Hey hey pretty ladies
Yesterday was a bit of a bad day in general. Work problems which rather than get the cuprit to fix, I have to clear up. Plus colleagues with superiority complexes. Plus the fella having a bad day. Plus mum having a bad points day and needing constant email reassurance. Plus the bank!! I hadn't used my card in 2 weeks, so they blocked it - cue lots of embarassment trying to get petrol on the way home and complete fear that someone has stolen all my money. Not that I had a lot to begin with, but I panicked none the less. It's all sorted now, and my card is un-blocked and they are charging me for the priviledge...
Anyway, the stress of that lead to me being a complete arzehole of a b!tch to the fella, a friend, and my parents, so I decided to pretty much keep away from anyone else..!!
I had a plain beefburger from the greasy spoon, no chips. I got really upset though, because a colleague was saying "I thought you were on a diet, should you really be having that", and another said "Jenny, would a veggie burger not have been a better option, with a salad?" I don't have a great relationship with food, now I've been made to feel guilty about it, and I just felt fat and sick and horrible, so my "treat" ended up being completely the opposite thanks to the spectacularly supportive people I work with..!!
But anyway, today is a new day!
I've had a chilled out morning, and a nice afternoon out with my mum. Yes, you read that right..
And tea tonight I think will be red thai curry? I'm not sure, I quite fancy it though, and it's either for tonight or tomorrow..!
I went to asda and stocked up... I have tins of stuff to have at work with a roll, like instead of sarnies I'll have beans and a roll, or chicken meatballs and a roll, that kinda thing.
I also got quorn steaks, three types of burgers, seasoned steak strips, my favourite lemon peking sauce, tuna steaks, beef, and a ready meal of tandoori chicken and potatoes.
The boy had a good tea last night - reindeer salad, salmon in a citrussy sauce with seasonal veg, and chocolate fondant with coulis. And he treated himself to a beer. I love that he texts me at teatime! Starting to miss him now though if I am honest.
I'm just starting to watch Big meets Bigger, on iPlayer... Will catch up soon!!
