, and eaten heaps. But made a sensible choice to not have rice with the rogan josh, just the bread.. ah well....
I was in Tescos earlier and nearly bought myself some flowers. On the way home, I decided that on Monday, I am going to get some flowers, and tell BB how much he owes me for them. Yus. I think I deserve flowers.. I miss him, I hate weekends when we aren't doing stuff. It was funny though, on friday, I had stayed at his to drop him at the airport in the morning, then when I got to work a colleague told me I looked shugged out...
So I went back to the car, added makeup, and then in a meeting later on, yawned in my managers face, oops.
She said "why are you so tired?"
Well, I stayed at the fellas last night, we were up late, til about 3"
"What do you mean"
erm.... Well I did his packing, and his ironing and erm stuff, had to make sure he had everything he needs for his trip"
"You aren't married, he can do that himself"...
What the hell do you say to that????!!! haha. Erm, OK MUM!?
Apparently, I was beetroot at that point. The team found it most hilarious. Come on, Management, we're in our 20s. Like you say, we aren't hitched therefore the spark has not died yet. What do you honestly think we were up to... sheesh...
The Work Colleague who was on the "crash diet" for going on hols, goes on monday. She was the one who thought that a cheese and pepperoni stuffed croissant was healthier than a regular ham salad sandwich.. Anyway, in the whole last 3 months that she has been "dietting" and lecturing me about healthy eating... she went up a size. But that was because the shops sizes weren't accurate, of course. I have her daughters Nintendogs to look after... I have to feed and walk them every day or they will run away. When I was a kid, there used to be a cheat you could put in to games like that but I aint found one yet
Have a great weekend please people
