Jenny's moved on :)

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I would have been so excited about the bone in the steak meaning enough cals left over for choc or pud.

I've had some phone calls with mr v that sound suspiciously like your skype conflab with bb, men sometimes need a good poke in the eye, in a caring way of course

Have a great night
men sometimes need a good poke in the eye

I'm all for this. Selfish bleep hasn't said bugger all to me tonight other than telling me off for leaving his Freeview box on instead of on standby.

It said when I was there that there was gonna be an update overnight, so I thought I'd better leave it on. "Oh. Well it only downloads updates in standby. Never mind. I'll fix it when I get back".

:D yay for the bone
and yay for the pud
have a great day Jen
lets all hail the humble curly wurly haha
hope you've had a good day hun x
Hey hey pretty ladies :)

Yesterday was a bit of a bad day in general. Work problems which rather than get the cuprit to fix, I have to clear up. Plus colleagues with superiority complexes. Plus the fella having a bad day. Plus mum having a bad points day and needing constant email reassurance. Plus the bank!! I hadn't used my card in 2 weeks, so they blocked it - cue lots of embarassment trying to get petrol on the way home and complete fear that someone has stolen all my money. Not that I had a lot to begin with, but I panicked none the less. It's all sorted now, and my card is un-blocked and they are charging me for the priviledge...

Anyway, the stress of that lead to me being a complete arzehole of a b!tch to the fella, a friend, and my parents, so I decided to pretty much keep away from anyone else..!!

I had a plain beefburger from the greasy spoon, no chips. I got really upset though, because a colleague was saying "I thought you were on a diet, should you really be having that", and another said "Jenny, would a veggie burger not have been a better option, with a salad?" I don't have a great relationship with food, now I've been made to feel guilty about it, and I just felt fat and sick and horrible, so my "treat" ended up being completely the opposite thanks to the spectacularly supportive people I work with..!!

But anyway, today is a new day!
I've had a chilled out morning, and a nice afternoon out with my mum. Yes, you read that right..
And tea tonight I think will be red thai curry? I'm not sure, I quite fancy it though, and it's either for tonight or tomorrow..!

I went to asda and stocked up... I have tins of stuff to have at work with a roll, like instead of sarnies I'll have beans and a roll, or chicken meatballs and a roll, that kinda thing.
I also got quorn steaks, three types of burgers, seasoned steak strips, my favourite lemon peking sauce, tuna steaks, beef, and a ready meal of tandoori chicken and potatoes.
The boy had a good tea last night - reindeer salad, salmon in a citrussy sauce with seasonal veg, and chocolate fondant with coulis. And he treated himself to a beer. I love that he texts me at teatime! Starting to miss him now though if I am honest.

I'm just starting to watch Big meets Bigger, on iPlayer... Will catch up soon!! :) xxx
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You do work with some arses Jen if you dont mind me saying...

I hate people commenting on what I am eating they should just shut the hell up - I'm a bit grumpy today so forgive the negativity.

Its good that today sounds like an all round better day long may this continue. Your shopping trip sounds fab so happy scoffing.

Enjoy big meets bigger if its the one in Crete get prepared to shout at the rather stupid and annoying mother in this episode - have a fun day
Don't you just wish some people would keep there flipping traps shut
as for the veggie burger comment in some instants a veggie burger can be more effing calorific than a beef one
as for the bank blocking your card and then charging you for the inconvience there is no way I'd pay for there incompatence couldn't they simple have contacted you to check everyting was alright before blocking it I've never heard of a bank blocking a card from a lack of use over two weeks
think it's well off and totally extreme
I dont think banks deal in customer service now, in the main. I'll just have to shop more so it doesnt happen again. It bugs me, they tell you to manage your money, then when you do, you get bloomin charged for it!!!

It was the USA Big Meets Bigger. Christ, I have come away from watching that in a state of shock, BUT a positive - I have eaten about half of what I was planning to eat for my tea ;) I was so shocked by that show, the people just didnt seem to care, and that double 15oz burger they was talking about, well if you bang that in a calorie counter and work it out, 30oz of beef burger is 2160 cals, 78g sat fat - 50.5 points. And that doesnt include the bread, the cheese, bacon, invariably huge portion of french fries, and, don't forget 20 cals for the salad too... To think I was scared earlier in the week that a 9oz steak was way too much..?!

I should watch scary programs like that more often..!
I think I'm gonna watch the Greece one now too.
I'm saving the Greese one to watch tonight
the Us one was horrific wasn't it Jen
what got me most was the food didn't even look nice
did you see that lumious yellow cheese sauce on the Mac & Cheese they were serving ?
That sauce looked like something they used to gunge people with on Noel's House Party........... lol

The Greece one is pretty good - definitely motivational, to me anyway. Put it this way, I have never had a kebab before, and now.. I don't think I ever will :p
Oooo dare you say to have Jen's mum sign up...this is Jen's escape to vent all re her mum, BB and life!!! haha!!!

Jen, forget about the work folks..they're all jealous!!! eff them!!!!

Hope you're well my lovely jenny
I dont think this is the right place for my mum :) hehe
She's doing well actually, she's lost 7lbs so far, which is really good, but she's starting to get into the mindset of "this is easy, I'll just have a biccie with my tea"... She's been keeping a track of her points but not listing the food - Just "Breakfast - 4 pts, Lunch - 5 points" and so on, so we spoke yesterday and I said we should both get nice funky pretty notebooks to carry to log food, that way we can do the "that was a good week, what happened?" thing.
Plus, if you write that you had 6 points, who's to say that was a full meal, or that was a heap of biccies?! hehe.

Anyhow, she's doing pretty well. I'm proud of her!

And don't worry Nik, these people who comment on my food mean nothing to me, to be honest. They're all so up their own, I can't waste time with them! I think Friday was just an emo-day for me, and even if someone had said "You look amazing" I woulda burst into tears thinking they hated me...... oops!

Sunday today! Usually my favourite slobby day, but I seem to have found some motivation...?
I'm forcing myself to eat porridge for breakfast. I am never really sure if I like it or not, but it is low calorie, low point, and it's a filling breakfast. And I have 16 sachets of Oat So Simple left. Gads... I have the apple and blackberry ones, which don't taste too bad, I think it is the texture I'm not fond of. I might get some more fruit to add to it, see if that helps.
I think I will go for a walk today, not sure where, sure I can find somewhere... Its unexpectedly nice weather...!!

Have a great day people :) x
I decided. I'm going to BBs to make the most of the empty house haha. I'll have a walk in the woods on the way there. Stop at Morries and get one of their delicious lamb burgers, and have a burger for me lunch. MmHMM! And play on his PS3... Wahoo!

Dunno what my obsession is with lamb burgers at the moment.......
Enjoy ur day chick...glad you got some good weather, its kinda mingin here, but startin to dry up at least!!.xx

Enjoy ur lamb burger!!!!yum.x
I must admit to speaking too soon.... 10 minutes down the road, the heavens opened, so I didn't do my walk, and I didnt feel bad about sitting on the blokes sofa with a mug of tea, my burger and watching Eastenders... haha. I had a bloomin great afternoon!

My burger - Was lamb and mint, and I had it in a roll with a cheese slice, and some lambs lettuce and light mayo. Deeeeeelicious! Well worth the points and calories!!

I might have also had 3 of the blokes chocolate brownies. I text him to say please could I have one, and he said yeah, they're probably a bit old though so if they are ok, help yourself. So I had three...??? Greedy tart. There were 5 left, so I didnt eat them all, that was good of me..! I chucked the other two so that I didn't eat them..

Tea was a half-arzed attempt at thai red curry, with rice.

I'm a bit over today, oops.
Will be better tomorrow!!
I love lamb and mint burgers.....weatherspoons used to do 1 and it was the bomb!!!!! haha!!!!

probs not too diet friendly...none of weathys food it!!!!

A lettuce leafs probably 10 pts itself in there!!!

probs not too diet friendly...none of weathys food it!!!!A lettuce leafs probably 10 pts itself in there!!!

Hahaha, yeah lowest pointed Spoons food is probably the salad without the dressing, chicken or flavouring, and tap water. Without ice. 28 points I hear ;)
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